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Everything posted by Stilev

  1. what about women having more rights over abortions if there an accidental pregnancy, if the mother wants the child but the father doesn't the mother can have the kid, but if she wants to have an abortion, but the father wants kid, she can have the abortion even though the kid is technically 1/2 his there are alot of things that women have more rights then men do besides the draft
  2. skiing patrolling friends my gf i have other luxuries in life, but i dont know how i could live without those three, oddly enough those three are all pretty much the same thing :lol:
  3. lol im definitely not sheltered in the least bit, my parents have never tried to shelter me, and have always wanted me to experience new things and try new things, the only way they have ever been sheltering is they want me to be safe, like no where i am etc they are way overbearing in this, and get in alot fights but i know its kuz they care, but if i just got up and left i could, and now being 18 they could try and punish me but the worst they could really do is just give me a talking to lol, i know kuz i have before :lol:
  4. weekend skiing with ski patrol, between April 6 and December 11 are going to be some of the most depressing days i face, but only make the weekend in between some of the greatest weekend ever. just something about joking around with Daren, and hiding Stinky's poles, watching Randy and Tom butt heads but when a call comes in, the laughs stop, the arguments fade and we come all come together
  5. dislocated my arm saturday while skiing pissing me off so much, cant use arm, can fall out again if im not careful, ended my skiing season, i hate wearing this brace for my arm, most painful experience of my life and i've messed myself up pretty bad before this, and a whole bunch of other things do not underestimate dislocation they are as bad and sometimes worse then broken bones
  6. seriously, its a good little story, and who cares if its fake or not, it has a very deep meaning that i feel we can all take a little away from
  7. no; way to much effort to explain it all, someone else will
  8. thats a bird?!? :? -imo kill the mess, from what i can tell it will look alot better without it, its distracting takes away from the picture
  9. "king of hearts" :thumbsup: one of the few people with a custom rank, feels nice :
  10. Stilev


    i've had those moments then im just "wtf? why do i care" and just think about something else and thats how it goes -no regrets
  11. pretty much this [hide=][/hide]
  12. i suck at spelling, and we were forced to compete :( there is only 1 time i remember where i spelled my word right only to get the next word wrong :( i hate spelling bees
  13. Stilev


    there is never going to be sexual equality - fact this doesn't mean we shouldn't try and reduce the gap, parts of the article imo makes it sound like its a lost cause and give up i do agree that there are women who push to much for equality such as with semantics and little things which are just bull [cabbage] instead of focusing on the big picture, as the beginning of the article stated more
  14. if it wasn't you unknownz i'd think they were traced (thats a good thing imo) 10/10 btw cowboy bebop is easily one of if not the greatest anime of all time, i'll probably still be hearing about it in in another 20 years
  15. Stilev


    imo is kinna bleh, just a washed the orignal with a lil color change. which if thats what you were going for ok, but i dont really like it.
  16. LB were you even trying with this piece? you should know better then this and probably know whats wrong with it and dont need us to tell you whats wrong, looks like you were trying to make this look stupid -blending -focial point -color scheme -c4d -looks like a copy and paste -bad render -depth etc...
  17. well that ends it, gratz Julius and Littleboy, alot of good peices of work this competition, thanks for those who voted for my piece :
  18. Stilev


    in my public speaking class (mandatory class) i asked couple friends of mine (all girls) to just smile, and i just look at them, which gave me confidence when i started blanking
  19. looking lost and confused but without a care in the world and a smile on my face :
  20. lol thats pretty much what i look like around 95% the time
  21. pretty much any solid in the can either choke you, of if it gets in your blood stream block an artery or vein. as for liquids just need like 200ml so that it covers you nose so you suffocate if you were unconscious. most gases couldn't kill you unless you had enough of it
  22. [b]Stilev[/b] [img=http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l211/stilev/samuri351.png] w/e i'll just enter this one
  23. one more vote from me, your so dominating :thumbsup:
  24. anyone checked out the 08/09 Invader ski's by line, they are freak'in sweet as anything [hide=][/hide] i probably would have gotten them if i hadn't gotten such a good deal on the 08/09 k2 silencers [hide=][/hide] i got some connections with ski patrol at a mountain near me, where im a 'curiosity patroler' which means i dont really do anything, but they let me ski for free : definitely look into that if your 18+ and are a weekend warrior like me
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