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How do you get a job?


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Well, I need to make some money but I am only 14. I do some things




around the house for cash once and awhile, but it's not for much. I was




thinking to put brochures up for snowshoveling around town, but it's in the




middle of January and there still hasn't been any! My dad says just walk




from yard to yard and ask if I could mow the lawn, or wash the car for $10. My dad says he would be all over an ofer like that. The things is I find that kinda emarassing :oops:








So any ideas???? :?:








Oh, P.S.: I live in the U.S.A so I cannot get a real job until I am 16, so thats what I'm trying to figure out how to go door to door.








Also, if any one here is a homeowner and if they can tell me what they would think if some kid walked up to the doo








ty! ::'

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I'd suggest going into a newagent and asking about a paperound - a simple job, my brother got paid about 20 quid a weekfor a big one. In most English newsagents you can get a paperround at 13, but some it's later.




Or you could work in Starbucks. Mhmmm free coffee... =P~




(I think you have to be 16, though. So I'd suggest just asking around a few small shops, bookshops etc)

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You write a letter, you post it, with a little bit of luck you get invited for an interview, and with some more luck you've got the job. If you don't have any luck you just keep doing it over and over again. Not at the same company mind you.


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What are your interests/skills? Work on them, and by the Summer you could be earning money off them.








If you don't have any in particular, I suggest a stacking-shelves job or something along those lines. Something like practical-labour.








I'm afraid you're not gonna' get far until you're nearing 16.









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Move to Canada. Get a job at Starbucks/McDonalds/KFC/Wendy's/Burger King/Dairy Queen/White Spot/IHOP/7-11/in fact anywhere








He's 14..








U.S.A eh?








I'm from the Uk, At your age I was doing a paper round, Most kids at 14 did, I don't know what most kids in USA do at 14.. So Yerh, Paper round.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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Ask around and find out the minimum age to work at some places. Over here in VA you get a workers permit when you're under 16-but it leaves you with limited hours so they're less likely to hire you. Or if you have connections you find out which places are hiring and try and get an app for there.

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well first you need to get a life :wink: jk








umm i dunno once it does snow just ask people who's houses biker hasnt already done if they need plowing. that or with this weather pretty soon people are gonna need to mow their lawns and you could make some then.



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I got a Paper Route when I was 13. You can probably work at Dunkin Donuts at 14. And just about every Grocery Store hires at 15.








I work at Stop and Shop right now. It sucks, but it's better then being poor.

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Oh, P.S.: I live in the U.S.A so I cannot get a real job until I am 16, so thats what I'm trying to figure out how to go door to door.








You need to be 14 to get a job in the US, it's just that most places don't hire people under 16 because they don't have a vehicle.


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Oh, P.S.: I live in the U.S.A so I cannot get a real job until I am 16, so thats what I'm trying to figure out how to go door to door.








You need to be 14 to get a job in the US, it's just that most places don't hire people under 16 because they don't have a vehicle.








No, in certain parts of the U.S. it is, but where I live you need to be 16, I checked the government website and looked at our state's laws <.<








How would I go around getting a paper route? I don't see many kids delivering papers, only mail trucks. I know where a newspapers headquarter is, you think I should right them a letter? hmmmm :-k

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When you turn 18, there are 'special interest' websites that will pay good money for people's services. :lol:








There are also people who will pay good money for services as well :wink:








But that's not as safe. You can also try certain magazines or video companies.


Me doing staff.

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When you turn 18, there are 'special interest' websites that will pay good money for people's services. :lol:








There are also people who will pay good money for services as well :wink:








But that's not as safe. You can also try certain magazines or video companies.








I'm actually hoping to be a photographer for one of those magazines. Let's just say their logo is a bunny ;) Greatest job ever.. ::'

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