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Rule 2 Change: Should Luring be alloud?


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You failed to read "DISCLAIMER: The views of Zamorak do not reflect the views of Jagex Ltd or it's employees. We'd ban him, but he's a god. But if you would like to communicate with the dastardly one"








No, I didn't forget the disclaimer.








They're called "God Letters", not "Jagex Staff Letters". Jagex roleplays in order to keep a certain-- How shall we say?-- Air to the letters. The God Letters (Actually, almost all letters in general) have been fairly consistent with Jagex's in-game views and policies (If you don't believe me then simply cross reference the letters against in-game updates). I'm sure you'll be fairly surprised.








...Of course, if you take the disclaimer as being absolutely true, then Jagex would love scammers as Zammy hates them (And, you know, Zammy's views don't reflect that of Jagex, so the opposite of Zammy's beliefs would have to be Jagex's and vice versa).








What if they abuse that little teleport bug? Player A says follow me. Player B follows. Player A takes him past Edgeville bridge, then south a few steps. Then Player A teleports. Player B is then dragged into the wilderness against his will.








Yeah... I'm aware of the bug. As I've always said, Jagex should simply fix that bug and then make luring legal against as, if you get lured after that, then you'll have no one to blame but yourself.








You do know that Zammorak is a made up EVIL character right?








Pee! Emm! Gee! Say it isn't so? You mean I dedicated all this time to worshiping a fake god?
























Yes, I know that Zammy isn't real.








Yeah..Pretty much kills your argument right there.








It does? That's new to me.








They're called "God Letters", not "Jagex Staff Letters".








You seem to be reffering to them as JaGeX staff letters. As if they are cold hard facts to be followed. Just because letters meant strictly for entertainment have things to do with scamming, doesn't mean they should be taken seriously.








The God Letters (Actually, almost all letters in general) have been fairly consistent with Jagex's in-game views and policies (If you don't believe me then simply cross reference the letters against in-game updates). I'm sure you'll be fairly surprised.












So? That is purely coincidence.








Of course, if you take the disclaimer as being absolutely true, then Jagex would love scammers as Zammy hates them (And, you know, Zammy's views don't reflect that of Jagex, so the opposite of Zammy's beliefs would have to be Jagex's and vice versa).








Huh? Where does it say that everything the Gods believe JaGeX believes the opposite? As if they are cold hard facts to be followed. Just because letters meant strictly for entertainment have things to do with scamming, doesn't mean they should be taken seriously. Give me a URL link that says exactly that. That is not shown in the God letters, and maybe I'll believe you.








And, you know, Zammy's views don't reflect that of Jagex, so the opposite of Zammy's beliefs would have to be Jagex's and vice versa.








Pee! Emm! Gee! Say it isn't so? You mean I dedicated all this time to worshiping a fake god?
























Yes, I know that Zammy isn't real.








Then why are you taking the letters so seriously? The first sentence was unneccisary








Yeah... I'm aware of the bug. As I've always said, Jagex should simply fix that bug and then make luring legal against as, if you get lured after that, then you'll have no one to blame but yourself.








Not even worth wasting my time on.








You are arguing simply on assumption. Give me some facts and I might consider continuing this idiotic argument.

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Even though luring may be tactical and take skill, the fact is it is no different then scamming. Scamming someone by another method can take just as much skill as luring does, and people are successful of it, yet it is against the rules. Taking advantage of someone in a situation where they do not have the same opportunities that you have and most importantly in this case is a scam and shouldn't be allowed. What is the difference between doing this and switching rules in staking? Your hoping the person isn't smart enough to check the second screen, but the truth is it is scamming. Luring shouldn't be allowed. Lurers had there fun when there was nothing against the rules about it, but now it is completely against the rules and you need to find another way to make money instead of taking advantage of not so well educated members of runescape.

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I just spotted a new post on rs forums regarding this.








this is directly quoted from the sticky above the discontinued items market place forum.








Mod Emilee




Jagex Mod








29-Mar-2007 14:24:53




We recently clarified our position on Luring in to the Wilderness. It was our belief that the dangers of the Wilderness were sufficiently well documented to mean that anybody choosing to enter the Wilderness did so in the knowledge that they could be killed and could lose items.








With this in mind, we didn't consider Luring to be a reportable offence. However, we did not want to encourage the practice as we still believed it to be dishonest and not in the general spirit of the game.








We have very carefully considered this and taken on board feedback from players about this clarification. In particular, there were those that were unhappy that Jagex would be seen to allow such a deceptive act in the game.








We would now like to re-clarify our position.








Luring in to the Wilderness is against the rules of the game and can be reported under Rule 2 ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Item Scamming.








