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Is luring an acceptable practice?


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..... And i belive if ur in the wild any thing can happen. :thumbsup:








Haha, not really. Game rules still apply, item scamming in a bank is the same as scamming someone in the wildy.




However, luring is an aspect of player-killing, and Jagex has made it harder to "lure".

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i just think people should just deal with it and stop crying about it. sitting there and crying wont get your items back will it? get off your lazy bottoms and get your stuff back hunt the lurer down and get ur things back or go make money just stop crying like a wimp








And I think anyone who PKs an unwilling victim, lies to or deceives someone to get them into the wilderness or farther into the wilderness, piles or teams on any player, or otherwise preys upon the weak for the simple purpose of killing players and getting their stuff should be banned. This is why we are having the debate.








And you know what? I have never been lured and I have never lost items that I wasn't willing to lose. I am not whining about anything.








Some people have no honor and cannot win in a fair fight, so they pick on others and justify it away by either blaming the victim or otherwise legitimizing bad behavior. Fight fair with people who are willing to fight, or stop whining about your inability to get easy kills. If someone cannot win one-on-one against a player who is there because they are willing to fight, that person is simply a bully who enjoys picking on those who can't fight back. People like that need to grow up.








This is why luring should stay a reportable, bannable offense - just as rule 2 has always said it is. And still does.

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i just think people should just deal with it and stop crying about it. sitting there and crying wont get your items back will it? get off your lazy bottoms and get your stuff back hunt the lurer down and get ur things back or go make money just stop crying like a wimp








And I think anyone who PKs an unwilling victim, lies to or deceives someone to get them into the wilderness or farther into the wilderness, piles or teams on any player, or otherwise preys upon the weak for the simple purpose of killing players and getting their stuff should be banned. This is why we are having the debate.








And you know what? I have never been lured and I have never lost items that I wasn't willing to lose. I am not whining about anything.








Some people have no honor and cannot win in a fair fight, so they pick on others and justify it away by either blaming the victim or otherwise legitimizing bad behavior. Fight fair with people who are willing to fight, or stop whining about your inability to get easy kills. If someone cannot win one-on-one against a player who is there because they are willing to fight, that person is simply a bully who enjoys picking on those who can't fight back. People like that need to grow up.








This is why luring should stay a reportable, bannable offense - just as rule 2 has always said it is. And still does.












lol! luring was never nor will ever be reportable its not deseving anyone. you have full access to the highscores correct? look the player up. you can see his stats. if you dont do that your just insecure. and truthfully you should be smarter next time. and to tell ya the truth i think any of them lurers take elvemage for example can take ne one he wants one-on-one luring gets the items they wanted form the player instead of fighting the person one-on-one and gettting nothing cuz the other player 3 itemed.


Making a pure. Xv Wild Xv atk:71/99 str:73/99 def:20/20 mage:70/94 range:65/90 prayer:52/52

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Luring is wrong. I disagree with the morals behind it. Low-lifes who practice it should be shunned by the general public.
















I must side with the "if they're stupid enough..." crowd. If a low-life is crafty enough to lure someone into wildy, good for him/her. The lured is an idiot.








Moral / rule two.... whatever. People deserving to lose their stuff doesn't quite sit with me, but then again...being scammed can easily be avoided.








VERY EASILY. All it takes to avoid scamming is to THINK whilst playing.








Hmm...this guy's offering me 200k more for a semi-valuable object...Check the second trade screen.








Hmm...this guy's offering to pay 150k over aking price on my armor! Oh...he wants to trade in wildy...








Just think. There are jerks out there. Accept it. Learn to live with it.

The Llama 79

(Insert fancy signature here.)

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Some lures are actually persuading people, some not, Has everyone heard of the lure in the wilderness of everyperson standing on one spot, that too is luring. Luring is lying or persuading other players for thier items or your personal gain.








Then again it is NOT against the rules to lure people, if you fall for it, you fall for it. But some lures CANNOT be evaded. e.g,








Lurer: Wanna team in wildi?




