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Luring is getting bad.


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This was the hot topic and I believe there is already a thread about this. (Edit - here: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=608661)








Luring: part of the game IMHO. ("Luring" being defined as Dagg Kings luring and not trade luring in Edge...)








The later is a bit questionable and should be fixed by Jagex.

RSN: Greedom1 | QP 248+ | Combat 116 | Total 1920+ | Skills 95 craft, 99 farm, 88 herb, 91 mage, 85 slayer

Values? What do they mean?

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This was the hot topic and I believe there is already a thread about this.








Luring: part of the game IMHO.








Your luring skill is now 78, you can now lure rune essence merchants!












But I remember I got lured with 500 lobs, the buyer was like level 54 so I didn't worry much.. The I saw an ancient magicks user rush in with ice barrage, lol. I dropped the lobs, died, used my glory I had on me, ran to edge bank for law + air rune and tried to telegrab my lobbies, but when I got there they just picked them up. Ah well...

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If they say meet them in Edgeville, most likely it will be a lure.




Either don't go or don't go near the wild.












doubtful, i never get lured, their maybe a reason why... but anyway. edge camelot and fally are the only places i trade generally.












just stay in the bank for your trades. seriously, make up dumb stuff to tell them and you will confuse them so much... tell them your in the bank but your mouse is broken and u cant walk. it wont make any sence at all and they should be stunned by this. because, what the hell? if you can click you can walk.

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to be honest, in my opinion, if your dumb enough to fall for a lure, you deserve it, your best bet is to, firstly, never trade in edgeville, and secondly, keep a look on lure topics, find out their methods so you cant fall for them








I do 50% of my trades in Edgeville and only once someone has tried to lure me. And I wasn't even asked to come to Edgeville.


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its sad to see that people still actually think they can lure someone, but sometime you can make an easy 10-20k by telegrabbing the coins they try to lure you with :)








to be honest, in my opinion, if your dumb enough to fall for a lure, you deserve it, your best bet is to, firstly, never trade in edgeville, and secondly, keep a look on lure topics, find out their methods so you cant fall for them
just bedause its in edge doesn't neccesarily mean its a lure, pkers there always but pots and food.
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its sad to see that people still actually think they can lure someone, but sometime you can make an easy 10-20k by telegrabbing the coins they try to lure you with :)








to be honest, in my opinion, if your dumb enough to fall for a lure, you deserve it, your best bet is to, firstly, never trade in edgeville, and secondly, keep a look on lure topics, find out their methods so you cant fall for them
just bedause its in edge doesn't neccesarily mean its a lure, pkers there always but pots and food.








I totally agree with dragax100, I think it's your fault if you get lured. If I get an edgeville trade though I always bring teleports, snares, and food just in case.








One time I bought a ring of stone for 4.8M from a guy. You barely see buyers for this ring and you don't see them paying that much, but I really wanted it fast and I found a seller. I told him to trade in edgeville but he got really paranoid and said fally east. :-k . Of course, I went there to trade and bought it. Not all trades in edgeville are lures.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I met a REALLY bad lurer.... I guess he thought i was a moron or something.. A lil while back i post on Official forums to buy the supplies for 90 crafting and this punk said meet in Varrock bar... a random location i must say....So i hop to his server and hit both bars in varrock.. He's nowhere to be found.. So i ask if he's at the one near wildy.. He was sittin in lvl 1 or 2 wildy with a huge stack of coins behind him and atleast 3 mage friends wandering around skulled.. Evidently he thought i was [developmentally delayed]ed or something bc he was like come out here and a trade i told him that i am not stupid and i'm not gonna walk into the wildy and get pked by his friends... He grabbed his coin stack and him and the 3 mages i saw logged.. I mean come on who's stupid enough for fall for that?!








People in this game are pathetic... Its really sad what people will do for virtual money

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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When ever people tell me to meet them in edge, i say right away im not going into wild. 80% of the time i get there any they say "Im right across the brige, hurry up i have to go soon." then when i get there they tell me "Hurry up and come to me im lagging and cant move, i have to go soon".








Its sad that this is the best idea these people have come up with. If you are going to be luring, at least be intelligent.

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If your stupid enough to follow someone into the wild to trade then you cannot complain, it isn't morally right to lure. But it is an aspect of the game, one that is widely looked down upon by others but an aspect nonetheless. Even if it was made illegal it would still happen.

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Anybody dumb enough to fall for a lure had it coming. I wouldn't normally say that but I've seen videos of people getting lured and they are just idiotic :wall: .








If you want to trade in edge, trade in the bank, otherwise call the deal off. It's that simple.

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I have little pity for people who get lured. It's their own fault for agreeing to trade in the wilderness.








If the idiots would force their buyer/seller to come to bank, then they wouldn't get lured.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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You guys!




Saying you deserve to be scammed if your dumb enough to fall for it, is like saying a kid shouldn't be helped out of a well because he was too dumb to fall in.








You guy's theory is flawed. :|

someone that falls into a well typically would not know that the well is there. In a lure, you KNOW that the guy is next to the wild and you KNOW well ahead of time. You have plenty of time to add these things up. Someone near the wild + trading = lure. If someone fell into a well, however they knew that the well was there, then they are just being stupid. Helping them out of the well has nothing to do with them falling into it. Just as you might help out one of your friends who get's scammed. But outlawing it will really do nothing as it would sort of be a difficult thing to report. The people are just pking, but in a more deceptive way. If you don't want to lose your valueable's keep it away from the wild.
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This one guy has got to be the worst lurer ever. He brought me to varock pub saying he was having a drop party, and he dropped money just inside the wilderness. I had just been telespamming to cammy, and already knew it was a lure, so I did the most logical thing. I wanted the money, so I telegrabbed it. And low and behold, there was 300k. I literally started rofl then, and then I banked my stuff came back, with d hide, and iced the guy who was gonna kill me, then k0ed him. Got about 100 bloods and 200 deaths.







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This one guy has got to be the worst lurer ever. He brought me to varock pub saying he was having a drop party, and he dropped money just inside the wilderness. I had just been telespamming to cammy, and already knew it was a lure, so I did the most logical thing. I wanted the money, so I telegrabbed it. And low and behold, there was 300k. I literally started rofl then, and then I banked my stuff came back, with d hide, and iced the guy who was gonna kill me, then k0ed him. Got about 100 bloods and 200 deaths.





stick it to them bro <3:
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blah blah blah, this thread is quickly going to turn into another making fun of people who get lured because they are trusting.












im just amazed people are going to try to say edge is a major luring place, its also a major bank.








i think some luring happens in edge but, i dont care.

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blah blah blah, this thread is quickly going to turn into another making fun of people who get lured because they are trusting.












im just amazed people are going to try to say edge is a major luring place, its also a major bank.








i think some luring happens in edge but, i dont care.

thats because it is a major luring spot. I don't see your point :-s . Didn't your parent's teach you not to trust strangers :XD: .
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