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Area Sounds: i have sound off




Emote Screen: i rarely use it, but its ok




Orange Text on stats page: almost the same




New Equipment Page: its nice, for 2 clicker ppl, didnt u click scroll to see the str bonus? same clicks....




Run Button: for ppl saying its small, u can click in the image, so its same size or even larger, for location its just time till i get used to




Lumbridge Bank: when i was free i allways asked myself, why there is no bank in lumb.. so its nice




Compass it looks more real




Rune Boots: well who doesnt like it?? rune boots + climb in one..




Free Lumbridge teleport: its allways nice when u forgot to bring tele or change glory ammy, oh and 1 step away from telenubs (cant use it on combat ;))

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Area Sounds: 9/10 - It makes runescape much more interesting.




Emote Screen: 5/10 - I find it confusing, it's hard for me to tell which is which from a glance at the picture.




Orange Text on stats page: 8/10 - Doesn't affect me too much.




New Equipment Page: 6/10 - I love how you can open a new window and see yourself, but I hate how that's the only way you can see your armor stats.




Run Button: 8/10 - I've been adjusting fine to this.




Lumbridge Bank: 8/10 - Great addition to F2P, because there was no previous bank close to Lumbridge.




Compass: 7/10 - Less convinient, but then again, I know my East from West.




Rune Boots: 9/10 - It's about time they upgraded the rune boots.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 10/10 - Great for when you are far from a bank and forgot tele runes. It also reminds me of RS2 Beta. They did this same sort of thing, if anyone remembers that.

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Area Sounds: N/A i dont use sound




Emote Screen: 5/10 good for visual thinkers...im a text thinker plus i dont like having to hover over the emotes to know what they are




Orange Text on stats page: 3/10 Terrible. it hurts my eyes




New Equipment Page: 3/10 i miss being able to look at my stats when fighting or to see if i get protection or attack on a certain field. Close up of my character is 'ok'




Run Button: 0/10 WAAYYY too small




Lumbridge Bank: 9/10 The more the better. Good for f2p




Compass 8/10 Never Eat Sweet Wheat. The more you know




Rune Boots: 9/10 no more climbing boots !!!!!




Free Lumbridge teleport: 9/10 Great for my slayer tasks!





Click here to see my goals and achievements thread

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10/10Area Sounds: maybe good but idk, i dont got sound on my computor




0/10Emote Screen:horrible, made for mentally challenged 3 year olds




0/10Orange Text on stats page:horrible, yellow was best




5/10New Equipment Page:iffy




0/10Run Button: bad, its confusing now




0/10Lumbridge Bank:dont care, i use the one from RfD anyways




0/10Compass: bad, no w,s,or e.




5/10Rune Boots:dont really care atm, not worried about combat




0/10Free Lumbridge teleport:noobbs getting special things

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Area Sounds: 6/10 get anoyying if standing in the same spot.




Emote Screen:3/10, utterly useless and confusing.




Orange Text on stats page:-1/10. I absolutely hate it. Yellow was ftw.




New Equipment Page: 10/10 Love it.




Run Button: 6/10, I haven't had any problems with inconvinience of it.




Lumbridge Bank:10/10, it's great.




Compass7/10, I liked the old one better, but this one is nice.




Rune Boots:10/10, finally.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 10/10, very useful if you forgot teles or something, also the animation owns hard.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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b]Area Sounds:[/b] 7/10 also havent heard many




Emote Screen: 7/10 its decent.




Orange Text on stats page: 10/10 for some reason, it just looks better.




New Equipment Page: 6/10 i do not like how you cant look at your bonuses during combat




Run Button: 8/10 i'll get used to it eventually.




Lumbridge Bank: 9/10 its about time f2pers got a bank of their own




Compass 7/10 its okay, but i still liked the old one




Rune Boots: 11/10 awesome!




Free Lumbridge teleport: i think it's an ok idea, its a good way to get out of somewhere if you forgot a tele.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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Area Sounds: 1 - I don't use the sounds I play my own music




Emote Screen: 1 - It looks sooo bad...




