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Next Gen Bets: X360 PS3 or Wii?


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Keywords: Nintendo Sony Microsoft Console Games Gaming Bet




PS3 is releasing one month from now and the Wii two days after (November 17 and November 19).




People tend to change camps when the going gets tough. So let's have this simple poll to keep track of people's initial choices; as I'm sure a year from now, there will be discussions and arguments about whichever is winning/losing.




To participate, just copy + paste the 'Option' you agree with the most.








Option A


1. Xbox 360


2. Playstation 3


3. Wii








Option B


1. Xbox 360


2. Wii


3. Playstation 3























Option C


1. Playstation 3


2. Xbox 360


3. Wii










Option D


1. Playstation 3


2. Wii


3. Xbox 360














Option E


1. Wii


2. Xbox 360


3. Playstation 3























Option F


1. Wii


2. Playstation 3


3. Xbox 360
















Option G


1. Tie: Xbox 360 & Playstation 3


2. Wii




Option H


1. Tie: Xbox 360 & Wii


2. Playstation 3





















Option I


1. Tie: Playstation 3 & Wii


2. Xbox 360




Option J


1. Xbox 360


2. Tie: Wii and Playstation 3








Option K


1. Playstation 3


2. Tie: Xbox 360 and Wii








Option L


1. Wii


2. Tie: Xbox 360 & Playstation 3










Option M


Something else.












I'll start. I choose:




Option E


1. Wii


2. Xbox 360


3. Playstation 3




I don't want Sony out of the console market, but I don't think that they have a chance of getting the top rank. Microsoft has been impressive with the Xbox 360, especially with the Xbox Live (unfortunate in Japan though). However, Wii is the most promising because of many reasons including its price and new controls.




Forget what I said about there ^ I changed my mind. I don't think PS3 will get beaten by X360 this round, but I do think that Wii will still come up on top.




Put in which option letter you chose to make it easier for me to put you under that category ^^








Xbox 360








Proven Online Capability (Xbox Live)


HD-DVD Add-on ($200)


Backward compatibility with 267 Xbox games (requires hard drive)


Two Options (Premium / Core)


Xbox Live Arcade


DVD Playback


HDTV Capable


5.1 Dolby Digital Audio


Microsoft XNA








Online Capability Fee ($ 50)


Core System titled as the 'Tard Pack'


Wi-Fi adapter costs $100






Playstation 3








Integrated BluRay player


Backward compatibility with all PS1 & PS2 games


Two Choices


Free Online connectivity


HDTV capable


5.1 Dolby Digital Audio


USB mass storage


Online Browsing Capability


Integrated Wi-Fi capability




Yellow Dog Linux








Lack of Rumble


Most expensive next-gen console
















Wii Channels


Backward compatible with all GameCube software and most peripherals


Nintendo DS connectivity


Free Online connectivity




Cheapest next-gen console


Built-in speaker on controller


512MB built-in flash memory


USB mass storage


Opera Browser


Virtual Console


Online Browsing Capability


Integrated Wi-Fi capability










Only EDTV-compatible (No HDTV)


Lack of Ethernet Port


Only Dolby Pro Logic II Audio

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Option H


1. Tie: Xbox 360 & Wii


2. Playstation 3






It's obviously hard to decide between the 360 and Wii since Wii isn't out yet - BUT, if some of the things I'm hearing about the Wii turn out to be true, it's going to be sick.


For those of you who don't live in my area, sick means "awesome" or something

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Option B


1. Xbox 360


2. Wii


3. Playstation 3






I personally don't think any of the new systems are worth the money spent on them but they just keep coming..




Xbox 360 - My bro bought one and it's not too bad. Graphics are nice and the wireless controller it comes with is a plus.




Wii - Probably won't buy one unless they come out with some good games but I've loved Nintendo since I got an NES.. I am forever theirs.




PS3 - Heard too many bad things about it. I WILL NOT purchase one of these. The prices I've heard are just too high for my taste altogether. I loved the old GTA games for PS but they've got them on Xbox now so there's no reason for me to buy a PS3.

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Option F


1. Wii


2. Playstation 3


3. Xbox 360








Shadow, you either didn't know about or have forgotten earlier this year(Jan-Mar is last when I heard this) that the ps2 was outselling the Xbox360.(havn't heard any recent statistics)


It doesn't look for microsoft

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Alright, I chose...


Option D


1. Playstation 3


2. Wii


3. Xbox 360




I've got a large playstation and playstation 2 gaming library. Backwards compatability is a big issue for me. With launch titles like Resistance: Fall of Man which looks impressive I'm pretty much hooked. Yes it is expensive but money isn't really an issue for me as I believe that the PS3 will start out slow but eventually level off with the amount of units sold over the next few years.




What's really limiting sony is the fact that only 400,000 units are available in North America on the launch date so they're really gimping themselves.


Being able to play my games on a 1080p television only makes it an even better choice for me.




The Wii is inexpensive (in comparison). It's going to be a hit amongst the children just as the Gamecube was. The only reason I see myself ever buying one is for Twiilight Princess or Super Smash Bros. Being able to play all the old nintendo games is a plus but if I wanted to play my favorite ones I'd dust off the old N64 from my cottage.




Now the 360. I'm not a big fan of FPS's. Yes, Resistance is an FPS but I want a console that has a more vast gaming library then FPS games.




Sony has found a middleground between the age groups that can apply to anyone.

