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Swedishboy7's blog! Going for all skills 80+!

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As usual, thank you for the posts everyone!


I have now reached level 98 Runecrafting and I have just got 1 level left to my goal of maxing out the Runecrafting skill. I'm now thinking about the 99 party that I will host when I level up, but I haven't got that many great ideas to be honest. That is why I would like to ask you, the ones who read this, to give me suggestions. And don't post things like "OMG! You have 700k+ nats in bank! Drop them all in Falador PARTY room! @@@@@@", because I won't. Only serious suggestions please :P.

I will announce the party details as soon as I reach 12M rc xp. Probably the party date will be around the 10-20:th of December though.

Now I'm concentrating on gaining the xp required for this last level up.

Btw, the new task system is good. But I don't like that Jagex removed the Objectives tab. I was at 84% :(.


Please keep posting :).


Here are some updated pics:













Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Drop 99 of them in the party room during the 99 party? :razz:


99k of them. :razz:


Let's go half the way each?

I will drop 9,999 of them ;)



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Very nice! Just remember "with great power" (runes) "comes great responsibility" <-- not sure why I posted that... but I did.


For your party, why don't you do something outrageous? Like getting all your friends and supporters to go and slaughter the poor chaos elemental? All he does these days is pester treasure trailers. I feel sorry for him.


Or you can go on a hike all round the wilderness and kill every rev' that you come across.


...just some odd ideas, could be fun. :)


Well done again.

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Oh whoopie, getting close :D


As party I suggest:


Start off by getting your lvl on your favourite place. (Doesn't have to be an altar)

Walk/tele to cape

Show-off a bit

Go play whatever you like (probs GOP D:)

Have fun :D


Don't forget to wait for me :(

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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Thank you all for your great ideas!

I have now set up the party and here is the details:


What is this party? Swedishboy7's first 99 (Runecrafting) party!

Time and date: The party will be on the 12:th of December, 7 pm Swedish time (that is GMT+1).

World: 7 (F2P)

Place to gather at: Lumbridge castle's entrance.

What to bring: A water talisman/tiara/water rc staff for the level up, but it might be wise to bring weapons and armour for later on. There will be many chances to bank though before these are needed ^^.

Clan chat: Swedishboy7 (Logical, right :) ?)

What we will do: We will first gather at Lumbridge castle. I will probably speak for a little bit, and then we will head to the water altar where I will get the level up. Then we will head to Varrock, with one or more stops. What we will do I won't reveal, but it will be fun ;).

I will hop to a member's world and get my untrimmed rc cape from Aubury. Then we will head up to the clan wars arena and see if anyone dares to challenge us. If they do, we will make sure they regret it :D.

Finally, we will head down to Falador's party room for a drop party. I have already promised I will drop 9999 of the nature runes I have crafted on my way to 99 rc there. But there will be many more drops as well.


I really hope you can come :D



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I updated the blog now. I'm now just beneath 700k away from level 99 rc. Please keep the posts coming, and don't forget about my party!

Here are some updated pictures:









Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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