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Going back to late 2001...back when level 50 was considered "good" I remember looking on the combat highscores back when they had a different layout. I found myself well under 100 in the Hitpoints rank. It was then that I considered myself quite adept at Runescape.




hmm thats what my friend said

6 year anniversary was 8/25/09




thx for the sig Runescape's fav cookie Oreo9870

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This is definitely it. It would be the morning where i finally bought my first Rune Longsword for 30k (Don't flame me, it was a long time ago) and stored it in my bank. Then I ran over to the Hill Giants in my shiny new Rune Chain, which i had spent the whole day before trying to get, and trained like crazy till 40 attack. Then I ran back to the bank, took out my Rune Longsword, and wielded a Rune weapon for the first time. I looked like this --> :mrgreen:




Interestingly though, nowadays when i get a Rune Longsword in a clue reward, i just alch it and move on. Boy do things change huh? ::'

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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When I wanted to become a staker on my really bad main.




I asked for advice on graveyard help and advice forum and was told to get








70 attack




50 strength




70 defence








I spent all of May and June training those stats on F2P at Deadly REd Spiders, and merchanted my butt off to get enough for veracs. I then go play some pc and people start complimenting me saying "WOW a lvl 70 with Veracs!." And then some A-holes saying "wow what a waste of veracs...your max hit is 17 HAHA..."








First time I felt better than everyone else, which is my personal definition of a "noob"

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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When i stopped of calling noob o people because in fact, people who calls other noobs are the noobs (exepting for those morons who keeps beging or calling you scammer for dont sell to them a rune plate for 25k, those are noobs!!!)








Or when people who call me noob are like 30 lvls less than me and even dont know how to get fun and think all in runescape is combat and skilling like a mad.



Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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Months afte RSC became members only, I realized that my computer magically could handle RS2 all of a sudden, because it couldn't hence I played RSC in 2005. I think when I started playing RS2 I realized I wasn't a newb, although I wish I had proof of my RSC days except for the friends I made back then. Wish I could still play RSC. I loved the days when I could turn my camera as much as I wanted, but I could never see the back of a lesser during battle.



Guthix Gladiators!

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Hmmm...I'd say porbably when I knew that wheat wasn't a rare item and that having 20 strength isn't really that good. Also when I killed a monk, I felt pretty good.

You:Aol is messing my computer up.

Aol:You said you want to use broadband now?

You:NO! Aol lets in hackers...

Aol:Thanks for upgrading to premium services!

*$213 bill arrives in mail as computer crashes*

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when i found the hiscores and i was there in




























but, when i saw Zezima in hiscores i though i was a noob again

No! You'll die if you try to kill that farmer!
nah whips should be as left as is. besides theyre the intestine of an abbysal demon (i think) have fun crafting that.
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wheeeeen i was lvl 53 and lvl 100s were following me asking to buy my phats...lol. Once i kinda grew out of that phase, i stopped being officially one around lvl 80. Personally, i think someone stops becoming a noob at about low 80s.

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You mean when I stopped getting annoyed when people called me a noob?








Um... when I wore full Rune maybe.


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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when i discovred the back staircase into the drawrven mines haha but seriously prolly when i realisezed that outher people looked at me and thought they wera a noob compared to me
:lol: tee hee

6 year anniversary was 8/25/09




thx for the sig Runescape's fav cookie Oreo9870

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