Orange Text on stats page: 8 - who cares?




New Equipment Page: 5 - I like looking at that for no reason while in combat, it kind of messes that up but it does look really cool and you can take things off/on without closes the window.




Run Button: 6 - I like the big button more its just easier.




Lumbridge Bank: 10 - I like it a lot because I haven't even started RFD haha. And people are saying it's ruining the reward of the hardest quest in RS? From what I know you don't have to complete RFD for access to it, and starting it/doing 1 subquest should be pretty easy.. not a hard reward to earn.




Compass 4 - I just like old school more, it just looks better




Rune Boots: 9 - Why wouldn't you like that? Also rangers can't complain because they have boots that add way more then 2 and mages have infinity, mage boots, split bark, mystic.. they just can not complain.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 11 - awesome because if you are stuck somewhere without a bank or any transportation then you can use it, plus there is a bank in lumb. castle so you can quickly grab the correct runes and go wherever you want to be.

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Area Sounds: Pretty cool, I like the idea and they're neat.




Emote Screen: Kind of bulky, but I like the pictures and smarter arrangement. The update will bring new life into emotes too and people will be using them for a bit again.




Orange Text on stats page: It burns my eyes! I don't like it now, but I think that it really won't affect me in the future. The prayer symbol looks a bit better, too, but again, different.




New Equipment Page: I like it a lot! It kind of made all of Droolman's work become half as valuable (this update is like the Cook X of taking RS pictures, you don't have to crop/merge to get all the stats :wink:). The update stole my chin though :shock: (see below)




Run Button: I don't really mind because of the control-click, but it really bothers me if I want to like check the energy. I assume I'll get used to it.




Lumbridge Bank: It doesn't affect me because of the Basement Chest, but in f2p it's a good bank when you can't get to Al Kharid, but it's good because it won't overly affect the time of f2p bank runs (like from the cows) because it's up all the stairs. This + the free tele to lumbridge makes this a good noob bank or a bank that requires no runes or excessive running to get to (for more inventory spaces).




Compass: I didn't like it when I first saw it, but now I actually like it a lot better because I like the bright shape in the back. It kind of out-dated the crew avatar though :wink:




Rune Boots: Well... I've never had rune boots but this makes you no longer need to use climbing boots and forfeight the defence bonus (+ I get 1 strength with my addy boots I got myself since I'm so cheap, heheh).




Free Lumbridge teleport: I like this a lot. I really like the idea of spells/moves with a recharge time (and also free things, heheh). This spell also aloows you to be able to get more items per inventory load. Where as you used to have to bring some form of space-occupying teleport or leave a space for jewellery to teleport, you now can have that one more space to fill with an item and then you can use this spell to go with the bank. The animation is really cool too and shows the more of the future potential.






No chin:








I've also noticed they've just updated tons of random things with much better graphics. The dwarf cannon quest area with a new fence, dwarves, and fighting NPCs for example. Also the guy outside the fishing guild is sitting in a chair and kind of crafting something, so you can see how much more updated the game's graphics are becoming in general.


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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Area Sounds:


Don't use the sound...


Emote Screen:


I HATE IT, I dont know what half of them are, and it takes up more then the whole screen :x :x :x :x


Orange Text on stats page:


I HATE IT everything is harder to read


New Equipment Page:


It's ok, I like how you can put different things on and have the stats change instantly


Run Button:


I HATE IT, it's small, and not where it used to be


Lumbridge Bank:


really don't care tbh, I use the cellar one anyway




Dont really care :P


Rune Boots:


Meh, I don't have a pair, I'll get one eventually, I do have to admit it'll be nice to throw theose climbing boots out


Free Lumbridge teleport:


I like it, good for slayer and when I need to bank soon, TOG and a lot of ther things :P

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Area Sounds: I play on mute




Emote Screen: HATE IT




Orange Text on stats page: no big difference




New Equipment Page: i don't like it




Run Button: *refer to emote screen answer*




Lumbridge Bank: i like it




Compass no big difference




Rune Boots: i'm back to f2p now <.<




Free Lumbridge teleport: like it

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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Area Sounds: 10/10 - It is about time.. Now all we need is footsteps




Emote Screen: 1/10 - Too colorful and you still have to scroll to get to the emotes. They should have a smaller pic + text and no scroll bar.




