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Fast Metabalism


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My metabolism fairly slow so I do have to watch what I eat ,but for those with a fast metabolism you are lucky...I have friends who look like they are anerexic but eat twice what I eat during a day. Although when I was younger I grew quite larger due to the amount of food I ate during the day cause yeah I never cared how much I ate. Now I see the results and of course watch what I eat. Today I am not that fat, just a little I guess you could say above normal,but not like fat.

Dagannoth Slayer



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I eat so much during the day thanks to my metabolism #-o I can't go more than a few hours without having to eat. However, the food I do eat is very healthy; Home-made sandwiches, bran muffins, fruits, and lots of water.








I swear, if I was ever in a crisis I would be so screwed. I would be complaining that I was dying of hunger before the first 24 hours were up :mrgreen:

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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I'm 6'3" and about 160 pounds last time I checked. I'm not like nasty skinny but I'm fairly skinny. I eat A LOT of junk food and I eat a lot of healthy food (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). My mom makes sure I have food from most of the food groups in my meals usually for lunch and dinner. Anyways my parents said I ought to start working out now because they think I'll be filling out because I've been eating so much lately. I just can get motivated to go to the gym and do that. I can't even get motivated to do pushups/sit-ups/calf raises like I always used to do. Once my friend finishes with soccer though I think we are going to go to the gym together.








But yea I think I have a pretty fast metabolism, and I don't mind. Though it is kind of a pain hugging girls because most of them are pretty short-normal height, and I'm pretty tall, so it makes it slightly awkward, plus I'm a tad skinny. I usually just go for the one-armed hugs. Oh well =\.

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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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I'm 5'11" and around 130lb.








I haven't checked my weight for a long while, but it has really only gone up by 2kg or so over the past few years. I eat a lot of everything, with a strong preference for meat, and in particular, pork.








I'm sitting here eating and engaging in play-by-post Dungeons and Dragons. I hope I'll at least fatten up a bit to make the image more realistic... I mean how can I be a D&D nerd if I'm not fat, or at least plump?








My girlfriend's been trying to fatten me up with vast quantities of Chinese food, but so far, my body has proven impervious to her cooking.








Jesus, nearly the exact same as me LOL. Except instead of D&D i'm eating (not much though...needa buy more food :() and playing an MMO. :oops: .

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I'm 5'11" and around 130lb.








I haven't checked my weight for a long while, but it has really only gone up by 2kg or so over the past few years. I eat a lot of everything, with a strong preference for meat, and in particular, pork.








I'm sitting here eating and engaging in play-by-post Dungeons and Dragons. I hope I'll at least fatten up a bit to make the image more realistic... I mean how can I be a D&D nerd if I'm not fat, or at least plump?








My girlfriend's been trying to fatten me up with vast quantities of Chinese food, but so far, my body has proven impervious to her cooking.








Put more oil and beef fat in it :thumbsup: . You must be able to add something. Try eating meals every 3-4 hours (except when you're sleeping, don't wana choke now do you), that should be around 4-5 meals a day, or try some high calorie milkshakes.








Remember, fat gives you the highest calories/gram.

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I go through a ton of food a day but I also do a lot of exercise. I guess my metabolism to be 2750+? 6 foot and 140 pounds. Well built :D


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Both of my parents are slim, and all me and my siblings all follow that trait, although my brother is ultra skinny though. I myself am about 5'8, weigh 8 stone which is about, hmm 8 x 14... uhh where's my calculator... ah ha, 112lb. But then weight takes into no account your body fat percentage, you could be slim but have a large fat percentage, which ain't good. But with regular exercise I wouldn't worry too much about this, unless your diet is appauling.



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I don't know anything about metabolism, but I truthfully say I eat a huge amount (mainly healthy stuff though, as well as that I'm a vegetarian) and I'm pretty tall, but thin at the same time.

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Wow, some of you are freakin skinny.








Heh, ~5'10" and weighing in at 95 pounds. 16 aswell, I just can't put on weight. :P I ate about half of a cake which had an ingredient list matching the length of the Bible and didn't gain squat.




I'm always baking myself cakes, muffins and brownies and yet I gain nothing. I also don't exercise alot, I only play golf. (Although... it's more exercise than meets the eye.)

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Wow, some of you are freakin skinny.








Heh, ~5'10" and weighing in at 95 pounds. 16 aswell, I just can't put on weight. :P I ate about half of a cake which had an ingredient list matching the length of the Bible and didn't gain squat.