Victim: Umm...Sure




Lurer: Ok, we go hillz




Victim: K




(Lurer teleblocks Victim at Hill Giants)




(Lurers team smite his most valuable item)




(Lurer entangles)




Victim: OMG! Bsers








This is just trusting the person who teams with you, so the wilderness is NOT SAFE for anyone! Even the best players.




Luring could be item scamming, As it is lying for personal gain.




But there is nothing that states luring is actually against the rules.




So until JAGEX reinforces the rules. Luring remains acceptable...


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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In my veiw, there are two kinds of luring, and they've been said before.








Type one: The fair lurer. A "fair" lurer uses techniques to draw players into a dangerous area where they will be killed by a monster or pkers such as dropping a valuable item there so they will be encouraged to try and get it, putting themselves in the situation. I don't see anything wrong with this, if you're stupid enough to fall for this, then too bad. It's a low form of a pking technique, but it shouldn't be against the rules. As long as there isn't any lying or deceiving involved, its fine in my book.








Type two: The deceptive lurer. A deceptive lurer lie by claiming to be trading items in the wilderness or other dangerous places, or claiming to be hosting a drop party there. This is lying and, if you ask me, already is against the rules and should be a bannable offense. It is a scam.

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Some lures are actually persuading people, some not, Has everyone heard of the lure in the wilderness of everyperson standing on one spot, that too is luring. Luring is lying or persuading other players for thier items or your personal gain.








Then again it is NOT against the rules to lure people, if you fall for it, you fall for it. But some lures CANNOT be evaded. e.g,








Lurer: Wanna team in wildi?




Victim: Umm...Sure




Lurer: Ok, we go hillz




Victim: K




(Lurer teleblocks Victim at Hill Giants)




(Lurers team smite his most valuable item)




(Lurer entangles)




Victim: OMG! Bsers








This is just trusting the person who teams with you, so the wilderness is NOT SAFE for anyone! Even the best players.




Luring could be item scamming, As it is lying for personal gain.




But there is nothing that states luring is actually against the rules.




So until JAGEX reinforces the rules. Luring remains acceptable...








Hm... fake teaming. That raises a whole new debate... I'll have to think about that...

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Personally I find luring dishonorable and cowardly. Yes I have been lured. Guy said he needed a pic of people whip fighting and he would skull. Yes I should have been smarter than to accept the four mystic tops in the wildy :wall: I didn't realize the low shop value of the whip, but I got over it. I earned more cash and bought another whip and I won't make the mistake again. All that to say that while luring is detestable and unsporting Jagex hasn't stated it to be specifically against the rules so until they do...watch out for lurers and THINK before you step into the wildy.








Edit: One more thought. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Cieco mondo...cieco mondo

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Is luring scamming? yes. Luring is decieving another play for personal gain. You are lying to a person in order to get thier stuff. In my mind, lying is not only telling someone something untrue, but it is also not telling someone the whole truthin the first place. To say that its not is just a cop-out by technicality. And to say that its the victim's fault is completly stupid to me. Some lures aren't as obvious as others, and as for the ones that are, everyone has a right to play this game, the gullible, the less-than-intelligent, and so on. This game was made for people to have fun, and ruining someone else's day by tricking them out of thier most valuable items isn't following the purpose this game was made for. Whether its against the rules or not, luring is still a dispecable, rotten thing to do to another person. Where are everyone's morals at???? Can anyone of us just have fun playing RS without being a total jerk about it? I believe that we can. I don't think there is anything wrong with playing this game honestly and being courteous to others while doing it.

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Luring is not an acceptable practice. Think about it. On the forums it is not allowed to say oyu are selling/buying an item for a price you actually aren't. It's not any different in the game. When you lure, you say you are going to sell/buy an item you actually aren't!






