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Secret P2P Macroers?


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hmm i got a snow day too today ;) (i live in nw ohio)








anyway, i report all the macroers as i see them, but the ones you saw could have been the chineese people? i know they get low lvl charecters and do stuff like that and the only runescape word they understand is "report" but i dont really know. you probably correctly banned them. heck, i even go yew cutter reporting when im bored.

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Also, sometimes I'll stick something in my spacebar, that way instead of logging out after 2 minutes of inactivity, its more like 5 minutes of inactivity...That way I can kick back and watch tv, while only having to look over at the screen for random events.








DON'T!! (or dont say that anyway...)




Its illegal under same rule as macroing i think. It counts as going AFK which is a bannable offence.








Yeah, I probably wouldn't do that.












the thing is, what do you do when your fishing? you could do that and stare at the screen and be legal.








i have 2 computer screens (it owns ) but i asked jagex if by doing something on the other screen while i do stuff on rs like fish etc was against rules and i got back saying "blah blah blah yes you can make sure u check for randoms etc"








so im pretty sure looking at a tv screen compared to a computer screen i tried to find the message in my inbox but i think i accidentally deleted it

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It's true that autoers ruin the market for sellers. But makes them more prettier to ones who are buying.








Well, just kidding. Autoers should be auto-banned.








Hehe.. Got into bolding things. =;


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Just pointing this out, there are many people who auto-flax or just use members to make random scripts because their bored...they get banned aswell, they arn't an exception.








It all comes out to how much your willing to loose in return for what.








If Jagex wants to stop macroers, they need to make their bans about 10x faster and they need to find many more ways to prevent transfering, ATM, their ways are extreemly flawed :)

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well with sweatshops and things macroers can afford the subscription with $7 a million








i wouldnt be supsrised but you shouldnt report if they dont respond


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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Whenever im fishing or whatever I just get sick of the boring conversations so I turn my chat off, and no one can pm me unless they are on my friends list...








So errr, if anyone here feels reporting happy and see me...just remember that ok :)








I have a habit of being anti social on runescape unless I need something \'

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Macro'ers ruin the game for all of us, but it's good that you did you part today in helping to rid the scum!








On a side note, I live in Ohio too (Snowday!), and I didn't know so many people here did too! :P

Guide to Everything Fletching XBL: Karmastocracy





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I'm not going to read all the posts but I have found my own set of macroers. Late at night at like 3 am Est.(USA) there is a level 3 for each world in Pest Control. They buy elemental runes and the reason I know there macroing is because they buy 100 runes in 4 seconds without misclicking to buy 5 runes.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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Don't forget the chance that they are pure skillers...sure the chance is small.








Also, while fishing, I often surf forums...so if someones start talking, theirs a chance I dont even notice....








Also, sometimes I'll stick something in my spacebar, that way instead of logging out after 2 minutes of inactivity, its more like 5 minutes of inactivity...That way I can kick back and watch tv, while only having to look over at the screen for random events.








I did this while smithing 6k cannon balls. Pretty sweet method. Me likey. :mrgreen:

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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Wow... So now I must respond to annoying people or I might get reported! Wonderful and great news! You think you might be smart for reporting but those could be decent people. I don't have to respond. I keep my private chat to friends. Back off.








I agree on some points such as yes, there are autors! Get used to it.








I hate to have my chat on due to people like you annoying me and asking questions. I guess I can't relax due to people like you. How fun is that? Get a pure up to 76 fishing only to get auto banned for suspected macroring! Get evidence before presenting it to the jury, mister.

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I hear ya...same thing's been happening to green dragons in the wildy. Dragon bone prices have plummeted, and d hide prices are down considerably too.








On another note, I live in Ohio and I got a snow day too today. :)

that one doesn't bother me, the lower bones go the cheaper my 200m prayer xp will be :XD: hehehehe
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1. That's when I start saying "yay snow day" etc. and to my surprise no response except for maybe 1 or 2 out of the 5+ people fishing.








2. Then I do a little right click, they are all level 30 and under.




They're at least level 10+ and wear cheap armor.







3. Then I start saying if no one responds I will report. Some people then log off. That's when I realised their macros auto log when someone sas report.








Everyone has to calm down about this macroing stuff! It's getting out of hand. Not everyone macros.








Statement 1:




If someone came up to me saying "Yay Snowday!!1" I wouldn't think anything of it, I personally probabley wouldn't have said anything either. Like you said, it was in the morning. Sometimes I am really tired when playing early in the morning or late at night, so I am to lazy to type something unless the comment is directed directly at me.








Statement 2: I don't like when people stereotype low levels. Low levels have a right to not do combat skills and fish/mine/smith/etc. And cheap armor? Classist!








Statement 3: Highly unlikely that their macros logged them off. I can think of three possible reasons why they logged off.... 1. People browse fourms/do homework/get food or stuff while fishing. It's a very slow boring skill. So they might have been inactive for so long that they are automatically logged off..... 2. They are perm. muted and cannot talk. They fear of being reported, so they log off..... 3. They might have been annoyed with your stereotypical statements and logged off.








I don't mean to attack you personally. I am just tired of these threads.








(But yes, the threat of macroer's still exist.)

Training my pure!



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Also, sometimes I'll stick something in my spacebar, that way instead of logging out after 2 minutes of inactivity, its more like 5 minutes of inactivity...That way I can kick back and watch tv, while only having to look over at the screen for random events.








DON'T!! (or dont say that anyway...)




Its illegal under same rule as macroing i think. It counts as going AFK which is a bannable offence.








I doubt he's going to be banned for that with all the green drag autoers running around unbanned now.

lulz @ rs

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I am TIRED of people saying that if no one responds, they will report. That is NOT a valid base of reporting someone. Everybody has the right to turn private chat off, and you have no right to report someone because their private chat might just possibly be off.








I agree completely.








Once, I was stringing yew longbows, and to speed it up, I turned public chat to off. Then, I got scared because people might think that I was macroing (I wasn't!) so I turned public chat back on. First thing I hear is "I think he is macroing" "I do too" and "let's report him". Turns out they were talking about someone who was woodcutting, who was probably macroing because it was a level 3 with standard clothes, but it scared me badly. So now, I can never turn off my public chat with the fear that I will be wrongfully reported, and when I appeal the lousy Jagex customer support (that I thankfully have never had to deal with) will give me a black mark (of which I have none, and I want it to stay that way!).








Long read. :shock:


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there has to be some sort of a long term solution to this, these macros are getting more common by the day. But theres always a market for runescape gold, so this may never stop :x








Would it be possible to threaten lawsuits on people who run the sweat shops?








Statement 3: Highly unlikely that their macros logged them off. I can think of three possible reasons why they logged off.... 1. People browse fourms/do homework/get food or stuff while fishing. It's a very slow boring skill. So they might have been inactive for so long that they are automatically logged off..... 2. They are perm. muted and cannot talk. They fear of being reported, so they log off..... 3. They might have been annoyed with your stereotypical statements and logged off.
you know what would be a great and useful emote? a mute emote, where you clasp your hands over your mouth :D
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Once time I was fishing there with my skiller, me was muted at the time, and every one reported me for rule number 7, in a few hours I got logged off, I went to log back in and I was banned :shock: , I went to see why and it was 5 rules 7s, I was like grr. I simply said that I was muted so I couldn't talk to tell them I wasn't one and I got unbanned ::'

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