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Everything posted by Dragonlordjl

  1. Gearshifter was the first to maxed combat. That was in RSC, when you needed 93 prayer to get 123 combat.
  2. Fremmenik, with Seers + Camelot combined. There is so much to do there, and a wide variety of challenges. The area is about as large as Karajma, so it will definitely be better than the Varrock Diary.
  3. That's a good question. Albeit, I am against PKing skillers (rcers and clue doers) as the sole purpose in doing that is just to be a douche and inconvenience someone. There's no real profit in it. However, that doesn't make it "wrong," per se... You willingly set foot in the wilderness, so you willingly accepted that you are fair game for PKers.
  4. In my experience, most pures are immature and obnoxious. It's not just a few. But yes, the honor code is absurd. It's the wilderness--a place of chaos and disorder. STFU about safing and bullcrap like that. As said in my sig, people just want you to lay down and die without even putting up a fight.
  5. I agree with Qeltar. There is a certain point where wealth becomes irrelevant. To me, that point is after I can buy 99 construction and max my house, 99 prayer, full dragon + full helm, and an armadyl godsword. That's probably like around 300m total. Big deal, you have 190 mask sets.... so? I'd much rather have a handful of true friends than constantly be bombarded by beggars because of my reputation as "one of the richest."
  6. When did you begin playing RS and how did you come across it? A friend told me about it in 2001. How did you pick your name? When did you start to use Tip.It? My first character was named Xenobia666, but I died on a Man. I made a new character, and chose the Warrior class. I named him Dragonlord because dragons are mythical, omnipotent beings, and the JL comes from the name of a moderator of an old game I used to play. I do not know when I started to use Tip.It. Did you play any other MMOÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s and what type of other games do you enjoy? I play RS and CS: Source Did you have any friends help you as you started the game? Nope. What is your proudest accomplishment? 85 slayer, and max melee. What is one of your favorite quests to do on game? Recipe for Disaster and Swan Song. Are you a loner on the game or do you prefer to be with friends when skilling? I usually skill alone. If I skill with friends, I get distracted and end up accomplishing little. What is your least/favorite skill? Why? My favorite skill is Slayer, I am not sure why. I enjoy combat, and it has a nice change of pace every so often. My least favorite skill is farming, because I always end up sitting there waiting for it to finish growing. On average, how many hours a day do you play? 2-5 What are your current goals? DO you have a favorite skill that you like working on more than others? 99 Slayer. Slayer :P Do you ever think of quitting the game? Sometimes. I have quit three times in the past, but I always come crawling back. Has being part of Tip.It helped you in any way? How? It is very useful with doing Clues and Quests. How did you come across the Tip.It website? Don't remember. What do you like to do outside of the game? Write fictional novels and play any console RPGs. What would be the one piece of major advice that you would give to all fellow Tip.iters? Set a goal. It will make skilling manageable and keep you playing RS. Also, don't do something that you hate just to obtain bragging rights. Getting 99 smithing is not worth the time and effort if you abhor smithing. Basically, it's a game and you should do what you enjoy. That's why my combat skills are maxed and many of my other skills are quite low. I enjoy combat and dislike most other skills.
  7. Wow. I think my IQ lowered 20 points just from reading that. :boohoo: EDIT: If you look at that guy's stats, he is around level 105-110. :-w
  8. Bandos stuff is on the rise again. There is still a high demand for it; the reason it fell so sharply was the "safe spot" glitch, which was fixed last night.
  9. Well, my reasoning behind their ad campaign is this: Teenagers are more likely to opt for WoW, due to the eye candy and realism, and they are less restricted by parents as well as monetarily. Pre-adolescents, on the other hand, are very limited monetarily so they don't have much of a choice when it comes to paying for something. Parents read the "Parent Guide" and get the concept that the game is suitable for their children and then bribe the children that "If you get As I'll pay for your subscription." Also, it's my opinion that the Chat Filter is another part of their ad campaign. Parents see that there is a filter so they think that "little Johnny" is shielded from profanities (regardless of the fact that he hears far worse things at school every day.) Jagex knows that it's absurdly strict for 13+, but they also know that if they present a strict censor, parents are more likely to pay for their kids' subscriptions. It's all about marketing strategies.
  10. RC pkers are yellow scumbags, so I have no sympathy for them. *blows raspberry* Jog on!
  11. I give beggars Security Books, stating it's the most valuable thing I own, and then if they swear at me, I report them and add them to my ignore list. \ Oh, and one time I was in World 2 trying to sell something and I made my price less than this one kid's, so he starts shouting "Dragons scamming! report him!" I ask him how I am scamming and he doesn't answer. Instead, he proceeds to verbally bash me, telling me I am a "nerd" and I "have no life" I just added him to my ignore list and was on my merry way. What amused me, though, was he kept following me for around ten minutes after I put him on my ignore list, probably thinking I was still hearing his worthless garble.
