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Everything posted by malo2

  1. Heres what I did with a help of 26 other people. I dressed up as Hitler (with a fake mustache), the rest of the guys/girls dressed up as some random Nazis fully equipped with swastikas on their shoulders. So we all walked into the mall, all the way to the food court where I bought a number 1 from McDonald's. When I sat down with the rest of the people around me, one of them set up random map in front of me. At this point even the security began to look suspicious. We started to discuss battle tactics in a [developmentally delayed]ed accent. It went like this: Me: Where are the tanks? Guy 1: What tanks sir? Me: My tanks... the ones that are supposed to stop the invasion of Normandy. Guy 2: Invasion of what? Me: NORMANDY YOU BASTARD! WHERE THE [bleep] ARE MY TANKS!!! Guy 1: Um..there are....no tanks sir... At this point I take my hand an swipe all the food off the table, and turn the table over. Me: WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO TANKS YOU [bleep]! THEYRE COMING YOU IDIOT! THEY'RE [bleep]ING COMING! DO YOU NOT CARE FOR THE SUPREME RACE!?!?!?!!? *everyone backs away* Guy 1: but sir... you didn't- Me: WERE ALL GOING TO [bleep]ING DIE NOW! WHAT THE [bleep] IS GOING STOP THE INVASION ON NORMANDY!? WERE ALL [bleep]ING SCREWED!!!! Then I stormed out of the mall with everyone following me. We had someone record the whole thing. no it really didn't happen, but it would be great if it did.
  2. im pretty good, my highest kill streak is 19, how about you?
  3. Quick! Everyone tie him up, gag him and lock him in the Freezer! He knows too much! I doubt the admins will be fool enough to give away our IPs to ANYONE without explict permission from the user. Fact is they are not allowed to, and it could be an invasion of privacy. For anyone who doubts me, the Admins can see the ips of online users and guests from the admin panel. Do you really think that if the FBI is doing an investigation, a couple of nerds running a forum are going to stop them? and yes they would have the right to seize our ips if we were an apparent threat.
  4. ok, lets make some bets. Who do you think will be going to rehab first, Jamie Spears or the Miley Cyrus?
  5. heres my pass and pin: pass: 999999 pin: 9999 can you put 20 mil in my bank pl0x? haha I'm rich now, what a genius I am!
  6. I hope they lock him up for a long while. Telling somebody you will shoot up a school is not funny, and pretty [bleep]ing stupid. good luck
  7. i would much prefer real world trading over killing runescape completely. It's better to play with rwts than not play at all. I'm not usually the one to cry over updates, but r.i.p runescape. I was really hoping to end my runescape career by simply retiring rather than leaving because there nothing left to play for. This really makes me feel that I wasted my time playing, rather than enjoyed it.
  8. never use wikipedia as a source :XD: items will stabilize at a new price so i wouldn't think about it too much. but but....wikipedia is god.. :shock:
  9. Do you by any chance live under a rock? how many bedrooms does it have?
  10. great post, it's a shame that you don't even know what the [bleep] a crash is. Grab a thesaurus or wikipedia before you make a post like this again.
  11. that post made no sense at all, the writer must have been on crack when he wrote it. Does he really think that the only reason jagex is banning real world trading because they hate the Chinese and people who profit from the game? total bs.
  12. I disagree with the zamorak robes. I think regular rs clothes would be fine... regular rs clothes? zammy robes are kick [wagon], but costly, over a mil?
  13. what kind of a brain dead [developmentally delayed]ed kid would say runescape is for nerds??? every game is for nerds!
  14. She appeared in the 10 questions section of TIME magazine a few weeks ago, but I never read that.
  15. let's see, a school teacher got jailed for a name given to a teddy bear, let's correct the spelling mistakes made in the article because that's so much more important.
  16. 1. a fact 2. no 3. dont need to
  17. so how exactly do you expect us to celebrate without spending a ton of money? anyway, I don't think a huge and expensive party determines the marrige, I would be completely cool with what your dad had.
  18. politicians are useless everywhere now a days, the only thing they're good at is finding ways to blame their opponents.
  19. I don't see that happening. By importance, dueling is nothing compared to trading.
  20. i forgot you were incharge of the forum posting guidelines. anyway, I'm suddenly wanting to play again, I have been getting bored lately.
  21. the only thing you can do is change the resolution, but that wont make it much better because it will simply make everything pixelated, but its all you can do.
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