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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Option E


1. Wii


2. Xbox 360


3. Playstation 3




Although I must add, obviously, that PC will always be at the top.




As far as my choice goes:




Wii - Really looking foward to it. I think that this time nintendo may have hit a unique idea for a system, something the gaming company has needed desperatly for years. If they exectute it well (good games and service) they very well may be a great seller.




Xbox 360 - Lets face it, launch on this thing sucked. I'm not sure still about the Xbox 360 vs. PS3 but it seems microsoft is getting on the right side for the 360. All it needs are more good games (which it's getting, thank god).




Playstation 3 - Launch does not look preaty. Lets look at the facts: $600 dollar tag. System may or may not have all of the 9 cores working. Many of it's console only games are getting ported to the 360 as well. Doesn't have much of a graphical upgrade (right now, at least) than the 360 does. No idea on what games will actually look like, because yes, this is sony here we are talking about.




Oh, and hardly having any consoles at launch doesn't help either.

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Even Though I'm getting a Wii first (for a few months/years?) I have to go with. X360 just has the price + setting that gamers are more comfortable with.




Option B


1. Xbox 360


2. Wii


3. Playstation 3


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Shadow, you either didn't know about or have forgotten earlier this year(Jan-Mar is last when I heard this) that the ps2 was outselling the Xbox360.(havn't heard any recent statistics)


It doesn't look for microsoft




I know, but Microsoft has been pushing the pedal harder recently. With Lost Oddysey and Blue Dragon coming out and all to attract the Japanese market (RPGs). Not to mention some of the lost exclusives from Sony (GTA + Assassin's Creed).




Not to mention that the PS3 will be competing against PS2 in a way as well. IIRC, silver PS2s are coming out.




Oh, and I will buy Xbox 360 just to play Assassin's Creed if possible. I need to buy my own HDTV first though :(

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Option F


1. Wii


2. Playstation 3


3. Xbox 360




Wii - SSBB, Twilight princess ect, need I say more?




PS3 - Costs a lot, but has great potential.




Xbox 360 - Don't like Xbox . :roll:


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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Even Though I'm getting a Wii first (for a few months/years?) I have to go with. X360 just has the price + setting that gamers are more comfortable with.




Option B


1. Xbox 360


2. Wii


3. Playstation 3




I'm going with that one as well. Especially because one of my best friends works as a PR manager for Microsoft Belgium :)

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Option H.




Microsoft has been drifting around long enough for people to have recovered from their initial sepending on that system to be capable of forking out more for a second - if they wish. And with the pathetically small difference is performance between the xBox 360 and the PS3, I'm willing to bet most people will opt for a Wii, both on price and because it's actually offering an entirely new component to console gaming that the other two can't even touch this time round.

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Option J


1. Xbox 360


2. Tie: Wii and Playstation 3




Wii is going to face sale problems because of it's graphics, and the Sony fanboys will grant the PS3 doesn't become a complete commercial failure.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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I guess I'll have to go with Option L. The Wii is going to be the only console I will buy, I'll never even consider buying the other ones, so I guess I could go under Option M: 1. Wii 2. Nothing 3. Nothing.




However you want to list is fine.



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Option L




Where to start.




The Wii is going to sell well, it has a very attractive price, and a unique control system. I suspect this would be a 2nd console for many gamers.




The Xbox 360 seems to be off to a fairly slow start, but it has a good lead which would help it alone. I personally believe that Microsoft does not have its heart set on the console market.. I personally believe that Microsoft is keen to focus more on the PC gaming market then they have been, and that would hurt the Xbox game selection.




Although I have never been a fan of sony, it does have a lot of supporters. They would sell a lot of consoles but I personally suspect that the price is going to be too much for many to swallow. They are going to fight it out with Microsoft for second place and towards the end of this console generation it would overtake the Xbox.

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Option J


1. Xbox 360


2. Tie: Wii and Playstation 3




Wii is going to face sale problems because of it's graphics, and the Sony fanboys will grant the PS3 doesn't become a complete commercial failure.

ive noticed that the wii "fanboys" are more ignorant than any others and wont stop calling people sony "fanyboys" just because they can afford the better system so you decide to bash them and make fun of them




just let it go, if you grew up around playstation games and you could afford it, you would be the same way, but no you are an ignorant fool who wont admit when he is wrong

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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Option J


1. Xbox 360


2. Tie: Wii and Playstation 3




Wii is going to face sale problems because of it's graphics, and the Sony fanboys will grant the PS3 doesn't become a complete commercial failure.

ive noticed that the wii "fanboys" are more ignorant than any others and wont stop calling people sony "fanyboys" just because they can afford the better system so you decide to bash them and make fun of them




just let it go, if you grew up around playstation games and you could afford it, you would be the same way, but no you are an ignorant fool who wont admit when he is wrong




That the PS3 is a better system is debatable so should not really be used as a fact.

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I would love it to be:


Option E


1. Wii


2. Xbox 360


3. Playstation 3




However, it pains me to say it, but I think it will be:


Option D


1. Playstation 3


2. Wii


3. Xbox 360




Despite Sony's smegginess, I think they have so many fan-boys, they could market horse manure and still sell more than Nintendo nowadays :(

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There's a difference in what I think, and what I hope it is going to be.




I think this is going to be the result of the console war.




Option A


1. Xbox 360


2. Playstation 3


3. Wii




But I hope it is going to be this:




Option E


1. Wii


2. X-box 360


3. Playstation 3




Obviously I will be buying a Wii.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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