Orange Text on stats page: 5/10 - Mixed feelings really.. I think it is nice to have a bit of change in this area, but also completely pointless.




New Equipment Page: 7/10 - I had to give this lower than a 10/10 because you have to click a button to make your stats pop-up and that is a bit clunky :? But other than that it looks really nice and I love the close-up shot of your character!




Run Button: ?/10 - Who really cares? It is either on or off.. and if you do a lot of switching between the two, then just use the ctrl button like I always do. It will become a habbit and is very simple.




Lumbridge Bank: 8/10 - A bit pointless to a P2Per such as myself who has access to the culinromancers chest, but cool none-the-less.




Compass ?/10 - Again, who really cares? It is not like it affects gameplay..




Rune Boots: 10/10 - An item like this should have had a bigger advantage from the beginning. I always wore climbing boots but now I can finally wipe the dust off the boots in my bank.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 10/10 - No more getting stuck at the end of the slayer cave because I forgot teleports :oops:


136 Combat, 2290+ Skill Total

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I have yet to log in BUT I can still express my opinions!




Area Sounds:8/10 It can only be good if it improves the area and it doesn't create any lag.




Emote Screen:5/10 Too silly for my tastes




Orange Text on stats page: 5/10 Yellow for me. It looks strange




New Equipment Page: 9/10 Very Unique! I don't think I've seen many games set it up like that!




Run Button: 7/10 Ctrl+Click has always been existence. That's how I run if I'm running away from anything.




Lumbridge Bank: 4/10 Why? Lumbride has never deserved a bank. The newer players are getting it too easy now. I think the struggle and the ability to know your surrounding area is more important than easier banking for beginners.




Compass 7/10 Not sure about this one. I don't exactly use the compass, I orient myself by looking at the map itself and rotating it accordingly.




Rune Boots: 7/10 I don't much care really. It's nothing big to me.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 6/10 I don't exactly like it. This free teleport just makes it easier for the beginners to get back to Lumbridge. I still think that you should go through a baptism of fire to be able to play the game.

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Area Sounds: 5/10 = Don't play with effect sounds on




Emote Screen:6/10 - Don't matter to me




Orange Text on stats page:7/10 - I like it a bit better




New Equipment Page:9/10 - I like it a lot




Run Button:5/10- I don't really like it, but there is always a Ctrl button to use ;)




Lumbridge Bank:5/10 - No need for it(R4D bank)




Compass4/10- I prefer old one




Rune Boots:8/10- Excellent idea Jagex :P




Free Lumbridge teleport: 1/10 - No use



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Area Sounds: dont care




Emote Screen: lame 1/10




Orange Text on stats page: 5/10 liked the old 1 better dont really mind this




New Equipment Page: 10/10 A+ jagex.




Run Button: 1/10 gay...




Lumbridge Bank: 5/10 decent




Compass liked the old better... 4/10




Rune Boots: 1/10 i dont like def noobs get [cabbage] upgraded.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 9/10 amazingly helpful when you forget a tele when doing this or that.

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Area Sounds: 9/10, some of the sounds don't sound so good, the waterfalls sound a bit metallica unfortunately.




Emote Screen: 8/10, could have the name of the emote beneath it to make it easier.




Orange Text on stats page: No comment, doesn't bother me at all




New Equipment Page: 7/10, I like the character close up though, makes it so you can screenshot your character up close for what you're wearing. But now it'll be hard to check your equipment stats if you're in the middle of fighting.




Run Button: Don't care that much, except that I need to get used to it where it is now, because it used to be on the emote page, so I keep clicking the emote page lol!




