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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. Meh...for Dragon Armor to not be scoffed at by the general public, Barrows has to become more expensive to maintain. Personally, I love my dragon armor but when I'm doing slayer tasks, stats are more crucial than looks. (By the way, does anyone else hate the look of just about all Barrows Armor? Blech!) I'd like it if ALL dragon-based armor became just as hard to get. (Ie you need a Ruined Dragon Plateskirt, dragon lumps, etc plus a 99 smither to make them.) The hardest armor to get that is PERMANENT should be a bit more difficult to achieve. Even level 80's can mage Steel Dragons with virtually no risk if they're willing to spend just a bit of time.
  2. Absolutely not. You still only need to do quests to get it, and the skill requirements really aren't THAT high. Between skillers, mayhap it'll be different. But a Pvp'er will always scoff at the quest cape they're too lazy to get.
  3. Yay, Combat Players don't get free experience anymore! I don't care if Skillers got exp to compensate, the fact that a level 60+ runecrafter could make all the runes required for a Ice Barrage spell was utterly asinine. I'd personally rather get tools giving Double EXP than get EXP ingame. If you add up the experience in the long run, the Double EXP pays off.
  4. That argument is highly debatable, since the charms from summoning most often come from slayer tasks. Yes, there are other ways such as barraging Rock Lobsters or killing Waterfiends, but those are not cost effective methods of training, and all have roots in combat.
  5. Most of the stuff I know about medieval armor and Arthurian legend was spurred on by Runescape. 'Course, I did a bit of outside research, so I don't know if that counts. :3
  6. That's the first time I've heard such rumors. Those worlds aren't that laggy for me, after popping on them for a moment, but maybe I'm getting lucky. :3
  7. I hate to be one of "those people," but why is it nonsense? Perhaps it's my own lack of understanding, but isn't very little known about the Eastern lands? And there have been hints to an Island related to the Majharrats, wasn't there? In that one main page banner? Or am I mistaken? :$
  8. Lots of scattered exp rewards in varying amounts, much like Recipe For Disaster. As for material rewards, I can't even begin to guess. I'm fair certain though that Smithing will get an update of some sort, or at the very least a hefty EXP reward. As for "High Leveled" always being tied to 70's in Jagex's book...When you think Godsword, do you think "Oh look, noob weapon."?! Honestly? o_O If you take a moment to look apart from just the level requirement, to how the object is obtained, it's a little more significant.
  9. I think it varies from the type of player you are. Skillers will clamor over something that gives more efficient ways to train skills; Balanced players will like new, exciting things like new maps; Pures will take any EXP reward, so long as it doesn't give them Def exp; Combat lovers will crave every scrap of combat-based experience they can get their hands on; etc etc etc. Personally, I don't care what the quest reward is so long as the Quest itself has a good, strong storyline to it. Experience-based rewards are a plus. New areas/skills unlocked? Even better! I think the only quest in recent history that was released that I TRULY disliked was the catapult one. While the story of the haphazard Tyras guard was cute, in a way, I positively despise navigating through Isdafar's twisted forest for such little things in the way of storyline. (It didn't help that I DESPISED Castle Wars, either!)
  10. Meh, yeah, lots of those posts you mentioned could serve to go into another forum. And if that's your pet peeve, I can see how you can hate the RSOF--that's a chronic "issue" there. But personally, I don't mind answering a few questions so long as the topic creator isn't a jerk. Some people post in the wrong forum repeatedly, because it's a real chore for a Forum Mod to have to move the topic to the proper spot (and that's another issue for another day, the RSOF infrastructure is OUTDATED and is in serious need of a makeover!) I guess that brings me to an issue that I do have a real problem with on the RSOF. If you try to help someone or try to tell them, "Hey you should probably lay off from doing this, it can get your topic locked" they're instantly up in arms screaming about "Wannabe Mods." Most of those "Wannabe Mods" you see truly deserve that title. They think just because they trumpet the rules about, they'll get player mod status. The other fraction of the people with that label though, are actually trying to educate fellow players. It's kind of a tradeoff I guess, when you come down to it.