I'm always baking myself cakes, muffins and brownies and yet I gain nothing. I also don't exercise alot, I only play golf. (Although... it's more exercise than meets the eye.)








Well, you beat me by a few pounds. I didn't think anyone could get skinnier than me, but apperantly they can.








I am 20 also, so I am pretty much done growing. I don't eat a lot, but for my size I think it is pretty average. I am decent with alcohol also, if I can judge anything having only really been out drinking twice.



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Wow, some of you are freakin skinny.








Heh, ~5'10" and weighing in at 95 pounds. 16 aswell, I just can't put on weight. :P I ate about half of a cake which had an ingredient list matching the length of the Bible and didn't gain squat.




I'm always baking myself cakes, muffins and brownies and yet I gain nothing. I also don't exercise alot, I only play golf. (Although... it's more exercise than meets the eye.)








Well, you beat me by a few pounds. I didn't think anyone could get skinnier than me, but apperantly they can.








I am 20 also, so I am pretty much done growing. I don't eat a lot, but for my size I think it is pretty average. I am decent with alcohol also, if I can judge anything having only really been out drinking twice.












I'm 4'10, and weigh about... I'm not sure in pounds, but 33 kilos.








(Anyone know the conversion rates thingy?!)

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I have a slow metabolism. I envy those that are born with fast ones.








Same, i've been trying to lose weight because I put on abit :3> 9st and im about 5'6'', OK im fat haha. I don't really care, im losing it and doing pretty well.








My step-bro has way fast metab, he must go through about 3-5 twix's and cake bar's a day, and he only drink's coke. yet he's as fit as a fiddle.










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reading that post made me even more hungry lol, thanks for the advice, it sucks having a fast metabalism doesn't it?








You know what really sucks? Being fat and having no one to love and dying alone.








I love you. You make everybody feel better :D

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I sort of have a fast metabolism, so I am really skinny. 5'9", and only 105lbs.




About the same here. 1 inch taller and about 110lbs. I eat a lot, but can't gain any weight. My metabolism is ridiculously fast. Sometimes I'll go to the bathroom before I finish eating if we're having an hour or longer dinner (assuming that's the current food I'm eating - I wouldn't have any idea).

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mine is fast, but i also do sports. im glad that i dont have to look after what im eating








Even if you don't gain weight from junk food you need to always watch what you eat. It may not be physically apparent but you can still do irreparable damage to your organs.








Skinny doesn't necessarily mean healthy and overweight doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy.

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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Almost everyone is lying about their height or weight OR both. Haha, well I'll HONESTLY say Im 6'3'' 170...








I honestly get offended when people assume everyone is lying, sure, some people could be exaggerating, but I for one have no reason to lie on something so trivial as weight and height. Who's to say anyone's lying, this is the internet you can write what you like, and no one can prove against it if they do not know you in person. Hence there is no need to accuse everyone is lying, you have no evidence for or against that argument.



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I too have a fast metabalism. 5"10 and 120 pounds :) .








I like it, personaly. However I don't eat a ton either, which is kind of funny.








same with me :o except im not that tall or that heavy... im hungry alot but have a small stomach lol, im really skinny (like 75 pounds!) and im 12 in 7th grade, everyone says im small :( lol, i actually mostly eat barley anything (well sorta) but theres also times when ill eat tons and tons of food and still be hungry :lol: i always eat breakfast (unless my mom gets mad :-$ ) and i always eat lunch, except sometimes on weekends i skip it unless i go with friends, and i ALWAYS eat dinner, duh!

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Almost everyone is lying about their height or weight OR both. Haha, well I'll HONESTLY say Im 6'3'' 170...








I honestly get offended when people assume everyone is lying, sure, some people could be exaggerating, but I for one have no reason to lie on something so trivial as weight and height. Who's to say anyone's lying, this is the internet you can write what you like, and no one can prove against it if they do not know you in person. Hence there is no need to accuse everyone is lying, you have no evidence for or against that argument.








ownt 8-)

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Almost everyone is lying about their height or weight OR both. Haha, well I'll HONESTLY say Im 6'3'' 170...








I honestly get offended when people assume everyone is lying, sure, some people could be exaggerating, but I for one have no reason to lie on something so trivial as weight and height. Who's to say anyone's lying, this is the internet you can write what you like, and no one can prove against it if they do not know you in person. Hence there is no need to accuse everyone is lying, you have no evidence for or against that argument.








I on the other hand am worried about so many people being underweight. At 16 I was like 190 pounds, and I was almost bony, well not quite, but almost. But people have different physiques.

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