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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. mcneilp


    Had to use the crappy built-in mic so excuse the quality and the odd sound right at the start. http://vocaroo.com/?media=vcUmnoleyQA3LQrQ1
  2. mcneilp


    I've seen this kind of thread done elsewhere before and thought it'd be quite cool to hear what you all sound like. All you need to do is go to http://vocaroo.com/ and record yourself speaking. If you're stuck for something to say, here's a few lines from a wiki article: [hide]As human beings spread out into isolated communities, stresses and peculiarities develop. Over time these can develop into identifiable accents. In North America, the interaction of people from many ethnic backgrounds contributed to the formation of the different varieties of North American accents. It is difficult to measure or predict how long it takes an accent to formulate. Accents in the USA, Canada and Australia, for example, developed from the combinations of different accents and languages in various societies, and the effect of this on the various pronunciations of the British settlers, yet North American accents remain more distant, either as a result of time or of external or "foreign" linguistic interaction, such as the Italian accent.[/hide] And to give this a little more discussion, what are your favourite/least favourite accents? Do you like the accent you have? I'll get mine recorded once I get this mic sorted out.
  3. Some pretty good pieces. Congrats to Tripsis, and if I'm not mistaken, Turtlefemm used to be an Admin here as well?
  4. mcneilp

    Name change

    Don't think I'd ever change my name, happy enough with it. I've nothing against it, whatever floats your boat.
  5. mcneilp

    Gun Control

    Shooting 10 rounds at someone because they threw an egg at your car is [developmentally delayed]ed. I've got nothing against allowing civilians to own firearms (provided they do it legit and go through all the checks and whatever) but it's incidents like this that bolster the argument against gun ownership.
  6. I'm using Boone and EDE. Boone is a complete bad-ass. Gave him my Anti-Materiel rifle and went Deathclaw hunting in the quarry which is always good for a giggle. I also picked the Explorer perk which puts all the locations on the map so I've been going about exploring the ones that sound cool.
  7. I've just started playing again after a big break so the game still has an element of fun to it. I guess accomplishing goals, be it a 99 or certain level in a skill or earning X amount of GP, are what I'd class as fun. Castle wars as well.
  8. I'd say being exposed to alcohol underage is all part and parcel of being a teenager, it's bound to happen at some point or another. If you're not a fan of drinking, just tell them that, it's no real biggie. Hopefully they'll understand. Underage drinking is pretty funny to look back on. Cheap cider from a plastic bottle in a park, classy as hell. Also, the sheer amount of hassle friends and I went through to get hold of a case or two of beer was ridiculous.
  9. Don't think it's as big a deal over here as it is in America. Although it is a good excuse to go out and get drunk dressed as Fred Flintstone.
  10. Me and my friend who I regularly play with talk [cabbage] all the time, to each other mainly so it's more friendly banter than talking [cabbage] but whatever.
  11. Found the Ratslayer rifle earlier today. It's basically a modded Varmint rifle (surpressor, scope and night sights I think) but its great fun to use. I know which ending I'm going for but I'm doing all the quests I can before I go for it.
  12. Haven't used Limewire in years, even back then I knew it was [cabbage]. I used to spend a lot of money on CDs/gig tickets when I worked full time and had the spare cash to do so. Now I don't have a job so I'd rather use my cash to buy tickets to their concerts as I can get the album for free via torrents or whatever.
  13. I don't know if anyone has posted this before but meh, I'll post it again as it's a damn good song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHvuXdhnieA
  14. Went with some friends to see Avenged Sevenfold tonight as part of a (very) belated birthday present. It was a good night and they had a pretty cool stage show with flaming arches and all that jazz, which was cool. The sound in the venue was a bit off at times but everyone knows that's a problem with that particular venue, so it's no biggie.
  15. I see Deathclaws are annoying as ever.
  16. I reckon I probably will get it. Despite DICE's shortcomings, I had a lot of fun with Bad Company 2 and frankly, flying over Vietnam in a Huey blasting out some Creedence Clearwater Revival sounds too good to miss.
  17. Normally: Front left pocket has my phone and any loose change. Front right pocket has my house/car keys/iPod Back left pocket has my wallet with my driving liscense and assorted cards. Sometimes if I'm in a busy place I'll put my wallet in my front pocket. Thats how I roll.
  18. mcneilp


    I'm in like 20. I don't get why people are so obsessed with having pictures of [bleep]ing everything. I have one friend who actually takes pictures, and that's because he's a legit photographer. I've got a few people added who are tagged in a ridiculous number of photos. The worst is, there's always a bunch from the same night out, same clothes and same pose taken within like a minute after the previous photo. Near enough every photo I'm tagged in, I'd been drinking when it was taken so like half of them are of me with a bemused (drunk?) look on my face or taken at the exact minute I shut my eyes. Not very flattering.
  19. Yeah, the third series was good but not as good as the first two. Quite looking forward to the film coming out. Still, some cracking quotes from this series as well though. "Jay: When I say I'm gonna deliver, I [bleep]ing deliver. Will: Like a postman with Tourettes?"
  20. Yeah, it is alcoholic. Made with fermenting apples or pears. I like both, but theres this stuff in the UK called "Copella English Apple Juice" which blows normal apple juice and (dare I say it...) cider clean out the water.
  21. I've found earphones with a jack that plugs straight into the earphone socket break a lot quicker than ones with the jack at a right angle. I've got a pair of Sennheiser somethings I've had for close to 8 months, with the right angle jack, whereas I would've went through several pairs of straight-jack Skull Candy in the same time frame. Just my 2 cents.
  22. mcneilp


    Went shopping today, got a new shirt and hoody. Now, chilling with some films and some beers. :thumbup:
  23. If the Cider's any kind of Kopperberg and you mix some classic 'buckie' in, it goes down a treat ;) Mixing Buckie with Kopperberg is a travesty haha. Buckie should only be drunk on a park bench (brown paper bag is optional) by either tramps or underagers. :smile: I've not touched a drop of that stuff since I've been able to buy my own alcohol.
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