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The pros/cons/dislikes/likes of where you live.


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I live in London, England.












-Public Transport prices.




-Price of things in general.




-Wondering where my tax goes.




-Dirty streets, dirty air.




-Have to go with the majority and say Chavs. The culture of this country is next to non-existent.




-Miserable weather. I hate rain.




-The fact that it is so difficult to get on the property ladder.












-Good job opportunities.








That's probably all I would regard as a positive thing. I really don't like living here, I just don't feel I fit in with this society that I so despise. As soon as I finish uni, I'm immigrating (or emmigrating? I don't know which one..!).



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I live in London, England.












-Public Transport prices.




-Price of things in general.




-Wondering where my tax goes.




-Dirty streets, dirty air.




-Have to go with the majority and say Chavs. The culture of this country is next to non-existent.




-Miserable weather. I hate rain.




-The fact that it is so difficult to get on the property ladder.












-Good job opportunities.








That's probably all I would regard as a positive thing. I really don't like living here, I just don't feel I fit in with this society that I so despise. As soon as I finish uni, I'm immigrating (or emmigrating? I don't know which one..!).








Aw that's a shame... I can appreciate that everyone has different tastes.. but London FTW! I love this place, hopefully I'll live here the rest of my life. Though I'll probably go to uni elsewhere...

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Pros. Not too bussy. I don't like big cities.




Cons. Sometimes it's too quiet, and because it's not that bussy there's few people sharing the same interest as I have.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Fife, Scotland








There is nothing to do (basically its full of grimey pubs & chip shops)
















Surprisingly alot of crime








Bad Weather








Lack of Job Opportunities








High Unemployment (Been that way since most of the mines closed in the 80's)








The distance from anywhere remotely interesting (Edinburgh is 20 miles from me)








Lack of quality/affordable housing








Price of public transport








Lack of decent pubs (as I said earlier most are pretty grimey & rough)








The amount of old people (since the young have to move to get work)








The amount of pregnant teenagers








The local no go areas (due to huge groups of drunk chavs, see my post about the MP who was attacked for more)








The fact that the local countryside (whats left of it) is so badly littered








The influx of people who cant afford to live in the city (AKA Edinburgh refugees) that come here to live and whine about our accent.








......And most importantly the fact that I cant afford to leave the place. :wall:








Glad I got that out of my system. :)



















Edinburgh is full of yahs and lager louts, but it has lovely stone buildings. It's small enough to be able to walk anywhere I want, which is nice too.








Lol you're completely right I was out in Edinburgh last night, if I see another person 'air kiss' somebody else I might just lose it. Yahs are so pretentious I despise almost as much as chavs.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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its a small, quite town




there is a bank near by




there is a post office nearby




lovely views












its a small, quite town




there is no big shop nearby




It is hard to find something to do outside





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Pros-Almost everything within walking distance or train,




A lot of different things to do,








4 seasons




lots of public parks,




delis on most corners,
















tourists a lot of them..




no stars...




hard to play ppl good at table tennis without paying a lot.




taxi cab drivers...




some places are expensive





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I thought England was a decent place to live in :|








Is overpopulation a problem there? You guys have like 20 more million people than Canada and it looks like it's smaller than Ontario








edit: about 1/7 of Ontario :|








I guess I don't notice the overpopulation as much, I live in a small village and I go to school. But I guess if I happen to work in a bigger city, i.e. Bristol, i'd probably notice it more.








It's a nice place to live, no doubt, but we're just too giving. We let almost anyone in and give them benefits.

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pros: nothing really special everything normal




cons: theres alot of cons where i live, nowhere to go not alot of frendz to make, cant have a girlfriend they r hard to get :P




its kinda expensive here, taxes are high

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I thought England was a decent place to live in :|








Is overpopulation a problem there? You guys have like 20 more million people than Canada and it looks like it's smaller than Ontario








edit: about 1/7 of Ontario :|








I guess I don't notice the overpopulation as much, I live in a small village and I go to school. But I guess if I happen to work in a bigger city, i.e. Bristol, i'd probably notice it more.








