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Is luring an acceptable practice?


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is it a scam? hell yes. should that person be banned? again, hell yes. they are taking advantage of the unknowing/stupid and are like any other scammers. the only luring that is aceptable is luring another pker into deeper wildy to kill them, as they know the risk and that is part of the wildy.








luring someone who wants to trade, however, is a scam and if i see you do it, i will report you and if possible kill you.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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Nadril--- you may be a lurer i dont know but i agree.








I have never been sucessfully lured but i have killed a lurer. I feel that everyone expects someone else to take responsibility for their actions.








I personally dislike luring as a lot pf people dont like comming into edge to trade because of it.








I love the idea of a bounty or a black list. Perm mutes are also a nice way to deal with scammers. The only people that should be banned are the bots and their mains.

CnConrad - RIP 10-12-07

1650+ Total lvl Pre-Summoning

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The best one is one i almost fell for.








A lvl 102 came into town and said " quiting rs folo me to get my stuff for free" so people would come . since people had armour he would get stuff. he achent magic teled us around and the first person to get to each spot got an item. then he teled every1 to wild and achented them. luckelyi knew it was in wild bc a warning came up. i was lucky.




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Yes, I am against it. But sadly, nothing we can do here will change the fact that there are evil players out there that will take advantage of the unknowing/stupid/overtrusting. We can discuss it, but I don't think JaGex reads these forums, nor do I believe that lurers give a flip. All we can do is try our best to avoid these potential lures, warn others when they're getting lured, and overall try and minimize casualties. This is, by my point of view, a very vast and almost impossible task, but if the player base puts their mind to it we can at least lower the rate of scamming/luring.

If you're in need of help in RuneScape, contact the Thunder Mercenaries. We're a clan dedicated to aiding new players.


Just don't ask for finacial help!

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Just to post this to all the people who say you are stupid if you get lured...




If you do happen to get lured and lose something, you are not stupid. The person who lure killed me was walking, and said nice robes (sara robes). I walked south, and he just kinda stayed were he was. Then i got a pm that he was up north chopping wood near the lumber yard, and that he wanted to buy my robe bottom for 600k. So i went up to sell, clicked trade, walked into wildy and got binded, and most likely tele blocked. If you do get lure killed you aren't stupid, things happen, and some of those lure killers are pretty dang smart if you ask me. I hate it when evil people are smart... :(



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You might as well ask "Is it ok to eat babies?"








Sure, these people are pretty dumb to go to the wilderness anyway, but that's beside the point. How pathetic do you have to be before you need to scam people for their money?








Once again, I know that some will say "Hey, they're stupid enough to fall for it..." but you can't use that as an excuse for taking advantage of the gullible...


The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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In my opinion, if you get killed in the wilderness, it's your fault, but the only problem i see is false buyers. It's annoying when you want to sell something and only lurers post on your topic/pm you.




Besides, luring is legal




Look on the official forums




Quick-find code:





Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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Oh boy... I can't believe the enormous support for luring...








Stupid people should be enlightened and noobs should be educated, not exploited! Helping the weak and educating the ignorant are the basis for civilization. Without that it reverts to cut neck survival of the fittest. Since this is a moral topic, I feel I need to inject my religion as that's a heavy influencer on my views (call it my philosophy if you don't like religion). Romans 15:1-2 "We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up." It comes down to a matter of whether or not you care more about yourself, or someone else and what's right. If this doesn't convince you, go rip off a 4th grader with a cheap trick for their candy, and see if people think you're in the right.


Look at my evidence of geekdom... MWAHAHAHA!

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Lady, the people whom are against Luring are very few in numbers.








In fact, we have discovered that player moderators were told that luring is legal and that player moderators have been involved in this practice. Using the crown as a lure into the wilderness. They can trade someone at the edgeville bridge and drag them into level 5 wilderness. They use the crown to decieve players, and they can't be punished by JaGeX. Because Luring is 'legal'








this is not true a p-mod is not allowed to lure as this is abusing their crown.



whats ingrediants for admiral pie?

1 admiral and some pastry

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The whole point of much of law is to defend the weak, the infirm, and yes, the stupid.








Sadly, yes.








