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Woodcutters Guild


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Of course you have to consider the level 3 autoers that would be in there has well. It has been suggested and considered many, many times, but because of the huge autoer/macroer problem it has been rejected. If there was a place with twenty yews in one area, it would just help out all of the autoers, which is the opposite of what we want to do.








If it was P2P, there would be a low chance of autoing there.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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if autoers can be programmed to walk to trees cut them down go to the bank bank them and do it all over again what makes you think a simple question is going to do anything?They will most likely be able to pass the question with relative ease, unless it changes everyday

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i like


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5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

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Of course you have to consider the level 3 autoers that would be in there has well. It has been suggested and considered many, many times, but because of the huge autoer/macroer problem it has been rejected. If there was a place with twenty yews in one area, it would just help out all of the autoers, which is the opposite of what we want to do.








If it was P2P, there would be a low chance of autoing there.




There are members on P2P alright...I've already seen over 10 this month! Autoers sell the RuneScape money they make for real life money, which usually ends up with over $5 per account per month. Enough to pay for membership.








And Txinghorns has a point. There would be what, 3 possible answers? The chance of getting it right is 1/3. And you should have two chances, just in case an honest player misclicks. That raises the chance of the autoer getting in to 2/3. Over half the time, the autoer will get in. Not good.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Make ALOT less trees, and forget the combat level to enter. Ruins it for skill pures, and its not that hard to get 30 combat anyways if you had an autoer, so pointless. Im gonna draw a map for the wc guild, I'll show you what I think :wink:


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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I dont think this is such a great idea,its a woodcutting guild so why should combat level come into it or even fletching and firemaking that would be like having a smithing requirement to enter the mining guild,although they aid eachother they are all individual skills.Another problem i see is surely these trees(magics and yews mainly) would just became as crowded as the ones in seers.

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stupid... its just one of the skills that wont ever get a guild, same with smithing, cons, rc, flechting, farming, thieving and herblore








but they could make a skiller guild... all you need:




lvl 60+ of all the skills above accept cons.












but wc guild sould be kewl... but then they wont need to add normal trees in it like yew and magic, but just in mini game format, like 10 new trees and that you need to cut tree number 7, and youll get 1 point for every log, and per x points you can unlock kewl looking tree made stuff or gatjets. and for xx points youll beable to buy a crystal axe...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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WC guilds kind of annoy me, no offence. What people don't seem to understand is that the entire world of runescape is filled with trees, spare al kahrid and the troll lands. Everywhere you go has trees, so what is the point of making another one?








He has said enough. More yews/mages would kill all woodcutters (the prices would lower) and make woodcutting, firemaking and fletching a lot easier.




If it was members only would kill autoers, so i think you can only enter this guild if your fm+wc is 140 or higher.

No! You'll die if you try to kill that farmer!
nah whips should be as left as is. besides theyre the intestine of an abbysal demon (i think) have fun crafting that.
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How about:




Two Areas, an F2P and P2P Area, and a P2P Area only. To get into the P2P Area you need 60+ Firemaking and/or Fletching, and to be on a Member's server, to get into the guild overall, you need 70-75 Woodcutting, and 50+ Firemaking because lets face it, Mining requires a lot more attention then Woodcutting.








In the F2P Area there are 6 Yew Trees, 12 Willow, 15 Oak, 19 Normal.








P2P Area: 8 Magic Trees, 14 Yew, 15 Maple.
















We aren't thinking of equality, we're thinking of something JAGeX will approve of. Giving members better access of the guild could influence F2P WoodCutters into getting Membership. And JAGeX wants more people to become Members. They won't make it equal since, well, that just wouldn't be smart for buisness. It'd be saying "You want to get more, and better trees? Get members!". And it won't be putting down F2P'ers much at all.

















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nice idea...




u could make a new range of trees and make the logs untradeable this would stop the autoers that want cash and the honest cutters would have a good place to train




and u could make a minigame wer u hav to get a job from a guild master and do different tasks like get a certain amount of logs and u get some exp and wen uve done 5 jobs u get an ammy of woodcuttin which makes u cut down trees faster


Barrows drops: 1 Karils skirt on first run :twss:

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Overpowered much?