  12. I agree. It's stupid that we have to be so conscious of what we say; it's becoming like the era of the Second Red Scare, when anyone will report anybody else for the least little thing that slips out. On topic, it is truly hard to have a decent conversation in public on RS anymore. I keep hoping that the torrent of kiddies coming from Miniclip will ebb eventually and the first and second generations of 'Clippers will drop their balls, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Because of that, I am restricted to talking in Clan Chat or PMs, often with my Public on Hide or disabled totally. And if you think that the Rogues Den is bad, you should see the Castle Wars waiting room or Catherby. Both have numerous amounts of noobs saying pathetically immature comments like "lol i did ur mom" or "i farted an it stinx lolz" The other day in CW, I had a level 64 come up to me in the waiting room and say "wut ur str?" I reply, 99. "wut ur atk" 99.... "wut ur def?" Starting to get peeved, I told him to go look me up in the high scores. "da wut?? were is dat?" FFS! At that point, I put my public on Friends.
  13. So, you're calling me stupid as I spent 98m for a purple phat around 15 months ago? Sorry bro, I made there over 40m profit and got myself one status item more. Party hats show that their carrier is a rich person, but they also are a good investment: in a long run their value rises. Well, you were rich anyway, though. I know people who short-change themselves on useful items just to own a rare. Basically, what I meant was unless you already have an extravagant surplus of cash, it's a waste to buy a rare.
  14. It is because of examples like this that Jagex made all future rares untradable. Tbh, you're quite stupid to pay 100m+ for a tiny paper hat that DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help you in-game.
  15. Perhaps make a total post requirement to post in the General Discussion forum?
  16. I spent thirty minutes searching for that picture of a kitten sleeping on a book with the text "TL;DR" but I couldn't find it. :wall:
  17. *rolls eyes* You know, this is wasted time that they COULD be using to control the macroer problem, which is a MUCH bigger issue. Bleehhh, this is SO typical of Jagex. =;
  18. You can own at many aspects of the game, like Zezima, but you can't own at ALL aspects of the game. RS is just too large with too many different activities for someone to be indomitable in ALL areas of the game.
  19. Defense is very underpowered. I really noticed no difference from 90-99. Instead of reducing how often your opponent hits, Defense should serve as the antithesis of strength, lowering your adversary's maximum hit. Armor should determine how often you are hit. I'd also like to see Attack determine a minimum hit, and let your weapon accuracy determine how often you hit.
  20. 1) This doesn't belong in DC. 2) It's a silly suggestion, noteworthy of the Suggestions Forum in the RSOF.
  21. My greatest moments were: Getting a guthan spear from barrows Getting 85 slayer Getting my first whip drop
  22. RSC went to the downhill around the same time when Jagex started to build RS2 and then it just started to die slowly when it was released. If you haven't played it since at least from year 2003, you got no idea what the real RSC was. In my eyes RSC plays a pretty darn big role when we're talking about veterans. I personally don't see how that has anything to do with being a veteran. There's just too many short and pointless quests which only show that you can read a walkthrough and got few hours of spare time to do something that really isn't a big deal. QFT. RSC went downhill when Jagex joined Miniclip in 2003. Coincidentally, that was around the same time that Jagex became impersonal, and stopped frequently playing their own game. RSC from 2001-2002 was awesome. The community was mature, bots and scamming weren't a big issue, and the game still had the novelty to it. I completely agree. In the early years those of us that played would see Jagex mods, and even Andrew playing the game every once in a while. Jagex would respond to players needs and not have automated responses to everything. RSC in the first 2 years were the highlight and most fun of my RS career. Even if it took almost a year to get to level 60. Also, on another note about people with 99's being veterans or high combat. Since the addition of PC to the game there are many non-veteran/experienced player with very high combat skill. I'm only lvl 108 currently, but I have been playing since the beginning of the game. I get alot of my friends who are levels 115+ that ask me the most stupid questions about the game. Things like, where do I get charcoal? or where can I get a anti-dragonfire shield? That's so true. It's irritating seeing level 115+ people who are completely ignorant of the game outside of Pest Control. I am guilty of using PC to gain a couple mil strength and attack experience, but at least 75% of my experience came without PC. My 86 slayer attests to that. I remember back in RSC, when the best experience in the game was using an R2h to kill Guards at the Black Knight Fortress. I remember when to be able to hit above 20, you were considered a god. Then came the advent of members and the dragon battle axe, which raised the maximum hit to around 35 with 99 strength, cooking gauntlets, and a ruby amulet. On a final note, I have proof that I am a veteran, in my bunny ears. I was currently "retired" when the scythes were dropped, so I missed those, though. Regardless, I have been through the ups and downs of RS since before Crackers were dropped.
  23. RSC went to the downhill around the same time when Jagex started to build RS2 and then it just started to die slowly when it was released. If you haven't played it since at least from year 2003, you got no idea what the real RSC was. In my eyes RSC plays a pretty darn big role when we're talking about veterans. I personally don't see how that has anything to do with being a veteran. There's just too many short and pointless quests which only show that you can read a walkthrough and got few hours of spare time to do something that really isn't a big deal. QFT. RSC went downhill when Jagex joined Miniclip in 2003. Coincidentally, that was around the same time that Jagex became impersonal, and stopped frequently playing their own game. RSC from 2001-2002 was awesome. The community was mature, bots and scamming weren't a big issue, and the game still had the novelty to it.
  24. Yes, and because of that, we are forced to replace it with "blow." I don't know about you, but in my opinion, blow is more lewd than sucks.
  25. The drop rate is very low. The chances of getting one from pyring chewed bones are much greater.
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