There is no such thing as "this is legal because you're a moron if you fall for it." Tell that to the conmen and scammers in white-collar prisons. Sure, the one being scammed shares part of the blame, but it doesn't absolve the scammer of moral responsibility.








Yes you do go to jail for such scams if you get caught in real life.








And yes, the scammer is a part of the entire problem to blame. So is the person who got scammed, however.








I'm somewhat shocked that this attitude is so prevalent on this thread. I expect that you would be somewhat ticked if you got mugged and the cops said "It's your fault for being in this part of town, so we're not going to press charges."








You can't relate this to the game. In real life there are ways to force the person to do what you want. In the wilderness you need to be in the wilderness and apply to the level limits. It is two very different thing.











In my personal opinion, luring as defined above is item scamming, pure and simple. It's lying to another player for your own personal gain - so rule two directly applies.








I would have to say that, yes, "technicly" it is item scamming.








You see, this is where you and me disagree however. I, for one, think that within the realm of a game scamming should not result in a ban. That is reserved for the top crimes, such as botting or cheating.








However, don't mistake it for me thinking that you should get away with scamming. To me simply banning a player is a game breaking idea.








Different games handle scamming differently. The best way, however, is to leave it up to the players. In EVE Online it means that you can set a bounty on a players head. In Lineage II the person could easily get blacklisted and have an incredibly hard time grouping up with people.








This is where the difference between real life and game fade away I think. To me you should be able to role-play as you want in a game -- even if it includes an evil player who tricks others. I'm not saying go and cheat or bot, but I'm saying that the idea should be allowed, and should be enforced inside of the game.












Perhaps make it so that if someone is flagged as a "scammer" by jagex they can not go into towns for fear of getting attacked by cops. Make the life harder for the scammer or com artist, but possible. The person would still learn the idea that scamming may not be the best idea and it would be harder to go about their gaming life.








Another idea would to make people the in game equivilent of a "police officer". Somewhat like player mods but much more moderated. They would be able to get complaints on scams, and, if flaged ok by jagex, be allowed to attack these flaged criminals in towns or certain gaurded "hot spots". The criminal could fight back, mind you, but it would be an interesting sight.












With that being said though that kind of idea could almost never happen in runescape. I still stand by however that scamming should not be a bannable offense. Let the community work it out, make the persons name known on a blacklist (perhaps even stickied on the jagex's main site!) where jagex can list caught offenders. Sometimes the wrath of the player base can hurt almost as much as a ban.
















"I would have to say that, yes, "technicly" it is item scamming."








Technically. And, it is so actually for the rules. It is not the fault of the victim, they were CONNED. So, you fail a math test, are you to blame? Yes, unless you feed the toilet the math work.




But you lose your things to lag or a silly lurer, you're not to blame for that.




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I'm gonna have to say that luring is okay. Please note that I am *not* a lurer (I'm actually too much of a coward to set foot in the wilderness without my clan most of the time)








The fact is that you are fairly warned, and most trades take place in a bank anyway. It should be obvious to anyone with any amount of common sense at all that if someone refuses to come to you and will only trade you in an incredibly dangerous area such as the wilderness, it is a scam.








Someone recently referred to this as "cut neck survival of the fittest" and noobs should be "educated." The fact is, survival of the fittest is not necessarily a bad thing (it's often the best way to go, actually) and the way people who can't tell right off that this is a scam learn to avoid scams is by falling into them. Simply telling them "this is a scam" doesn't help at all because eventually another scam will come along that they will fall into; when they get caught in a scam, they learn what the signs of a scam are. Learning by experience is much more effective than any other method.

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I personally think that you shouldn't be banned or anything for luring, but it shouldn't be acceptable...like runecrafter pking...it should be frowned at because if you have to kill runecrafters or people just looking to sell or buy some items, you should be confiened to a 3 by 3 cell with richard simmons.












Although...if someone says "Hey i'll buy your rare, but only if you meet me in the wild" it's obviously not going to be a simple trade in the wild... so if you fall for that, then you don't deserve to have that item...

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I am unsubscribing due to this issue. I have seen hundreds of players opinions on this issue, and almost all of them are for luring being legal. This has made me have to step back and have to think about what I want to do. Help pay for a game that is letting its members scam without punishment. Or not.








This is a depressing issue, and seeing how many players whom have supported this issue, shows me that I do not want to be a part of that community.








