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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. Initially, it was to try it out. I stayed with clans for the extra layer of community and fun it gave to Runescape.
  2. I don't often get kills, but if we're in the middle of a fight, I usually don't. If we're having a slow night though, and only finding stragglers and it's late, I'll pick up a piece or two. I never saw PKRI's as a source/drain of income because I don't really care about cash that much. '-' HI ELIT9!
  3. Usually for holidays, our banner gets a themed makeover for that day. Also, our events team usually whips up a holiday-themed event. :)
  4. I feel like this article was just a rehash of what was discussed in several different topics on these forums. Don't get me wrong, it was a good read. Well written, as always. But maybe like the dragon plate being discussed, it also was released a little too late. Too true, too true. Along with the fact of it's strung out release, the moment your everyday user sees one day of a price drop, they panic and flood the market with surplus goods.
  5. It's a lovely idea, but you'll use a portion of potential users if they cannot use it outside of HD Fullscreen mode. :/
  6. All the more reason to expect a pending release of archeology, after unearthing one of Gielnor's rarest artifacts. But your wit is nonetheless valued. ;)
  7. I agree, 100%. There's nothing to save the Dragon Platebody from spiralling now, thanks to merchants and the assist system. It's far too easy to obtain the most exclusive piece of armor in the game. If you ask me, the most valuable reward from WGS was the experience. (By the by, does anyone else think the Daily Average feature should be removed from the GEDB? It seems that whenever people see a [bleep]e in ONE DAY, they freak out and buy at max, causing the prices to rise...then if people stop buying and the daily average drops once, they flood the market. *facepalm*)
  8. Whatever it is, Jagex have dug themselves a fine hole. They have set the example for all future grandmaster quests to come. I mean c'mon, an item worth 8mil, 400k exp, two new armor sets, a smithing update? If the rewards for future are even marginally different, people will whine. Personally, I think the only thing that can match the release of the dragon platebody is a new set of permenant armor for 70 attack, strength, and defense (Currently, all we have is Barrows and Corrupted for 70+, and they're temporary armor). Or a new skill.
  9. It was my understanding that they were never that popular to begin with...which is a shame. The concept of them is quite lovely.
  10. I'm surprised that, given this line, no one has mentioned archeology. And the, "Leave no stone unturned." line that was mentioned a bit ago.
  11. Shouldn't this be in the Tip.Iters Runescape Events? And good idea, though I personally rather play on a good world and win fair and square. :3
  12. Dragon claws are wonderful pvp items. A fellow clanmate tried his luck at bounty hunter (p2p) with his new Dragon Claws. He got a Bandos Godsword and an Zamorak Godsword in the same day. Honestly, I'd rather have a pair of dragon claws than an AGS.
  13. Too little too late. It'll take ages for those shards to rise in price, while the platebody keeps plummeting. It'll take ages now for everything to even out...*sigh* Still, I guess it needed to be done.
  14. Oh my dear lord... :shock: Wouldn't a movie be easier? o_o Still, I'm sure the people who couldn't do the quest <3 you for this. :P
  15. it didnt have requirements. Yes, but the Halloween quest had extra bonus experiences for those who had 93+ mage albeit it wasn't a requirement to complete it...This holiday quest could be implemented in similar fashion. If you read the way they wrote the article, they mention the Holiday bundle. They address the event, then the quest. It very much sounds like they're related.
  16. Just because Lucien has the Stone of Jas, doesn't mean that he's completed the ritual for Godhood that goes along with it. Quest timelines are very "fragmented" because of how they're released. I think it's unlikely he has achieved godhood yet. ...Or was the ritual visiting and obtaining the stone itself? That itself seems unlikely, or else the stone would not have been there at all since Zamorak ascended in the same way Lucien is trying to. Blargh, I'm confused now!