Players that choose to take advantage of others by tricking them in to the Wilderness or by under-selling the dangers of the Wilderness will be in breach of Rule 2.








Regardless of this, it is very important that all players are very careful when approaching the Wilderness. If you choose to go in to the Wilderness then you may be killed and may lose items. If there is any deception involved in luring you to the Wilderness then we may take action against the player that killed you, but we cannot be responsible for any items that you lose as a result of this decision.








This rule in no way relates to standard incidents of PK-ing. No player should report another player as a result of losing a PK-ing match.
























Looks to me like they confermed it. Luring is now banable!!! finally!!


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C. Runescape is a online RPG.




a. Tricking people is part of online games IMO. The best part of games is to be able to do things you can't or wouldn't do in real life. Thats what make games like GTA so popular. If you get a fair warning that you are entering the wild, its up to you if you want to trust this person or not. AS I SAID BEFORE I DONT SUPPORT SCAMMING but, keeping games with too staright forward of rules makes rthem get old fast. Its not rule that when a friend lends you money, thinking that you will pay him back, that you do. If he skips town because hes a (bad word) you cant report him for tricking you, why can you report someone for your choice to go in wild? Deciet is part of the game.




To this person I would like to say that in games like GTA you are not hurting other people but AI computer animations, not at all like the human controlled Runescape avatars. To the point about "Deciet is part of the game", people play the game to have fun, and do not want to have to deal with people like the friend skipping town because that detracts from having a good time.








First, I would like to say I completally understand your point. BUT, some people have fun in different ways. Some people are totally self absorbed and dont have fun making friends, they have fun with money. Quite frankly those people are low IMO, with those who take from friends being the lowest. I wanna elaborte on when I said "Deciet is part of the game." Anytime that any trust at all is involved with a game played by humans, deciete is. "How can I get better?" or "How can I get richer?" Some choose the rightful path by working hard and others try less honorable (very positevly put). I dont like em, but ya might as well accept them because they are always there. Doh! I kinda strayed away ffrom my point which was that different people find different things fun. There is a clear marning that you are about to enter the wilderness, you trust the person in the widerness just as you would trust someone with your money, but you cant report thta person when they dont pay you back.








Even though my opinion I mainly just dont get how Jagex is going to enforce it. With all the report abuse horror stories I can only imagine what this will be like. Where will the line be drawn?

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I posted this on the other thread, but it seems that this thread is getting a lot more attention, so I will post it here too.








There is still a flaw in your reasoning, because you have pointed out that you like having "pixels", but you have no problem taking them from others to make yourself happy. This act of taking from others what they value in order to make yourself happy is usually considered theft. It is true that pixels have no real value (excluding illegal eBay sale), but people value them, and many of them probably care more than you do because they are more willing to work hard for them than you do. The fact that these "pixels" take less time to get luring than it does other ways does not make it the right thing to do because it hurts other people in the process. You could also point out that it is possible for other forms of moneymaking may hurt people, but luring deliberately makes other players have less so you can have more. I give a big :thumbdown: to luring.




Staking and PKing deliberately makes other players have less so you can have more.

There is a difference between doing the legitimately and doing taking items from people and lying to take items from people. Honestly, I can't see how anybody can form an argument against luring. Do people of today really have that warped of a view on morality? That its ok, in anything, game or not, to lie and cheat people out of stuff? It's fine if you wanna argue you're silly little "loop holes" in the rules but its just wrong and really sad that the only way you can enjoy this game is to prey off other players who may not know the situation they are getting into. You should be ashamed.








I say it's about time to be listening to Wakka now. Simply put, your argument lost a lot of steam when you said "I agree with the rule changes, but I don't believe that *insert lure here* is illegal." Don't waffle on the topic; you're either okay with the changes or you're not. Besides that, it doesn't really look like half the posts you've made here are supporting whether or not you support or are against the topic.








The alleged "five or six" people on this thread have made their points to you as crystal clear as could be. Will yours become the same too?








Luring is finding loop-holes in the rules. The current loop-hole is with the Jojo lure. No one forces them into the wild. End of story.








Reread page 4. Very top. I believe Pizzalord even highlit the best part for you.








I'm done with this thread. I sure hope that you'll finally realize that this isn't the best topic to make a valiant defense for.








Well this is going to suck. Four hours later and I have to reply to almost every post with the same answer again.








I have already stated I don't think Wild Luring should be illegal, but I'm not complaining nor will I complain about it since I can make money other ways, and have made much more money other ways anyways. @ the Pizza post I already answered it, I tell the victim to come to the Jolly Boar Inn, and they willingly come, there is nothing to it. I can say I'm going to drop items come meet me at the Jolly Boar Inn they come I drop 10-100K in the Wild they run in they die. It's that easy, and I never once lied.