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I personally think luring is acceptable. Of course, I dont have many scruples (just google my name), but the people who do this are creating almost an art. Kind of a, "what kind of lures can you get? how complex?" thing. I have been lured, as a noob who had never been to the wilderness before or ever even heard of it. Some guy just said, "follow me". Seeing no reason not to, i did. However, i checked the signpost that popped up. Noticing that I could potentially be attack, i stopped, turned around, and left. Also, there is nothing to prevent the player being lured from checking around him whether with his mini-map or screen. any perosn seen standing up ahead should be taken as an engraved invitation to leave.

The USSR will rise again

Why do people feel communism is so awful?

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I am seriously distraught by the amount of people who say luring is okay just because "They have the skill to do so" or "the people who are lured deserve it."








I've posted before, and I believe others have to:
















If you're breaking a law or rule, you deserve to be punished for it, no matter whether the victim was stupid or not.








As for saying it takes skill to lure:








It takes skill to set up corporate frauds too. It takes skill to cheat thousands and thousands of employees out of their incomes. Enron still got punished for it when they got caught, did they not? (Sorry if I spelled the companies name wrong.)








If you break a rule, you deserve to be punished.








Rule 2 clearly says deceiving another player for their items is not tolerated.








If you are LYING to someone, telling them you want to trade, when you're trying to kill them, you are deceiving them. Yes, it's partially their fault for being stupid enough to fall for it. I won't deny that.








However, you STILL deserve to be punished for a violation of rule 2.
















Oh yea, before someone comes on and posts that "in that case pures are violations of rule 2 as well."








The deception can not be blamed on the player. If the pure told you "I'm only 40 strength" when he's 90, that is a deception. But just because the code displays his combat level as low, and you assume that to mean he's weak, doesn't mean he is responsible for deceiving you.








deceiving= leing about there stats or tricking them into fighting them in wildy. this could be a form of luring, getting a player to skull on them then whip out there unbeleivably high mage and KO the player very easily... and when you said,




"But just because the code displays his combat level as low, and you assume that to mean he's weak, doesn't mean he is responsible for deceiving you."




this is very much decieving...








and why do people keep bringing up stealing real life money?




do people really not have the life to tell the difference between items and gold peices on a game, to real life money? you might say it has the same priorities. And no it doesnt not at all, some one can actually end your career in real life by putting you in so much debt you have to file for bank rupcey and lose all of your posetions. Compared to a game where you can just build up your wealth like you did in the first place...








People bring up money BECAUSE it's a similar situation.








The point isn't whether it's real life, runescape, or any other game. The point is, if you break a rule, you deserve to be punished WHETHER OR NOT THE PERSON DESERVED TO BE VICTIMIZED.








It DOESN'T MATTER whether or not they made a bad choice. If a player chooses to break a rule, they deserve to be banned.








This invalidates the whole "they're stupid to fall for it so it's okay" argument. Nothing more.








Honestly, get it through your head.








And I think, not 100% it's what he meant, but xarik meant that pures themselves aren't deceiving, it's Jagex's combat level system, and you're assumptions that deceive you.








A pure is only actively deceiving you if he TELLS you he is weak. Otherwise, it is your assumption that deceives you. The combat level system is an APPROXIMATION of strength. If a player feels a certain combination will yield a stronger account for PvP combat at that level he is free to make such an account. That is not a deception.

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i am a pure well waz a pure now a rune pure




well i waz in a clan and about evy friday ,saterday,sunday we wold go lureing ther ar many tips of lureing as












defnishon of item scamming : u say somtihn in order 2 trick the other person out of a item, i was buying a ranger set from this kid who was high irl and i mean ring roben hood hat and boots 4 10.4 mill and he put them up and hit accept b4 i put up mony so i hit accept and accept agina agin and he was all liek scammer im hi giv it back and he griped 4 10 mints i was all like :thumbsup: irl i asked a silver mod i know rill good and thay sed it wasnt a scam cus i never sed a word












now lets say a noob ses spending 1.7 mill and thin he changes it 2 17004 gp i hit acc ept he taks my irems that is a scam cus he was lying in order 2 trick u out yor monny








backly what im tring 2 say is




if thay talk liek saying selling robbne hood hat 2.2 mill and u kill them that is a scamm and if u ar smart a nulf 2 repot it thay is a bnable ofince








now if u ar at calses wering full ruen g and u att some 1 and u run up 2 pass tlely zone and u kill them u and yor teem jist made 200k

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If the people are stupid enough to go into the wilderness to sell, then they deserve it! I've been scammed like 20 times and i finally learned. If people learn to spot scams then there would be no more scams!... =D>

Goals: 99 cooking(56) and 99 strength(50)

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Come back and comment when you have a CLUE about what your saying.