Lumbridge Bank: 5/10, I'm a member, so I have the Culinoromancer's chest, but it would be good for spinning bowstrings if I ever did that that is. Or if I was F2P




Compass Meh, I like how it looks, but I'd still like the East, South, and West symbols (E,S,W)




Rune Boots: 4/10, Prices went up. And it makes no sense really. They're heavy metallic boots that provide DEFENSE. How could they provide strength as well? Whereas climbing boots have a small defense, but provide that extra strength to CLIMB.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 9/10 It's good for the newbies. But I love messing around with the awesome looking animation, man is it sweet.

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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Area Sounds: 9/10 - Makes the game much more realistic, though some sounds can be annoying.




Emote Screen: 5/10 - Needs names so I know what they are quickly.




Orange Text on stats page: 0/10 - Turn to yellow pl0x!!




New Equipment Page: 6/10 - Viewing your character is cool, but can't view your bonus stats while in combat.




Run Button: I'm kind of neutral on this.




Lumbridge Bank: 7/10 - It will make flax spinning easier. I don't mind it.




Compass 5/10 - Needs more directions.




Rune Boots: 10/10 - I'm all for this, it's great!




Free Lumbridge teleport: 7/10 - It's good, but the normal teleport has been made obsolete. Phr33 l4w run3s!!

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Area Sounds:




Don't really affect me, I don't use sounds on RS.




Emote Screen:




Definately the thing that I will have to adjust to the most.. I use emotes a lot :oops: It's very confusing now that they are in a different order, and no longer say the name of the emote. And a few of the images are slightly difficult to decipher :oops:




Orange Text on stats page:




Horrible. I'm sure I might get used to it eventually... But for now, it's just disgusting.




New Equipment Page:




No opinion really. The little image of yourself is quite cool though, I must say.




Run Button:




I've gotten used to it :P




Lumbridge Bank:




A very good idea, I think. When I first started RS, it took me ages to find the closest bank, nobody would show me where Draynor was :(












Rune Boots:




I actually don't really understand why there is a strengh bonus in boots (doesn't make much sense), but I suppose it's a fair update :? Doesn't really affect me, I don't wear rune boots. Desert boots ftw!




Free Lumbridge teleport:




Very convenient. Not only is it a great idea for the sake of new-comers, but it's handy if someone ever forgets their tele :P

Posted Image


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Area Sounds: 8 Nice addition, but slightly bizarre at times.




Emote Screen:8 It's better.




Orange Text on stats page: 3 Not terrible, but the yellow was better.




New Equipment Page: 10 Love that new character close up.




Run Button: 5 I don't care what the mods say, it is smaller.




Lumbridge Bank: 8 With RFD done this doesn't affect me.




Compass 9 Just as easy to use, but looks better.




Rune Boots: 10 Can't fault this.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 10 Great idea.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Area Sounds: 8/10 i never listened to them in the first place coz the music is so corny (stupid) but it's a lot better than before, still not going to listen to it tho lol




Emote Screen: 9/10 most people respond to visual more than verbal, so it's nice to see pictures, although this will take a while for me to get used to o.O




Orange Text on stats page: 5/10 errrg hate it! i personally liked the yellow font coz it wasn't too loud and it wasn't too dull, now they're orange it confuses me a bit wen trying to look at a stat coz i'm sooo used to yellow coz it's the perfect colour for it -.-




New Equipment Page: 8/10 i think it still needs to have the bar at the bottom on wot stats u have coz i hate having to click on the button to see the stats, also the weapon page is pretty good as the auto retaliate button is huge =p




Run Button: 1/10 bad positioning :shame: and it's really hard to click on coz it's so small, and i'm so used to it on the other page, very confusing -.-




Lumbridge Bank: ?/10 wah? there's another bank? o.O errg no comment -.-




Rune Boots Strength Bonus: 10/10 0wnage! bout time -.- i always used climbing boots coz i'd rather hit more and harder than hitting nothing and never being hit, so now that it's combined it deserves 10/10




Free Lumbridge teleport: 10/10 it's gr8 for new quests if u forgot tele runes, or ur in wildy and forgot tele runes it also looks really kewl!!!!

