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Pass The Cheese (Now on TIF)


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I stalk you late at night when you think no-ones watching. You retrieve the cheese to sniff it like some sort of drug, whilst I sneak up behind you, pointing a 9mm to your head. I make you an offer you can't refuse. I walk away with the cheese.

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I whack Silver with my Hammer of Creative Responses, which hits her so hard she travels back in time to the 1600s, without the cheese. She is accused of being a witch because she floats on water, and is burned at the stake. 400 years later, I steal the cheese.

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Aliens come to earth and arrest you for disrupting the space-time continuum. I claim that the cheese is a device used for torturing their kind, and in their exclaims of surprise, I take the cheese and give it to my pet mudkip to guard.


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Throw poo at silver_wits, who drops it. I pick it up, and walk away.




Not anymore you don't. ::'


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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I go through back door, send my primate friends after you, who bury you in poo, but not before taking the cheese and giving it to me.


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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Your post is so unimaginative that it creates a supermassive black hole effect. I am pulled towards you as your creativity implodes on itself. As I approach singularity I find the cheese. Removing it from your possession destroys the black hole and propels me back to earth.

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Meanwhile I'm in your backpack. I knock you out, take the cheese, and send you off towards the sun, while I drift to Earth safely.


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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I get so [bleep]ing mad that you interrupted my great post for Psycho that I blow up in your face, causing you to instantaneously combust while I gather myself up, grab the cheese, dance on your grave, and leave.

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