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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. Hear hear. I'd rage if any daughter of mine was 12 and walking around in make-up, high heels and inappropriate clothes. ...With a face like an oompa loompa. The amount of fake tan some girls wear about here is bordering on the rediculous.
  2. Saw Scott Pigrim Vs The World the other night. I didn't really know what to expect but yeah, pretty good.
  3. Yeah, it's alright. Found it pretty funny the first few times I listened through the albums but there are a few songs I actually quite like for the guitar/drumming, and not just the Arnie references.
  4. The marshmallows used for homebaking used to be next to the spices and food colourings and whatnot in the supermarket where I used to work. Pretty sure they were in the candy/sweets aisle as well though.
  5. Lolwut? If you read it I mentioned that Hercules wasn't really that good of a game, it just had special significance for me. If this was a serious post I'd like to see some justification for these games being crappy. I can understand people disagreeing with the order or the top 3 or whatever, but to call them outright crappy is just a pretty dumb statement to make. Okay i get your point, but then title the topic in another way? may i suggest: 25 Nostalgic computer games i recommend or something like that ;-) I think the games are good too, and i have many of them, but its not top 25 at all, sorry. I'm pretty sure it's subjective. These are Vale's favourite 25 games, not the 25 best games ever made.
  6. Heh, I can remember my advanced French class asking the teacher which language he thought in, as he was fluent in French, Italian, Spanish and German and he replied it depended on which language he was currently speaking which I think would be pretty cool, switching between two or three languages pretty much at will. I think in English, as it's my mother tongue. Still use Scottish slang in my thoughts as well as my speech though.
  7. mcneilp


    Unemployed this summer, first time I've been without some sort of money coming in since I started highschool. Anyway, my first proper part time job was working in a car garage just generally helping out. One of my dads good friends was the co-owner/head mechanic and he got me in. After that, whilst still at highschool, I worked back shifts and occasional weekends in a supermarket stacking shelves and working in the warehouse. My first "full time" job was as a technician for a massive office complex, fixing equipment and maintaining the buildings and grounds which was brilliant. Colleagues were sound as hell and the work was quite fun. At Uni now though, I'll need to find a job soon anyway as the student loans and such aren't gonna cover the rent and bills.
  8. Thats a pretty sweet idea for a tattoo. I'd like to do some travelling after Uni and thought about getting a phrase tattoo'd in each of the languages in the countries I've visited around a design but I dunno, it's a work in progress I guess.
  9. Kinda agree here. Although with their newer stuff, I prefer Death Magnetic to St.Anger but thats not saying much.
  10. The Thrill Is Gone - B.B. King & Tracy Chapman
  11. The Sun: Super Rat Shot Dead In Bradford. Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo were unavailable for comment.
  12. Congrats to everyone. :thumbup: Filling in the student loan and bursary forms (assuming it's a similar system in England as it is in Scotland) is the next big headache.
  13. This. I've never understood the fascination with no-scoping.
  14. Small Soldiers was a brilliant game. Used to play it at my friends house and there was this song on one of the multiplayer maps that we used to sing along to. The nostalgia...lol. Good list, a fair few games there that I'd definitely have included in mine.
  15. That programme "My Super Sweet 16". Jesus [bleep]ing christ. My sister likes watching it at lunch but the people in it are so spoiled it's unreal. If I had several hundred thousand pound to spend on a party, I'd be dead by the end of it.
  16. The coolest looking bottle I've seen would be this: [hide] Yup, a bottle in the shape of Buddha. :shades: [/hide] The beers not too bad either.
  17. According to the news, where i am should have a pretty good view as long as the clouds stay away. Probably take the car and park it at the bottom of the hills on the edge of town and climb to the top to watch.
  18. Screw that microwavable stuff, making it from scratch is easy and tastes a load better.
  19. Screw that microwavable stuff, making it from scratch is easy and tastes a load better.
  20. I have no idea which clique i'd be in. I used to do a bit of biking when i was at school so i guess i hung around with the "skater" kids then but now, i dunno. I like being by myself, spending time on the computer or listening to music but i enjoy going out with friends to pubs/gigs/clubs and whatnot as well. [hide][/hide] I guess thats probably the closest i'd get to any of the cliques on that site.
  21. Prefer card games like Poker, Blackjack and Rummy to board games. Quite like draughts though, the simple mans chess.
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