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Area Sounds:


A nice edition, the make runescape more realistic. 8/10 because some are repeditive




Emote Screen:


Very nice graphics, could benefit with text 9/10




Orange Text on stats page:


not in favour, yellow was easier to change, un-necisary




New Equipment Page:


Love it, the popup bit is awesome 10/10




Run Button:


Hate this, i keep clicking on the wrong menu, it's too small




Lumbridge Bank:


Havn't seen it yet






Very nice, its like an actual compass now 10/10




Rune Boots:


Yay for rune boots! 10/10




Free Lumbridge teleport:


Very good for new players, its handy for slayer tasks too 10/10


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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Area Sounds:4/10, does not even work on my comp




Emote Screen:3/10, looks like vax :E




Orange Text on stats page:10/10 !!!!




New Equipment Page:5/10




Run Button:1/10 allways missing last 1




Lumbridge Bank:10/10 go low prices go!




Compass10/10, no complining




Rune Boots:10/10, only helps melee pkers against melee pkers, and players versus monsters




Free Lumbridge teleport: 10/10 roflll

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No chin:






ehm yes u have ur beard is just the same collor as the background, look carefully and u see

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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Area Sounds: Yes, i like em




Emote Screen: Too hard to see which emote




Orange Text on stats page: hurts my eyes




New Equipment Page: Okay... good and bad in different ways.




Run Button: too hard to access




Lumbridge Bank: yah




Compass no wai!




Rune Boots: yah




Free Lumbridge teleport: you bet!





"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Area Sounds: 3 I never have them on, but at least they're trying to improve it if you ask me.




Emote Screen: 7 I actually seem to like it better. It adds a little jazz to it I guess.




Orange Text on stats page: 2 I like the color orange, but stats do seem harder to read now.




New Equipment Page: 4 It's fine with me because it keeps the clutter out of that icon.




Run Button: 1 When I want to run, I want to run. The old run/walk buttons made it a TON easier.




Lumbridge Bank: 10 As it is the place where new people start, it makes sense for it to have a bank, which is why I gave it a 10. BUT people who have started Recipe for Disaster can just use the chest in the basement...




Compass 3 It looks kind of cool, but I liked it show N, S, E, & W better.




Rune Boots: 7 Don't have any at the moment, but when I do I guess the strength bonus will help.




Free Lumbridge teleport: 10 This is a very nice spell to have in case you are out of runes and need to go somewhere in that vacinity.




As you can see, these changes are just OK to me right now, but eventually we will all get used to them and forget about it. I mean, the skill panel didn't show your XP or QP anymore after Construction came out, and I got used to hovering my mouse over for XP and going to the quest panel for my QPs. I think it'll catch on to us eventually. =)






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[b]Area Sounds: 7/10 - Add a unique ambience to the game, althought I haven't heard many of the new sounds.[/b] 

[b]Emote Screen: 9/10 - Emote buttons look great. They are a good size and just simply look nice. However, it was somewhat easier with the text buttons[/b]

[b]Orange Text on stats page: 8/10 IMHO, it matches the look of the stats page better.[/b]

[b]New Equipment Page: 10/10 Very cool idea. You can see up close what your character is wearing AND see a full layout of your stats.[/b]

[b]Run Button:10/10 Pretty much the same as before..Just click the button and ur off. I use ctrl key to run mostly, but i still like it the same.[/b] 

[b]Lumbridge Bank: 5/10 This somewhat eliminates the point of the RFD bank, however is convenient if on an f2p server and in lumbridge.[/b] 

[b]Compass: 7/10 I like the new look a lot, but it could use some dots for the other directions[/b]

[b]Rune Boots: 10/10 The addition to rune boots gives users more of a variety for a str bonus. Whether you want an armour bonus with a str bonus or a str bonus and nothing more [climbing boots] is now an option.[/b] 

[b]Free Lumbridge teleport: 8/10 Makes life easier if you forgot a tele and need to bank [now there's two banks in lumby]. Good for members and f2pers alike. [/b]


Sig Under Construction

Current Goals: FIshing 91/99 Cooking 93/99

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