  11. It's a very interesting theory, if not a bit cliched. (Fight breaks out, go to new area, save the world from evil, the evil never really happens because of some outer force ie guthix, dreaming, etc) Personally, I hope this "Grandmaster Quest" has lots of twists and turns. I want to be wrung out and gaping with shock, like I was after watching Zanik disappear. :o
  12. I made friends with the Wownerds at my school just fine. A couple of the "cool kids" found out that I played and made fun of me, but I always felt a little better when they asked for tutoring help after flunking a test I aced ;)
  13. What's wrong with needing help and asking questions? If you do that here on Tip.It, 4 different people will flame you for being a "moron" or an "idiot" and not even spend 5 seconds to answer your question. *shrug* EDIT: Meh. I need to allow more "thinking time" before posting. Apologies in advance.
  14. Every forum deserves a little bit of awesome ;) . Hey, just like there are some good people on the RSOF, there are some good people who are pures. :twss: EDIT: Oh, but I did phrase it in a way that makes them look poorly, didn't I? :3 Let me fix that.
  15. Honestly, Tif and RSOF are cut from the same cloth. If Tif had the chance to reach the same amount of people that the RSOF did, you'd see even more similarities poke through. I see equal ratios (key word there, ratios) of trollers, intelligent people, flamers, well spoken people, arrogant people, and pures. Personally, I love the sections of the RSOF that I nestle myself in and call home. *hides behind the Anti-Flame shield* EDIT: FIXED LOL!@!@!#$!@$#@$($%T^Q#$(T$T^#$T^#$Y&^#$ :3
  16. Nah, not if you want to generate a drop. Since it has no GE value, it doesn't add up to your 75k minimum risk value.
  17. That's a pretty big stretch to call that the Stone of Jas. Honestly, if I squint, it looks more like a Runecrafting Altar than anything else.
  18. And that's why you think it's useless. You're already p2p. They added corrupt dragon items to the game as a gimmick-another way to get f2per's to go members. That's all, really. Like you said, they're grossly overpriced and serve no real purpose.
  19. Eh, just like there was a new quest in lumbridge, by Explorer Jack, that never showed up? Personally, I think their quest/minigame/acheivement symbols are just wacky. :s
  20. Well I'm sure if other results were 'misleading' they would have hidden more polls since then. I seriously cannot begin to fathom why you're so worked up about one poll. Who cares, really?
  21. Where did you read that he "told her a lie?"
  22. I'm not entirely sure... While there might be 30k people who are able to smith runite items, there are also 100k players with the capability to slay a monster or complete a level 3 clue. Realistically though, it is probably the smithers producing more rune items per minute versus clues simply because of the availability of materials to the smither. I've personally noticed a trend in my latest clue scrolls--I have less and less chance of obtaining rune items. Now, my observation is not backed up by trials. As for rune drops from monsters, I don't know. I only kill fire giants, jellies, and abberants! XD
  23. To be trite but true, no pic no proof, 3 Hit U. If you've read the posts in your own thread, you would've seen someone mention that the selection process has changed. :-w And to be honest, most of those 'cheat sites' are shady when it comes to games like Runescape--because, let's face it, anyone with half a brain knows there's no cheats for Runescape. I'd believe a member of Tip.It's community before I believe this mysterious "Arch" you mention, who apparently doesn't divulge his in-game name.
  24. I would think it depends on how they programmed everything in. The item "Goulash" could become a members object after the two week period, since the quest will become a member exclusive quest from that point on. Of course, that's only a guess. It's equally likely that you'll be able to keep it, too.
  25. A spell like this couldn't be f2p. That's just ridiculous. And since it wouldn't be f2p, then why can't you just teleblock and dds spec with smite on? It's just as much a solution.
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