It's a nice place to live, no doubt, but we're just too giving. We let almost anyone in and give them benefits.








+10. *rolls eyes*








Still I love London. I just love the busy-ness of everyone's daily lives, watching each and every person doing their own thing, losing them in the crowd, there's so much to do, so much culture, so much interest. And in general (especially the area where I live) people are really nice. Lots of young families and that kind of thing, good schools, parks, open space.








As for overpopulation - England in particular has a very dense population. Did you know there's 6 million in London and 5 million in the whole of Scotland? (Those records are probably a year or so old by now.) Unfortunately there's alot of council housing (huge blocks of dingy, tacky flats) for rent. I suppose it's a good thing - they can accommadate hundreds of people, but at the same time it's unlucky for the people who live there because the flats have built up a kind of unfairly bad reputation. There's huge areas of suburbs on the outskirts and 60million people in the whole of England. :notalk: :D :D I suppose I quite like living in a small place (it's nice to cycle to school and stop for a chat 5 or 10 times along the way) but at the same time I like the bigness of it, being a part of such a great place, being included in it, it's such a great feeling.




[/pointless ramble]

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Isn't that just the American accent? :?








I've always pronounced it that way. I don't see how you could really pronounce it wrong? :?








I've always said it. ..












but theres no 'R' in nevada...

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Isn't that just the American accent? :?








I've always pronounced it that way. I don't see how you could really pronounce it wrong? :?








I've always said it. ..












but theres no 'R' in nevada...









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More specifically, I live in Scotland...












Nice scenery (when it's not obsured by rain clouds)




Low population (quite rural in places)




Braveheart was made here (but please ignore as a history lesson)




2nd most intelligent race on earth (after Jews).




We suck at sports in general but are great in all pub sports including darts, snooker and bowls lol... figures.




Probably the best education system in the world.




We invented... telegraphs, radar, television(co-invented), telephone(co-invented), steam engine, golf etc...












No Runescape worlds are based here... uber lag :(




The weather is truly awful




There's more neds(chavs) than actual people




Racism is really getting out of hand (both ways)




Our currency is refused in England even though it's the exact same pounds sterling (but they accept Euros!!!)... yup, racism




There really is absolutely nothing to do if you're skint




We suck at football




Bigotry is pretty awful and will likely never change (it's an inbred thing now)




Everything is really really expensive. Even stuff we produce for ourselves like petrol, gas,




If you and your partner are both full time hard working folk, you get zero benefits. But if you're a jobshy scumbag/imigrant/singlemother, you get everything going (free council house, no council tax, dole money etc...)

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I'm going to comment on Google's answers...(Google as in the user, not the search engine...)




Boston Ma












*All professional sports teams within 5 miles of each other, except The Patriots and Rev's stadium which are located about 20 miles away in the -bleep- town of Foxboro. Didn't the Pats used to be called the Boston Patriots...? If so, why the heck are they in Foxboro...? Get them a stadium somewhere closer to Boston! (Fine, maybe they don't have enough money) Celts and B's play in the same building, in fact on top of each other. (The wood of the basketball court is removable. Underneath is ice.) And of course, you have the historic Fenway Park.




*Good metro system You must be kidding me. Either you've only been to New York City, or have never been anywhere else other than Boston. The T sucks. Commuter Rail isn't bad, but the T...*Squeak* *Squeak* Stations are heavily polluted. (I'm going to stop ranting now...)




*Culturally diverse, and pretty even, not much discrimination Yep. I was just in Brighton, I saw Korean, Vietnamese, Brazilian, Chinese and Italian restaurants.




*A lot of malls, movies, etc close to where ever you liveYep.




*Top colleges in boston and the world famous harvard and mass.institute technology located in cambridge, another city 5 minutes of downtown Harvard FTW! Not only is there MIT also in the area, BC, BU, Northeastern, and UMass are also near there.




*rich in american history (yippie..) That's more Lexington and Concord, but close enough.




*Like Florida in the summer, like canada in the winter (except this winter season's average has been surprisingly high, and no snow)You...Know...How...Hot...It...Was...Today...? And now it's raining... :wall: This would be a dislike for me.