  17. If Jagex had bothered to change the way you obtained Gold Leaf, Marble, and Magic Stone people wouldn't have had this issue. Putting construction-based rewards were a half-assed way to counter the complaints of those training construction saying, "Oh, but it's so expensive to decorate your house after spending all that money to level!" I'm pretty happy with the rune nails, though. They're good for Rune Brutal arrows, which I do use occasionally while going Zorge hunting/theiving. I see no practical purpose though, of using anything other than Iron Nails for those first few construction levels. If nails were required when building rooms, it would make more sense. EDIT: Oops, hit enter too fast! :oops: Anyway, I hunt clue scrolls occasionally when I feel like "gambling" in a sense. Though, if you hunt level 3 clues, there's no place better than Jellies for the average player. You get charms, you get alchables, and you get rune full helms. I rarely lose money hunting clues, and it's unlikely I come out of a day's hunting with LESS than 200k in money from Jellies alone. I love cluescrolls, and I love doing them. The only time I don't do a clue immediately is when I'm trying to maximize my EXP per hour with slaying.
  18. ...Oh. *rereads the BTS*... Well that's a big disappointment, not gonna lie. I thought December seemed a little packed with releases, heh. I'll edit my previous post, thanks for clarifying.
  19. I sort of wish they'd break away from common areas and start doing more uncommon areas...well, like they are with the Fremminick diary! I wonder if the Falador diary will follow in the Varrock diary's footsteps with a fairly high smithing task. Or, if it will involve the tall rune statues just a little north east of Falador. Been wondering what those things were doing there for ages! Wouldn't it be a slap in the face if the Falador diary involved killing an Elite Black Knight? Hah :3
  20. Finally, the explanation to the mysterious quest symbol that popped up in Explorer Jack's hut nearly a month ago! Otherwise, it's a pretty boring update...Though, we are getting two new achievement diaries. That's pretty cool. EDITEDIT: I was oh, so totally wrong. :3 There IS only one quest this month, bummer....I guess that's why we're getting TWO diaries instead of one. XD
  21. I'm curious...to those who have said this boss was easy, have you tried your hand at the fight caves? I've never been there, so I was unfamiliar with the whole 'prayer switching' thing. I found the Balance Elemental quite difficult until I nailed that tactic, then it was a walk in the park. If there was less time between switching prayers, it would've been a much more challenging fight. Or if it didn't provide 100% protection, our prayers, against his attacks..
  22. Oh, oh, oh! Okay, that makes a lot more sense. I had almost forgotten about that small detail... Meh, that's the drawback with having done all those quests, but doing them so long ago...you forget details like that! [hide=]So he saved our individual characters before because he foresaw us defeating Lucien eventually, by using the last charge of that pod right? Had he not, he could've saved himself against Lucien, but that was the "choice" he was refering to.[/hide] Now I feel like a total goof! XD
  23. It should be #1. That's 70% of where my college semester went...the other 30% was cramming, attending classes, and taking tests. >.> My friends are dumb and only want to go to bars, and I'm underage and don't drink. ; . ;
  24. Ah...speaking of what Hazelmere was doing at the big battle with Lucien... [hide=]Has anyone figured out WHY he had one of those teleportation pods with him? There's a small glimpse at his palm, and the seed twitches...but then he's struck down by Lucien and turns to ash. Why didn't he use the pod to teleport away? Was this part of his "choice" he claims to have made already?[/hide]
  25. [hide=]Well, after that quest, we DEFINATELY know that the Dragonkin are evil. They speak of bringing pain on the races. And also, that it seems there are only three of them, which matches the three heads in the Dragonkin forge. I'm curious as to which Dragonkin fought Robert the Strong..hmm. '-' So, when you touch the Stone of Jas, you say something rather interesting. Is Jas the Elder God, the creator of the Stone which has the power to elevate Majahrats to Godhood? Why then, has Jas allowed the world's inhabitants to use the stone? Saradomin and Zamorak ascended to Godhood by the ritual using the Stone. But what about Armadyl and Zaros? Bandos? Were these men once Majahrat? And Guthix, who was the first to walk Gielnor? Was Guthix chosen by Jas to maintain balance in Jas' absence? These questions mostly hinge off the fact that Jas was an Elder God, so...feel free to tear my theories to shreds. I'm not exactly the best historian when it comes to RS, let alone actual history...so I might be wrong. ^^[/hide]
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