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What happened to Tears of Guthix?


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Before you read further, this is not a rant (allthough i might complain :wink: ), but meant to share experiences.








5 weeks ago i had a new personal highscore of 155 tears (with full questpoints). I've tried to break this 150-barreer for a long time, but always averaged a nice 110-130 tears..So, being very happy with this result, I expected to see more in the following weeks.. More quests, more questpoints, more tears?








How different was reality.... In the following 4 weeks i couldnt make 100 tears once.. my average probably was around 70 with even 1 time 52 tears.... It seemed that my clicking on blue tears activated only green tear spawns.... Today i gathered 92 tears.. above my average of the last 4 weeks, but still far less than my average before that..








Is this all bad luck (what i hardly believe), a hidden update from Jagex, or some other mechanism that is being activated by my 155-score or maybe by a maximum cap. in lowest lvl (now for me runecraft lvl 63-64)








Please discuss

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I was thinking the same thing as you a few weeks ago. I usually averaged about 115-125 pts per run. But for a few weeks, if I hit 80, I was getting lucky. But the past 2 weeks I've hit my averages again. So I'm gonna have to say bad luck for us every now and then.

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

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221 qp and got 63 yesterday. I also seem to have noticed it got harder.








It seems logical that jagex would make it harder for people with more QPs. I mean they are always adding more quests do they have to make it harder or eventually there will be people with 300 qps getting 200+ pts.


Geaux Tigers ! Congrats on a great year !

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221 qp and got 63 yesterday. I also seem to have noticed it got harder.








It seems logical that jagex would make it harder for people with more QPs. I mean they are always adding more quests do they have to make it harder or eventually there will be people with 300 qps getting 200+ pts.




But people who have completed alot of quests usually need alot more tears to level, so it balances itself out. Right now I think it's just bad luck, but I'll see for myself when I go later on in the week.

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i think jagex has changed the rate at which they change, making it harder to get the tears, coz i used to be able to get the bowl under the blue streams alot, now i have to frantically run around getting tears for the scarce amount of seconds that they last for :I

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I too have had the same "bad luck" the last couple of times. Its like the guys at Jagex are purposely trying to nerf everything, from weapon specials to minigames. Tears of guthix was meant to be a once-in-a-week fun thing to do, the little xp you gained was just enough to make you happy, now it feels just like a crummy treasure trail with little to no reward at the end. Ah, I'll go and try my luck today, see if things have bettered. <.<

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I too have had the same "bad luck" the last couple of times. Its like the guys at Jagex are purposely trying to nerf everything, from weapon specials to minigames. Tears of guthix was meant to be a once-in-a-week fun thing to do, the little xp you gained was just enough to make you happy, now it feels just like a crummy treasure trail with little to no reward at the end. Ah, I'll go and try my luck today, see if things have bettered. <.<








You've summed up my opinion with that statement.








P.S. Nice Bioware Avatar. :D

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I just beat my personal record (123 tears), it's all RANDOM.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I got the same problem but not from now :? I got it for like 2 months now (since I installed the wirelass router) - usually gets between 80-100 tears (few times got about 60-70 but never passed the 110 and I do it every week on the clock). When it first started I used to get like 100-130 most of the time almost never under 100.




I really thing it is random and it is all about luck and lag.




The luck mean to get long streams of blue tears.




The lag mean when the tears disapper, the time untill u get it (server -> your client), click on another spot (your client -> server).




and combine lag with luck you get short blue streams and clicking on other spots that untill u get there change to green streams.

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Ya, I posted a thread about this in the Help/Advice thread around a week or two ago and many people agreed.




I have done one more Guthix Tears mini-game since then and can honestly say that it stinks now :cry: . Both times with max quest points I could not get over 100 points.

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