*Your average one family house is $500,000 and up \'Commonwealth Ave house prices FTL




*70+ Murders in 2006Wasn't Newton the safest city in the USA for a while? In '06. wasn't there the first murder in 12 years...?




* Cant think of more :notalk:So I will. Logan is one of the worst Airports in the USA, although they're renovating some terminals. Big Dig is costing so much money, it's resulted in at least one death and a bunch of dirt. Traffic is pathetic during peak hours.




When Fad returns...And finds this thread...He won't be able to find any cons for Boston.... :P


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I love my town












- In the greatest section of the earth, New England.




- Boston and New York are both accessible easily.




- Great food around me




- Wealthiest state in the USA :D












- Mixed Yankee/Mets fans with me :-X




- Cold in the winter, but I like the cold. (It was 71 here today! Record, highest since 1932!)




- No Major League teams. Last one was the Hartford Whalers, but they moved to North Carolina.

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The pros and cons of HUDDERSFIELD! Where the farms live.




















~thought of one!!! .. good school.




~You can buy shisha and poppers down the street.
















~CHAVS. you get the point. I admit to dressing like a chav :anxious:








~Posh people in Fixby use too much horse manuer.












~nosy indians












England is a good place to be .. just not this part.



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Leicester, England.












  • Good night life.
    Good job prospects.
    I live about 15 minutes drive from 3 different town centres, with alot of interesting and big shops.
    An hour or so to London, a little more to Manchester, a little less to bimingham.
    Awesome transport links.
    Friendly people, who learn to know their place pretty quickly.
    Plenty of job prospects.
    Beautiful surroundings.












  • I'm quite a well known local person, so I can't get away with moving without people talking to me, and questioning me on what I'm doing.
    We have our own dose of chavs, who tend to get beaten up quite badly every so often, so have learned there place.
    I'm banned from every pub around here due to unfortunate happenings with a few of my friends.
    Every so often, someone I know gets raped or stabbed or hit and run on, then that leads to people I know getting revenge, which is then revenged.
    Alot of bad memories from people being killed/killing themselves.
    Robberies and house breakages are low, stabbings rapes and murders.
    Highest concentration of both legal and illegal immigrants. My family are originally immigrants, but alot of immigrants who come to Leicester illegally, then rape or stab someone so that they get put into prison for a long time, so that they can claim citizenship.
    Having to carry some sort of weapon, and always having to keep your head down on nights out.












Really went on a bit of detailed description there.

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~CHAVS. you get the point. I admit to dressing like a chav :anxious:











That is a habit you need to get therapy for. :shame:




Seriously, STOP IT.

~ W ~



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Isn't that just the American accent? :?








I've always pronounced it that way. I don't see how you could really pronounce it wrong? :?








I've always said it. ..












but theres no 'R' in nevada...
















If any of you happened to watch the news clip, now you know how to pronounce it =]


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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Wow, does everybody on these forums live in America or U.K?








Well I live in QATAR! That's right. (Good luck finding it)








Pros :








Cheap oil, conversion or metric would probably be $00.65 a barrel :\ considering it runs the economy.








Warm weather all year-round.
















Stereotype. Everyone suspects I have a family tree of "terrorists" because I just so happen to be Iraqi. It's pathetic.








Pretty ugly country, some nice places.









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Good Food




Good Transportation




















Too damn hot all year round.




Too many posers.




Too many gangster-wannabes.




Too many people who have no fashion sense.




Stupid people run rampant.




Almost no nightlife.




Legal driving age is 18.




Motorbike licences are classed into 2B,2A,2.(2B being <200cc bikes etc.) With a year in between licences, so when you get your class 2, you're probably 21.




National Service.




Your life here is judged by a single piece of paper with your results on it.

Known formerly as Ameoba3000.


Now known as Vigoss.

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Well.. Northern VA, right near Nadril.












Good schools




Nice area




Awesome kids




Good internet connection.
















It's hard to walk anywhere.
















Off-Topic: What the hell is a "chav?"
























EDIT: Look at the text box -.-

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