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Everything posted by Felter_Laur

  1. I still say it will be January 15th. Just like I predicted a few days ago.
  2. No, you will not necessarily win the majority of the rocks. Did you read the post about losing 3 of 4 gold ores to a bronze pick at 80+ mining? I think an update to it should be done, however, I am not sure how. Perhaps creat an even better mining/smithing guild like was suggest a few weeks ago? I for one would like to see a little better handling of some of the older skills. These newer skills get alot of attention, but I would like to see mining and smithing people get some help.
  3. Well, do you think that Jagex is going to fix this to a degree? Will the 1 on 1 arena do the trick? Or will that be luck of the draw? Also, I think that the timing of the click could be considered a skill. I know that I was lousy at player killing. I admit it. I did it extremely rarely, but I will say that on the few times that I was killed. I could tell the ones that were good and the ones that weren't.
  4. That has been my argument for training attack my entire runescape life. Who cares if you can hit a 20 one out of ten attempts when your opponent can hit 5's 7 out of ten times. 20<35. I will stick to training both.
  5. I agree to this to an extent. Is there going to continue to be a demand for the rares? Also, how many of those banned accounts had rares? Will new players desire the rares? Thus we have more players with more demand but a lower supply. This would only bring the price back up. It is my guess that alot of the new players are not going to be as concerned with items that do not provide a benefit. The grand exchange and the loss of easier merchanting mechanics along with the reduction of staking will also create a smaller demand. But the big question, will the loss of supply (due to bans) be close to the smaller demand. If the demand and supply both decrease, then what? Well, I would think that if they could some how reduce equally then we would continue with the same price. I really think I am just talking in circle though. Do you know why? Because it is difficult to predict the future of rares.
  6. I never used to have a problem buying or selling herbs and making a profit. Now however it just isn't worth it to me to power through it. I may train it some, but that is just because there are so few people with a herblore skill cape.
  7. It would not bother me at all for them to fall. I have never had an interest in owning one. If you want one, they may fall low enough to justify the purchase. However, I view rares as something similar to art pieces. They are worth alot because someone puts a value on them, but really they don't benefit you. I would rather have a pizza than a fancy vase. Unless of course I got the vase for free. Then I could sell it and have more pizza.
  8. we know they are I wonder if we will have to get certain ingredients to summon certain creatures ...and when all the ingredients (eggs, feathers, bones, etc) are in the pouch ...voila ...a summon All I know for sure right now is I need to make room in my bank Well, they said they wanted it to be slow. Now the next question, can you summon and unsummon quickly? Will there be a potion to restore summoning points? What herb or new herb will it take to make the potion? What level herblore to make it? Will chicken eggs and feathers make an evil chicken? I think this may be the best hyped update that Jagex has done. I just really hope that the skill lives up to the hype.
  9. I was getting ready for work, and now I am at work. I won't be able to play until tomorrow evening so I hope it is fixed by then.
  10. I did not say that I didn't appreciate the ultimate availability of the grand exchange. I used to train herblore for money. I could buy ranaar or unids for cheaper than what I could make the potions for. Now with the grand exchange, it is much more worth my while to just sell them. For example, a few months ago ranaars were going for around 6k, and prayer pots were selling for like 7.5k. That was a 1.5k profit if you collected the vials and snape grasses. Now I can make 5.5-6k by just collecting ranaar and selling them. In one hour yesterday, I made 125k just killing fleshies and keeping the herbs and fire runes. I would fill up, tele to varrock and put them on the ge. 125k for about 30k of strength experience. Why would I want to train herblore (which was my money making skill), when I can make more money selling the herbs. Removing the unid herbs and the grand exchange has eliminated the purpose of herblore for me.
  11. I am always curious to see how a new skill will impact everyday Runescape life. For instance, to me construction made little difference, but the introduction of slayer was revolutionary. I can only hope that summoning is another slayer.
  12. Prestige or uniqueness is one of the reasons that I began semi-seriously training herblore. Once upon a time, you could slowly and deliberately make money with prayer pots. Now it is cheaper and quicker to just sell the ranarr. Too bad. Herblore isn't worth the effort anymore.
  13. I wear the skirt instead of legs also. I am a male. I don't have any problem with it. If I lose them, I am not out that much, and they are the same statistically as the legs. To me, it is a no brainer same item just cheaper.
  14. Well, having read both views being posted here, I will say this. I think it is unhealthy to have an internet relationship. I personally am married. I have no desire to pretend to have a relationship with someone else. That doesn't mean that I don't think that two people who are actually (I mean can physically touch/see) in a relationship can't use Runescape to chat and play while apart. I just think that too many of you young ones hide behind the internet to develop these relatively undevelopable relationships. Just play the game. If you want a girlfriend/boyfriend, then go out and find one. Runescape is a game not a dating service.
  15. I say they should go for it and waste their real money. The chances of them actually getting out with what they paid for is slim to none.
  16. I think you should just ignore them. Even telling them that you are their equal may result in an argument that could be avoided. Many people hide behind their accounts. You just have to be the bigger person.
  17. Well, apparently this is the reason that jagex keeps making it harder and harder to lose your items. Pay attention, if you think you click on food and don't and then die, guess what. You deserve to lose your expensive item that you probably should not have been wearing while training anyways.
  18. I haven't seen any around lately either. Maybe we should have people post when they see a bot here and see if there are multiple sightings. It appears with what is posted now that they are few and far between.
  19. The truth is that it used to be convenient. Now with the grand exchange, herblore is all but pointless. This is coming from someone who used to love herblore. The grand exchange with its ultimate availability has ruined herblore.
  20. Well, I must say that I think you actually formed a pretty good argument. However, I must simply say there is more to runescape than just pking. You could do any number of skills, clan wars, quest or just hang out. Make a goal to achieve and achieve it. If the game isn't what you are looking for, then you could always play something else. That is the beauty of the internet. If summoning isn't good, I may be done for good too. I am way to old to be playing the game according to most of you anyway.
  21. It all comes down to what you want to do. If you want alot of high levels, then you will need to rely on other players for some of the raw materials. If you enjoy being self-sufficient, then do it. However, don't complain about how much it stinks that you are leveling so much slower than everyone else. You have the same opportunities that they have. It comes back to how Jagex put the trading limit. This has hurt alot of people that would make multi-millions staking and then spending it on skills. I could have chosed to do the same thing, but I built my skills a bit more traditionally. This is my choice, and that is theirs. We both have a right to play the game how we want (within the rules). -'
  22. I just move on. It isn't worth getting upset over, however with 70+ mining it would be nice to be able to beat a guy with an addy pick.
  23. Runescape has always been a grindfest. However, with the introductions of skillcapes came a whole new era of grinding. I have tried to avoid it, but even I do it from time to time. I try to do things in thousands. I catch 1 k lobsters, then I chop 1k logs, then I burn 1k logs, then I gain 1 strength level, then I do a quest. Once it feels like I am grinding, I take a break. I do this to relax and enjoy myself not to work.
  24. Herblore. How can you get to those high level monsters or sustain your prayer without potions?
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