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Everything posted by Mercifull

  1. I know Starrychelx is still around he's still actively posting on the forums. Kinda makes you wonder if they are a mole to get other people involved with RWT because Jagex can ban whoever they want for no reason at all if they really wanted to.
  2. Interesting story. I've also lost phats. I got over it, I'm sure you will too and you're right... "it's just pixels". I was disappointed by the irrelevant video in the background, it was very distracting. I see a lot of other video makers doing the same and I don't like that either. It makes me feel like the monetisation using youtube is more important than the message. Might be better uploaded to soundcloud as an audio file instead of a video next time. With regard to the audio quality there's a lot of fuzz in the background so you might want to speak closer into the microphone next time :)
  3. It's not bad xp for lower levels. I cant be arsed doing it anymore unless I feel like it due to the same frustrations as you.
  4. Awww I see a Miss Runite in that pic, shame her account was hijacked by someone else and the Miss Runite in game now is a fraud and wearing MY BLUE PHAT that I gave her when I quit.
  5. It's a ridiculous goal that Jagex set on the trimmed comp cape. If they wanted people to spend time (not just money) before they are able to claim it they should have spread it over all the minigames to reduce "loafing". It's only going to get worse as Jagex continues to add massive XP rewards on SoF, quest extensions, daily challenges and generally just for being a member (promissory note). As more people cap their skills all that will be left is loafing in minigames.
  6. You make some good points. Let me add my 2 cents. Firstly with regard to drop rates, I think in order to avoid maintaining a massive database of rates and percentages etc as well as confusion over people thinking they are guaranteed something after 100/500/1000 kills we can find a middle ground such as Very rare, Rare, Uncommon, Common and Guaranteed. For the average user this should be enough information without bombarding someone with too many figures. If someone really wants to know he exact drop rates for each monster then they can ask in the forms for more detailed research. I think that providing accurate and up to date rates for everything in the beasiary would not be good "values for money"... i.e the time taken by staff to keep this relevant would be better used elsewhere. As for the guides themselves, you're right many of them could do with a refresh but there's nothing stopping you from sending your submissions to the Tipit Crew and you'll even get credited in the article. I think there is a place for limited use of XP rates perhaps on the most common methods of training, but you'd need to be careful you dont put unrealistic rates in for mousekey methods etc or just someone being very fast at clicking. Information like "how many potions can i make an hour" is always useful as well as "how many bones can I ecto an hour" and then people can work out their own XP/Time/GP rates but these types fo things are always lacking on fansites.
  7. 100 is wayyyyyyyy too small a sample. Hundreds of thousands of people spin every day and noone has been able to prove anything other than complete random
  8. In case the comments get deleted... Cheaters don't deserve respect, regardless if they are deaf or disabled.
  9. So if I managed to get your password and botted on your char you deserve a perm ban?... Offenses gained while your account wasn't in your control are removed from your record in most cases. Kind of a weird point to try to make. It's not that weird. I was under the impression that when botwatch is 100% sure you were botting and bans you there is no return? It's not like a minor rule break like a swear.
  10. So if I managed to get your password and botted on your char you deserve a perm ban?...
  11. Then why does the track making dwarf sound like he's from yorkshire?
  12. I wonder if the gofannon amulet will work too? Imagine Gauntlets + Gofannon + BXPW + avatar all stacking. Kerching :D
  13. I've blocked all the skills I'm 99 in which leaves only mining and smithing (which I'm shortly going to get 99 in) then farming, thieving and dungeoneering. I look forward to seeing what my task is today when I get home.
  14. That's true, but there are also ways around that. For example, your encrypted 1Password data can be stored on Dropbox, and/or the information can be backed up to another hard drive (this is always a good idea anyway). Hehe I was just going to post this. You can also get a 1password app for your smartphone as well (not free though)
  15. I had to go and redo Death Platau which I didn't even realise had been updated! At least it didn't take me too long. I thought the commander bloke who starts the quest for you sounded just like the History Channel narrator :P I thought the quest was nice, brought nicely up to date with a better storyline, I liked the teeny tiny living rock creatures as an introduction to the living cavern and it will be interesting to see if the wizard props up again at some point. The extra tasks were nice in that they were really rewarding giving over 180k bonus xp if you do them all but he way in which they were done was cumbersome. There was a lot of backwards and forwarding. I would have preferred a single list (or two, one each for Boric and Doric) where things were crossed off on completion. The mithril mining task in the guild was mostly only a pain in the ass due to so many other people trying it as well and im sure it will die down in a day or two.
  16. Its on the official channel now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1WkX4QUDyE&feature=plcp
  17. Is the lack of decent xp from the yellow wizard explicitly because you are f2p or is it because you cannot reach the top level where the xp rates are best? i.e If I went to level 2 and spoke to the wiz on p2p would the xp be any different?
  18. I either solo dg, do it with very close friends (or normally not at all) simply because I'd be kicked if I did it with randoms or "pros". My playing style consists of disappearing at random for periods of time, and general "noobyness". Not everyone is geared up to use the efficient methods.
  19. Siphoning will likely be doubled but finding the yellow wiz will probably be the same.
  20. I don't think it would be cost effective to employ someone SoJ. The bots are automatically created by illegal companies. There are literally hundreds of worlds, with hundreds of spots each where bots go. A human could not keep up. This was proved before botany bay when pmods would mute the spammers and within minutes another 4 would be back. Bots run 24/7, they don't eat, sleep or need to take a break. Jagex best bet is to aggressively roll out botwatch to more locations. It's done a great job in some areas but in others is clearly lacking. I've noticed an increase in the number of bots mining at LRC since botany bay and this could be because some other methods of goldfarming have been detected by the new system.
  21. I guess Steffan finally gave up trying to sell it for thousands of Euros :P Well done Peter!
  22. I think RuneScape has always had serious players. Serpent Eye I think got it right with his theory about the shift changing since Dungeoneering. I wonder if you graphed Dungeoneering level with "seriousness" you'd find a corrolation... There are still plenty of us bank standers around we just aren't as vocal as some others :P
  23. Interestingly Joystiq posted this article only yesterday... http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/10/09/the-soapbox-runescape-is-a-proper-mmo/
  24. http://open.tip.it/quests/view/57-legends-quest Already says it.
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