Pmods aren't punished if they do that, because people can't report them. So JaGeX doesn't know about it unless that person, whist trying to stay alive wrote down they're name. Alot of things go unnoticed by JaGeX, which is another reason why I am unsubscribing. I do not want to pay to play a game that is run by a company that doesn't punish people for hurting others.




This is exactly why I think that Jagex should categorically state that luring is illegal and start banning:




People are quitting over this and I'd much rather play a game full of trusting, slightly gullable players than one populated with back-stabbing liars.

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If I recall correctly there was a tip.it times article about "emersive gameplay". Why shouldn't tricking and then killing players be considered into the category of "emersive gameplay"(assuming emersive gameplay is acceptable...)?

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luring is perfectly acceptable and jojo3000 has lured bout 2.5b i think and over 300 ppl and has never had a black mark








and also if jagex wanted to make it clear they wood post it on the main page and that is y instead they just use warnings








notice u have to click twice b4 entering wilderness becuz of the warning








also notice how b4 pulling the mage bank lever it gives u a warning? it is to help prevent it from happening








i think teaching som1 a lesson in runescape is much better than real life cuz in real life u can get scammed for yur credit card and such and ruin yur life or go to jail?








but me i cant lure....or atleast i cant talk i aint dishonest like that but killing ppl is a different story

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Yes, it is.




My policy is that if you are too stupid to realize its a scam, you deserve to get scammed.








No matter what it is, lure/trade scam/ real life scams (credit card scams / ect.). All it takes is a slight amount of brain power to avoid these incidents.











Dude, no form of scamming is ok--no matter how stupid the victim is.








When I first started Runescape, I barley trained skills. I was a merchanter for the first years I played the game. I was selling a pumpkin, and a guy offered 2 sets of guthan for it. Little did I know at the time, leaf spears are worthless and I lost about 10mil.








Your telling me, becuase I had little experience with barrows items that it was ok for that guy to scam me like he did? I had worked hard for the cash, and he just ripped it away from me. I nearly quit.








Come back and comment when you have a CLUE about what your saying.

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I, for one, think that luring is horrible.








Many people seem say, "if your dumb enough to get caught in the wildy, you deserve to lose a few items or so."








This, is like saying, "The people who are intelligent enough to manipulate other players deserve to gain a few items."








There are probably great players, who might actually contribute to make the runescape community better, who quit due to lures.








Anyway, I see that it is more unwise for JaGeX to allow such a thing because it would seem that more of the gullible crowd would quit due to luring.








If luring was made illegal, would you see any threads complaining about luring being turned illegal anyway?








I have never been lured, btw.








(1st post ftw lol \' )

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Luring is acceptable, but not in the spirit of the game. I know that sounds just like the quote from the RuneScape forums, but it's true, and all I can think of to sum up my position.








Luring is an aspect of player killing, which is condoned in the game. It is sneaky and unfair, but so is trying to teleother people at places like Barrows. When you enter the wilderness you acce[t the risk of losing items. Trading does not need to take place near the wilderness.








Jagex has also recently made it more difficult to lure, they fixed the trading bug that drags you multiple squares away. It is only possible to be dragged one square at most, and difficult at that. I do feel that Jagex should post this issue on the Main Page, and not the Forums, so more people can be educated about this topic.








I have never lured, and never intend to. Someone tried to lure me, but they failed.

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Lol once a guy tried to tell me he was filmin a video and said bring just your whip so you look rich i wanna own you for a video in the wild i knew straight off about this lure/scam whatever you wanna call it. Some guy tried doing to my friend not to long before it happened to me. Anways lol i come out to t he wild he says he wants to punch me to get me low then dds me for the video and stuff to look like he owned me. He didint realize i had sharks, tele and a super def pot lol the next thing he stops and there is a noted mystic tops on the ground and oh what a suprise its 4 so i would lose my whip anways i grabbed em ate and drank super defense and teled rofl made it away with 4 free mystic tops at the time that was also quite a lot to me but now its just something to laugh about. :D But lurin is bad shows nothing except you obviously don't know how to pk for real otherwise you wouldn't have to kill ppl with nothin like rc pkers...





