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My friend might kill himself.. what do I do?


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I don't know where else to go for help at this time, because I need it right now, so let me just give you a brief explanation..








My friend is 15, he's been going out with his girlfriend for 7 months, and he believes that this girl is totally going to be "his one and only love forever." They always always fight over things, but then the girl can make things right instantly just because my friend really loves her, right?








So he believes he's the one causing all the fights, and yeah. I don't know, he wrote this really long thing in a blog about how he should just continue to shut out everyone in the world b/c it wouldn't make a difference and then says that he needs us as his friends, when we're all ALWAYS here for him. He cuts himself, he goes around unhappy most of the time, he's an angry guy too.








But still, he's a great guy down inside... and he's helped me with alot of things... :cry:








Please don't suggest suicide hotlines either :|

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I think the best thing you can do is just be there for him. Listen when he wants to talk, make yourself available for him. Verbalize how highly you think of him and how glad you are that he's your friend. :)

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Don't lose track of him and watch everything he does.








And always, ALWAYS talk to the guy. ALWAYS. :-$








Keep his mind off things.

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Tell him to stop being a whiner.








People who whine about suicide NEVER kill themselves. They just want attention. People who truely wish to die just end it right away.








He's 15. That girl, I don't care who she is or who he is, isn't "the one". Almost noone marries someone they dated in highschool.








So yea, just tell him to stop whining and cutting himself. Cutting yourself is probably the most desperate attention-seeking method, because when they do it, they hope people will see the cuts and feel sorry for them and ask about them.








Some people just need to be told to ESS-TEE-EFF-EWE.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Tell him to call Childline or equivalent telephone support service. They ARE the best thing other than physically speaking to a shrink irl so dont rule out the idea of it.



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People who whine about suicide NEVER kill themselves. They just want attention. People who truely wish to die just end it right away.











That's just blatantly untrue. Most people who commit suicide have told someone that they were considering it before they do. I know there are statistics out there, but I don't remember them off the top of my head.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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People who whine about suicide NEVER kill themselves. They just want attention. People who truely wish to die just end it right away.











That's just blatantly untrue. Most people who commit suicide have told someone that they were considering it before they do. I know there are statistics out there, but I don't remember them off the top of my head.








Indeed, but people who whine over and over, and especially people who cut themselves in a non-lethal method repeatedly almost never kill themselves.








You should worry if he starts cutting deep enough to be potentially lethal. Other than that, you should tell him to just let things go and try "living" rather than "planning". Seems to me he's planning his life around one girl. He shouldn't. Trust me, when I was 15, I started dating my girlfriend, and for the last couple years I've been planning my life around her...Last week, she decided she wanted a "break", and I don't know what's going to happen now, so trust me...Planning your life around some girl who doesn't even know what she wants is a BAD IDEA.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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He's 15. That girl, I don't care who she is or who he is, isn't "the one". Almost noone marries someone they dated in highschool.











He is indeed everything you said. But I honestly agree with what you just said right there. He's in over his head.

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Explain to him there is no point in killing himself. You don't have to explain the other side, no point in living either, just tell him it serves no purpose to kill himself. Tell him to grow up, except in a nicer fashion. I mean honestly, killing yourself over a girlfriend when you are 15? Just keep in mind it (should) be his choice, and if he really, really, really wants to commit suicide, then it's his choice.



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I'd really just like to say let him, but if not that then don't do anything drastic. For example, I had a friend who was suicidal and another of my friends called the cops, told his parents, called his pastor, I mean called every freaken person he knew. Now everybody watches him (the suicidal guy) all the time, his parents make him take medication, everybody at our school knows it and his social life has gone down the tubes and he doesn't want to be friends with anybody any more. The worst part is, I get the feeling he's probably going to get over it in a year or two and when he does he's practically screwed until he moves somewhere since everybody that knows him has it implanted in their heads that he's some kind of freak. I can't tell you exactly what to do but whatever it is try to work it out with as few people as possible.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Your friend sounds like an attention seeker and a brat if anything, the kind that can't appreciate what he has and threatens to kill himself when life isn't going his way. Nobody writes a blog about how they're going to commit suicide just ignore him he's obviously doing it for attention.

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He is a brat. No joke. He's one of the richest people I know, he smokes, and .. I don't know I'm mad at him now. He gets everything he wants and still believes his life sucks.








Shows that not all of that crap can make you happy. :notalk:

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Bro if you really think hes considering suicide, and I tihnk he is because why else would you make a topic, you need to tell your school guidance consuler and his parents. It sound like he may have an obsession problem, wich can turn out to be deadly. Don't think this is too extreme, because when someones life is at risk nothing can be too extreme.

rune,Ranger__999.gif I mean crap man, thats like his stomach plug on the ground back there, I mean im know doctor but that seems impossible due to body organs and cartelidge, i mean that was just one clean chunk
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Ask him to listen to some Nat King Cole, eat some Haribo Strawbs and drink some Dr Pepper. He'll feel a whole lot better.

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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Talking is a big step here. Not just talking him out of doing it, but getting him over the complexes he has about himself. He just needs a way to feel good about himself... That could solve most difficulties.








And believe me, it's a HARD thing to do... If needed, hint his parents towards finding professional help for it.

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People who whine about suicide NEVER kill themselves. They just want attention. People who truely wish to die just end it right away.











That's just blatantly untrue. Most people who commit suicide have told someone that they were considering it before they do. I know there are statistics out there, but I don't remember them off the top of my head.








Indeed, but people who whine over and over, and especially people who cut themselves in a non-lethal method repeatedly almost never kill themselves.








You should worry if he starts cutting deep enough to be potentially lethal. Other than that, you should tell him to just let things go and try "living" rather than "planning". Seems to me he's planning his life around one girl. He shouldn't. Trust me, when I was 15, I started dating my girlfriend, and for the last couple years I've been planning my life around her...Last week, she decided she wanted a "break", and I don't know what's going to happen now, so trust me...Planning your life around some girl who doesn't even know what she wants is a BAD IDEA.








Im assuming hes cutting his wrist, and from a medical stand point, hope he dosent go for the neck, or upper leg. Many people who try and commit suicide by cutting the wrist fail, they go to slow or not deep enough, they pass out before they can make a lethal cut, so deeper cuts are great concern too. Also as a last resort, I dont know the law where you live, but I would guess that you can have the police take action, as suicide (and attemted suicide i belive) is illegal. So you could take legal action possibly. But save that till you cant do anything else, he wont thankyou if you have the police arrest him (or something to that effect).

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anyway the most important thing to do is listen.








Go get a coffe or something and just listen. If he opens up on you don't comment just listen.








thats what would help the most


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

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Be there for your friend. Listen to him and comfort him. Maybe have a talk with his girlfriend too?








Also, you need to explain to your friend how great you think he is and emphasize the fact that you need him around.

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Tell him to call Childline or equivalent telephone support service. They ARE the best thing other than physically speaking to a shrink irl so dont rule out the idea of it.








Yes, it's much harder to say something in person, he could really get it all out with somebody he doesn't know, and not in person anyway, plus they do give very good advice, they've sorted out alot of my problems.


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Stick it in his pooper!








you are the most helpful person in the world
















anyway the most important thing to do is listen.








Go get a coffe or something and just listen. If he opens up on you don't comment just listen.








thats what would help the most




I try.


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