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Sorry about all the trouble ive caused you your royal highness. After all your the king of the world. You are jesus are you not?








Im sorry for not knowing that GOD posted on the same forums as I did.
















Honestly rose your Superiority Complex that you have is highly annoying, especially when noone here is superior to annoy esle, for christs sake its a video game!








Have you ever taken the time to stop and realize that while most of the points you have made have had parts of truth to them as well as good points, that some of the rest of them might not.








For example. Your proving yet again that it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be wrong about something. I mean we are all human it is ok for you to admit you made a mistake. Its not even that big a deal but the fact that you blatently and deliberatly skip over this time and time again shows you have a Superiority Complex.








Im not saying that you were wrong for thinking that I may have missed what you posted way back when. But the fact that i pointed out in this quote below is that you should have at least made the effort to see if you were wrong and see why i would repost such a question, which was becuase the question was never answered.








I dont know you in real life but, if i was a betting man, (and sometimes i am \' , never gets me far though #-o ) I would say that you go around always under the assumption that other people are usually wrong when speaking with you by thinking that you are smarter then them, (which judging by this everlasting debate is prolly the case in most times) the fact of the matter is you wont always be correct and you will be wrong sometimes.








All it takes from your is just a simple recognition of that fact.








Anyways dont lure anymore or ill hunt you down, good luck with your staking, and try to learn to see that there can be an error in your ways sometimes.








God gave us to ears and only one mouth for a reason. And that is so we can listen twice as much as we speak.

















Point taken...but why else would someone restate their question to you yet again unless you didnt but mistake it the first time?








Which at that point ^ you should have taken the time to actually read my post. By saying that you didnt read my post the second time around your confessing to the fact that you hardly did read everyones posts, muchless the ones you responded to.

Perhaps they missed the first answer. That's what I assumed when you re-posted your question.









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Even though luring may be tactical and take skill, the fact is it is no different then scamming. Scamming someone by another method can take just as much skill as luring does, and people are successful of it, yet it is against the rules. Taking advantage of someone in a situation where they do not have the same opportunities that you have and most importantly in this case is a scam and shouldn't be allowed. What is the difference between doing this and switching rules in staking? Your hoping the person isn't smart enough to check the second screen, but the truth is it is scamming. Luring shouldn't be allowed. Lurers had there fun when there was nothing against the rules about it, but now it is completely against the rules and you need to find another way to make money instead of taking advantage of not so well educated members of runescape.








I have lost 1-2M stakes from not checking the second screen. I admit that was stupidity on my part. They should too. If they switch armour off or something then THAT is scamming since that doesn't show on the second screen - No Warning. As I said. I have made a lot more money from Staking then luring. 100's of Mils more. Don't assume I lured for all of my money because you'd be more then wrong. You'd be an idiot.

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The whole idea of the wilderness is it's a more dangerous place, it's more risky, but at the same time (hopefully) more exciting as a result. But the idea all along was the people going there know the risks, and it's a risk they willingly choose to take. Obviously luring goes against all that.
How the hell does luring go against all that? It goes against it being a dangerous place? You said yourself people going there know the risks, and it's a risk they willingly choose to take. WE DON'T FORCE ANYONE INTO THE WILDERNESS, THEY CHOOSE SO WILLINGLY.















THEY DO NOT CHOOSE TO ENTER THE WILDERNESS WILLINGLY. The spirit tree isn't in the wilderness. Teleporting to lure them out, or running north hoping they follow without realizing that it's the wilderness IS NOT THEM WILLINGLY ENTERING THE WILDERNESS KNOWING THE RISKS.








The wilderness is meant for people to kill other people who KNOW it's the wilderness, and ACCEPT the risks of the wilderness. The warning sign that shows up even if you're just visiting the general store of edgeville when the storekeeper is at the north end, pickpocket a guard north of edgeville, or run east to use the spirit tree. And after it shows up, it's GONE.








If there was a bold red line indicating the start of the wilderness, and it warned you EVERY TIME YOU CHOSE TO CROSS, then yes, they did choose to enter the wilderness willingly.








But as there isn't such a safeguard, people enter without realizing its wilderness. THAT'S why it's a deception.

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The whole idea of the wilderness is it's a more dangerous place, it's more risky, but at the same time (hopefully) more exciting as a result. But the idea all along was the people going there know the risks, and it's a risk they willingly choose to take. Obviously luring goes against all that.
How the hell does luring go against all that? It goes against it being a dangerous place? You said yourself people going there know the risks, and it's a risk they willingly choose to take. WE DON'T FORCE ANYONE INTO THE WILDERNESS, THEY CHOOSE SO WILLINGLY.















