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Can you say "gluff"?


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I get so frustrated that people call a scimitar a skimmy. I eventually went to calling it a 'simmy.' I pronouced glough 'glowg' (pretty bad) and Yanille 'Yanill.' I pronounce stuff wrong a lot because I read more than I talk (but at least I don't say skimmy... :x )





Anyway, does anyone know how to pronounce Nechryael?




Neck-real? I'm probably way off, but that's how I say it.

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for the Barrows brother's I say:




Da-rok, but I think it's really Da-har-rok.


Ver-ahk, I think that's right.


Ah-Rim, I think that's right.


Gooth-en, probably right.


Care-ill, maybe right.

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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Well, maybe we should be adding some recording and download it on the internet and pronounce the words. That would be nice.




Anyway, does anyone know how to pronounce Nechyaerl?






I think it's Nech-ee-air-el.

Supermonk, proving you wrong since 1992.

Supermonk rocks, I want to have his children.

Music is like candy. You always get rid of the rapper.

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Scimitar - Scim-mi-tar


Glough - GLOW!


Yanille - Yan nil


Ardougne - Aro - gdoone!




Karil - Kah - ril


Dharok - dare - rock


Ahrim - Ah - hrim


Gunthan - Gun - thin


Verac - Ver - rack

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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I said scimitar.


I said glow.


I said Ya-nill.




I'm wondering about the Barrow brothers.




Is dharok Da-rok or Da-har-rok.


Is verac Ver-ok or Ver-ahk.


Is ahrim Ah-rim or Ah-reem.


Is guthan gooth-en, gooth-an, or gooth-un.


Is karil care-ill, car-ill, care-el, or care-ill




dharok - Dare-ock


verac - Vare-ahk


ahrim - Air-him


guthan - Gooth-en


karil - Care-ill








ver(very - the y) ahk


air him or rum












i always said yay nil, and scim i tar, g-loff

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scimitar: simitar (good)


Glough: glow (bad0


yanille: yan-ill


androunge; an-drone




Yeah i'm bad with this kind of stuff. I hate meeting rl friends who play rs and pronouncing things differently lol


Doing a little bit of everything

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Anyway, does anyone know how to pronounce Nechyaerl?




I can see to possible ways to pronounce Nechryeal, "Nech-Rail" or Nech-re(or ree)-ale. Anyways...












"Glow" makes sence for Glough in my opinion, same principle as dough.




I bet nobody could pronounce the name of the strongest monster in the game. :twisted:




(Full name, not just Jad.)






"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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  • 7 months later...

i say Yanille right, but i say skimitar instead of simitar, and i said glowf in stead of gluff. i also say tiz-tok-zhad for Tz-Tok-Jad


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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i say Yanille right, but i say skimitar instead of simitar, and i said glowf in stead of gluff. i also say tiz-tok-zhad for Tz-Tok-Jad




Way to bump a half-year old thread -.-




Anyways, I've never seen this thread before. Thanks for bumping it :thumbsup:

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Thats how i always have pronounced these words and always will, not that it matters much since i very rarely say any of these words (think them a lot though).

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i say Yanille right, but i say skimitar instead of simitar, and i said glowf in stead of gluff. i also say tiz-tok-zhad for Tz-Tok-Jad




Why do you keep bumping old threads, this isn't the first time you bumped very old threads.




Anyway, I say Yanille: Ya-nill. Tz-Tok-Jad: Tizz Tock Jadd. Ardougne: Arr-doy-en. Glough: Gloff.




It depends where you come from. Different accents pronounce words different ways.



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