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today a friend got lured.. he told me i was alching 5k yew longs and he followed a "friend" and the friend suddenly ran to wildy blitzed specced him..








if that happens to you you are dumb.. if you alch you alch at cw or nature rune chest in ardy...maybe barrows @ dh what ever.. but aslong as you are close to wildy you can and will get pked.








abyss rc pking for example.. jagex put it in lvl 5 wildy for a reason.. if you go there you can get pked.. so dont whine its "noob" or "cowerdly" you go or get to wildy and you can get pked.. The jojo lures... you see some guy runs after coins.. and ends up in wildy, own fault shouldn't have been that stupid then..








i support luring even tough i cant pk and probably never will pk or lure.

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I believe luring is the line seperating pking and scamming. I do think that the lured are partly responsible for being lured. It's obvious: trade in the wildy. The wildy is dangerous so why would you wish to trade there? I fell for one of the "border" lures and lost 2 mill :( but i learned from that and didn't fal for a drop lure in world 6 a few months ago :thumbsup: . So luring is kinda a learning experience for lured: recognize the situation and don't fall for it again. But at the same time if we didn't have lures and scammers then we wouldn't need to be careful trading now would we? One way to fix part of this problem is to actually draw the border line of the wildy on the minimap and the window (instead of little signs at random intervals). Also make it so that when you approace the wildy, the little message pops up EVERY time and not just the first time after you logg on then not show up until you re-logg on. Or maybe make a button on the settings that says: wilderness trade ability ability (on/off). This way you can't trade in the wilderness unless you wanted to, period. That's all i got to say about this ::'

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Since so many people are saying that "stupid people deserve to be lured", I thought I should bring up a similar real life situation.








In New York, a young teenage woman goes to a party. Afterwards, she decides to walk home, alone, at midnight. On the way home she is sexually assaulted.








Obviously, she was being foolish in going home alone at night in a potentially dangerous area. To tell the truth, she may have deserved being attacked.








Whether or not she is at fault however, the rapist will most likely still be punished. The law punishes him for committing an unlawful act.








A similar case.








A person brought a PS2 in the car with him to play on his cars television. He leaves it in clear sight when he stops at a fast food restaurant for lunch. While buying his burger, a man breaks into the car and steals the PS2.








Yes, it was the persons fault because he made a stupid choice in leaving his goods out in the open for others to see. Breaking a window and walking away with a $150 piece of equipment is quite a temptation, especially for those not quite wealthy.








But does that mean it was legal for the thief to break in?








Whether or not a person DESERVED to be lured is inconsequential. The law, or in this case, the rules, should be enforced, whether or not the victim was "deserving".








This could be pretty offencive or you have no life... comparing a girl getting raped to you losing some stuff on a game? i think theres something wrong with that :shock:








Whether or not how severe the crime is, the rule still applies.








Arikado has a good point. Whether or not someone DESERVES to be a victim of a crime is inconsequential. If you break a law, or in this case, a rule, then you deserve to be punished.








Were not discussing the severity of crimes or punishment here. The point is, if you violate the rules set, you will be punished whether or not the victim deserved it.








Just saying "He was stupid and deserved to be lured" doesn't justify your crime.

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I am seriously distraught by the amount of people who say luring is okay just because "They have the skill to do so" or "the people who are lured deserve it."








I've posted before, and I believe others have to:
















If you're breaking a law or rule, you deserve to be punished for it, no matter whether the victim was stupid or not.








As for saying it takes skill to lure:








It takes skill to set up corporate frauds too. It takes skill to cheat thousands and thousands of employees out of their incomes. Enron still got punished for it when they got caught, did they not? (Sorry if I spelled the companies name wrong.)








If you break a rule, you deserve to be punished.








Rule 2 clearly says deceiving another player for their items is not tolerated.








If you are LYING to someone, telling them you want to trade, when you're trying to kill them, you are deceiving them. Yes, it's partially their fault for being stupid enough to fall for it. I won't deny that.








However, you STILL deserve to be punished for a violation of rule 2.
















Oh yea, before someone comes on and posts that "in that case pures are violations of rule 2 as well."








The deception can not be blamed on the player. If the pure told you "I'm only 40 strength" when he's 90, that is a deception. But just because the code displays his combat level as low, and you assume that to mean he's weak, doesn't mean he is responsible for deceiving you.




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