-8 Magic Trees (Only In Members Worlds) < NO




-20 Yew Trees < Kidding me?




-30 Maple Trees (Only In Members Worlds) < Don't joke.




-60 Willow Trees < You have a crude sense of humour.




(Got suggestion about the amounts, Post em below)








INSIDE THE GUILD....(Besides Trees)




-1 Bank < NO




-2 Tree Farming Patches (Only In Members Worlds) < NO




-1 Axe Store (Mithril - Rune Axes, At good price) (Also you can repair axes here) < Yes, fine.








This will kill woodcutting. Be useful and post a useful suggestion?



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You have to answer 1 of 100 questions that a 1st grader could. This is to allow skillers and woodcutting pures in, but not let autoers.








100 would, in my non-programers opinion, would be a good number of questions. Taking the time to program an answer to each question would take time no one would take.


The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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on the questions thing, all they would have to do was change the colors of text and color of background on the question, if a autoer color is slightly off, then the whole script is ruined (the mouse goes crazy)








all they would have to do is put different questions where the questions just change and the color changes just a few pixels each question and it would throw autoers off.








Another way, make a minigame where you get tokens, make a max on the tokens and every so often you lose tokens (like the warrior guild thing.)








with the tokens you should get decent wc experience to.








also, thats a ridiculous amount of trees.








maybe like 20 yews and 10 magics, or something like that, if it was members thats more then enough trees imo

Barrows drops: ahrims staff (2), karils coif, karils xbow, torags plate body, veracs helm.

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I like the idea but wc is just too infested with macroers to make it any easier. Also, I don't see how answering a security question at the door will make any difference. The owner will take control of the macroer long enough to get in the door, and then never leave. It's a good idea, but it just won't happen. :(

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WC guild is a good idea but most of you want it to fit to your own wants and not anyone elses. I see alot of people saying the req's should be what their lvl's are.








You've got to be real:








-Obvisouly the guild would work better as a P2P guild only, bringing in new members.




-In a F2P guild the highest tree would be yews and the only other tree worth putting in would be willows. 2 trees in a guild is pointless especially when the autoers find a way around the safeguards (which they will find)








-65 wc req as cutting yews lower than that is hard and even then it wont be easy with all the poeple there.




-Another req too like fm or fletching would work best but then again not everyone uses those skills.




A low req for fm wouldn't work because a low lvl auto-er could easily use normal logs and oak logs from cutting them to lvl up to get the fm, and fletching might work but when I was a mem I hardly used the skill and macroers could do the same as fm.




So the only possible solution would be 50 (at the least, I'm thinking 58-60) fm or fletching.








-To stop the macroers.... I like the random question thing but only you have to answer it everytime you go to the bank or the shop in the guild. I know it would be a hassle but it would slow down the macroers. The answers wouldn't be in the same place (like the princess/prince-frog random, my 2nd time I automatically went to where I thought the Yes was going to be but instead clicked No). And it would only be like 5 (10 tops) very simple questions.








-NO mini games or token crap. this a guild not some other place to add more stuff.








-6 through 8 magic trees




-8 or 9 through 12 or 13 yew trees




I honestly don't care about the rest as I would only cut magic/yew and maybe willow or maples (81 wc, 71 fm, and 13 fletch for now). But obvisouly there would be other trees like mahogany and maple trees.








Also they would have to make like a woodcutters gloves or quest becuase the cook guild needs a chef hat and crafting needs a brown apron.




I'm thinking Woodcutters gloves (or maybe even a new axe) where it counts the number of logs cut and after a certain amount you have to recharge it in the guild. You'd have to do something for it like a quest or... or something. It'd help with the macroers a bit too. (If you can come up with something better then lets here it)








This obvisouly wouldn't be excatly as it is. But when you all agree you have the perfect idea then everyone should just bombard Jagex with the suggestion/idea. If enough people told them I think they might do something about it. It'd work even better if we could get on of them to agree with us and help out too.








This is how I think it should be, don't go hating me if you don't agree on something. Feel free to coment on this.








RS name: Raymundo 3rd

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