Though I agree, I have to say, Guthan's set doesn't include a leaf spear. :XD: Just thought I would put that out there.








Also, most people posting on this topic are likely people who support luring, or people who have been lured. The most likely cause for it seeming that there is enormous support for luring is because people who have never had any involvement with lureing/people who don't know what lureing is likely won't be interested in the topic.











i mean for real wat is luring im so confused :?:








Tere are many kinds of luring, but here is the main one:




When a player attempts to "lure" someone in the wilderness, or another dangerous area, with the intention of getting them killed, to take their items.


The construction emote should be a person burning a bag of money.

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^Click the smiley. You know you want to.^

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If the people are stupid enough to go into the wilderness to sell, then they deserve it! I've been scammed like 20 times and i finally learned. If people learn to spot scams then there would be no more scams!... =D>








True. But does that mean the scammers should go unpunished?








Read through this thread. There have been many examples showing when people are punished even when the victim justly deserved it.








How long will it take for people to learn that the victim being ignorant isn't an excuse?

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I'll say one more time; people are allowed to kill other people in the wilderness.








Don't go into the wilderness if you do not want to risk loss.








you are warned plenty well before you enter the wilderness.








people are allowed to kill other people in the wilderness.








people are allowed to kill other people in the wilderness.








people are allowed to kill other people in the wilderness.








Whether it is for a clue scroll, your daily walk, or you respond to someone saying pssst! over here! you have entered the wilderness.








put up or shut up. :boohoo:








And if you were lied to, and didn't know it was wilderness, yes you deserve to lose your stuff, but on the other side of the same coin, the scammer deserves to be banned for an infraction of Runescape Rule #2.

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i am a pure well waz a pure now a rune pure




well i waz in a clan and about evy friday ,saterday,sunday we wold go lureing ther ar many tips of lureing as












defnishon of item scamming : u say somtihn in order 2 trick the other person out of a item, i was buying a ranger set from this kid who was high irl and i mean ring roben hood hat and boots 4 10.4 mill and he put them up and hit accept b4 i put up mony so i hit accept and accept agina agin and he was all liek scammer im hi giv it back and he griped 4 10 mints i was all like :thumbsup: irl i asked a silver mod i know rill good and thay sed it wasnt a scam cus i never sed a word












now lets say a noob ses spending 1.7 mill and thin he changes it 2 17004 gp i hit acc ept he taks my irems that is a scam cus he was lying in order 2 trick u out yor monny








backly what im tring 2 say is




if thay talk liek saying selling robbne hood hat 2.2 mill and u kill them that is a scamm and if u ar smart a nulf 2 repot it thay is a bnable ofince








now if u ar at calses wering full ruen g and u att some 1 and u run up 2 pass tlely zone and u kill them u and yor teem jist made 200k








If you haven't noticed this discussion is not about pking lures. Attacking someone and running to multi and hoping they follow is perfectly okay, and it has no semblance to a deception at all...

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Next time you see a wallet left on the counter top while the owner crouches down to pick up a few coins he dropped, steal it.








Then try this "He deserved it cause he was being stupid in leaving his wallet in plain sight and looking away" defence in court and tell me how it goes.








There is no reason a law should not be enforced merely because the victim deserved to lose his items.

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Is luring fair - my opinion - no.








Everyone posting -for luring-, for the most part, have tried to justify it by saying 'if you are stupid enough to go to wildy... you deserve it.'








That 'defense' only works if both players are on an equal playing field.








If both players are age 13 and played runescape the exact amount of time - then MAYBE.








However, most of the time, you have 'lurers' that have multiple Runescape accounts, they use their alternate account so their 'main' is not punished. This action alone shows that the lurers know what they are doing is wrong, becuase they have a contegency plan. They tend to have much more runescape experience; they tend to nbe older and find it 'amusing' to pick on inexperienced players. To me, they are nothing more than bullies.








Most victims of lurers, are younger players that do not necessary know that there are unscrupulous players out there that value 'digital money' over a real live person's feelings.








Lurers are after the 'fast buck' the quick money. They know its wrong but do it anyway, becuase they do not see the effect of thier actions. They presume it is a harmless thing. But what lurers fail to realize, is that this will make them want to cut corners in thier real world lives. Why work hard - when you can cheat your way to something instead?








Once you cheat - you are a cheater. If you are a cheater in a game.. the odds are, you will cheat in your future life. So people that think luring is 'fine' - take a long hard look at yourselves. Do you want to be that person at 50 years old, that has spent thier life cheating their way through everything? You want to be that guy at the class reunion 'everyone' knew would be a loser?

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i am a pure well waz a pure now a rune pure




well i waz in a clan and about evy friday ,saterday,sunday we wold go lureing ther ar many tips of lureing as












defnishon of item scamming : u say somtihn in order 2 trick the other person out of a item, i was buying a ranger set from this kid who was high irl and i mean ring roben hood hat and boots 4 10.4 mill and he put them up and hit accept b4 i put up mony so i hit accept and accept agina agin and he was all liek scammer im hi giv it back and he griped 4 10 mints i was all like :thumbsup: irl i asked a silver mod i know rill good and thay sed it wasnt a scam cus i never sed a word












now lets say a noob ses spending 1.7 mill and thin he changes it 2 17004 gp i hit acc ept he taks my irems that is a scam cus he was lying in order 2 trick u out yor monny








backly what im tring 2 say is




if thay talk liek saying selling robbne hood hat 2.2 mill and u kill them that is a scamm and if u ar smart a nulf 2 repot it thay is a bnable ofince








now if u ar at calses wering full ruen g and u att some 1 and u run up 2 pass tlely zone and u kill them u and yor teem jist made 200k












Er, Could you translate this into English so the rest of us can understand it?




As you wish.




I am a pure. Well, was a pure, now I'm more of a rune pure.




Well, I was in a clan, and about every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we would go luring.




There are many types of luring such as:




(I don't get why this sentence comes here-offtopic note)








Definition of item scamming: You say something in order to trick the other person out of a item. For example, I was buying a ranger set from this kid (who was high in real life), and under that, I mean the ring, Robin Hood hat and boots for 10.4 million GP. Then he put them up and hit accept before I put up the money, so I hit accept twice. He was like "Scammer, give it back to me" and he griped for ten minutes. I was all like :thumbsup: in real life, especially as later I asked a silver mod who I know real good, and he said that it wasn't a scam, because I never said a word.












Now lets say, a noob is spending 1.7 million, and then in the trade he changes it to 17004 GP. If I hit accept, and he takes my items that is a scam because he was lying in order to trick you out of your money.








Basically, what I'm trying to say is:




If they talk like: "selling robin hood hat 2.2 mill", and then you kill them, that is a scam and if you are smart enough to report it, that is a bannable offence.








Now if someone is at ??? wearing full rune (g), and you run up to pass the teleport zone and then you kill him, you and your team just made 2.2 million minus the possibly protected items.



You're being watched.

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I don't know if anyone said this, but what about this type of lure:








going to duel arena




someone challenges you to a duel




they tell you to offer your most expensive items




they say they wont attack you




you go into the duel they attck you




you lose








Can you really believe when someone gives you "free exp"?

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Personally I have no sympathy for you if you're dumb enough to fall for a lure, and this is why it barely makes a difference for me whether or not its a breach. Even thought its lying to get someones item, and its breaking the terms agreed on, who would be dumb enough to fall for it? What bothers me though, is the fact that someone made a bunch of money unfairly.

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