THEY DO NOT CHOOSE TO ENTER THE WILDERNESS WILLINGLY. The spirit tree isn't in the wilderness. Teleporting to lure them out, or running north hoping they follow without realizing that it's the wilderness IS NOT THEM WILLINGLY ENTERING THE WILDERNESS KNOWING THE RISKS.








The wilderness is meant for people to kill other people who KNOW it's the wilderness, and ACCEPT the risks of the wilderness. The warning sign that shows up even if you're just visiting the general store of edgeville when the storekeeper is at the north end, pickpocket a guard north of edgeville, or run east to use the spirit tree. And after it shows up, it's GONE.








If there was a bold red line indicating the start of the wilderness, and it warned you EVERY TIME YOU CHOSE TO CROSS, then yes, they did choose to enter the wilderness willingly.








But as there isn't such a safeguard, people enter without realizing its wilderness. THAT'S why it's a deception.




But the Jojo Lure. The lure of dropping money in the wild and them running in, is completely legal. And the overall point is, they get a warning, they should read the warning if they don't know where they are going. No point in warning someone every time you choose to go near the wilderness because that would mean they had already seen it - meaning they either disregarded their own safety and made everything legal or already know what can happen, also making everything legal.

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You seem to be reffering to them as JaGeX staff letters. As if they are cold hard facts to be followed. Just because letters meant strictly for entertainment have things to do with scamming, doesn't mean they should be taken seriously.








I believe you're missing the crux of the argument here :wall:








I was bringing light to the point that, in the God Letters, you find explicit references to the issues such as luring and deceit in the wilderness (Both of which were condoned).








So? That is purely coincidence.








Hardly. That's a cop out.








Huh? Where does it say that everything the Gods believe JaGeX believes the opposite?








I was following your disclaimer logic.








As if they are cold hard facts to be followed. Just because letters meant strictly for entertainment have things to do with scamming, doesn't mean they should be taken seriously. Give me a URL link that says exactly that. That is not shown in the God letters, and maybe I'll believe you.








There is no such God called Zammy. It's just a J-Mod (Which I'm sure you realize). The God Letters have almost always had a perfect correlation to Jagex's views on in-game issues. I'm pretty sure I said this before, but one more time really can't hurt.








Then why are you taking the letters so seriously? The first sentence was unnecessary.








I thought I just explained this. The God Letters, in their time (And contrary to what the disclaimer said), adequately depicted Jagex's position on quite a few aspects of the game. Just check them out for yourself; Jagex's overall attitude has mainly been reinforced through the God Letter's.








Oh, and I wasn't taking them so seriously. I was merely pointing out a point of interest which I'm sure many people would have overlooked ::'








Not even worth wasting my time on.








Why not? Could it be because you know that if people aren't forced into the wilderness against their will that they'll have no room to complain about being lured.








You are arguing simply on assumption. Give me some facts and I might consider continuing this idiotic argument.








It's not so much an assumption as it is an educated guess (There's evidence to support my claim). Instantly dismissing something because there's no concrete proof of it is purely evasive.

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You can't view luring in an ethical vacuum, but you certainly can declare unethical acts illegal. It's a nice sentiment, it's completely uneforceable, maybe some lurers will get banned (which will be good), and its better than nothing.

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no, luring does cause players to quit...








for the first time i really have to thank jagex for this change, luring has done so much impact on most of my friends. im glad no more players will lose their items to this, even though they are stupid enough to fall for it.








besides, what happened to the true spirit of playing? :-s

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no, luring does cause players to quit...








for the first time i really have to thank jagex for this change, luring has done so much impact on most of my friends. im glad no more players will lose their items to this, even though they are stupid enough to fall for it.








besides, what happened to the true spirit of playing? :-s




90% of Miniclippers.

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It's ok to deceive people for personal gain so long as you're in the wilderness








So the Terms and Conditions end in the wilderness? Because, with that mentality, Rule 2 ends in the wilderness. Therefore making the rest of the T&C invalid in the wilderness. Meaning people could bot, item scam, pass scam, and everything else.








Could it be because you know that if people aren't forced into the wilderness against their will that they'll have no room to complain about being lured.








They have every right too. They were lied to, taken advantage of, and robbed. Why is it that you aren't also saying password scammers shouldn't be punished? The victum isn't forced against their will. They have no room to complain do they? Same with people who get item scammed. They aren't forced against their will. Hmm? They have as much warning as the luerees do. Don't they?








I'm leaving after your responce. We've opened this can of worms so many times its just ridiculous. If you want to go against JaGeX' decision, then go ahead. Fine by me. JaGeX has already said that they will not change thier stance no matter what. So, why are we arguing? I don't know. Why are we?

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Should it be allowed ? Nope.




I play this game for fun and relaxing in my spare time. I don't want to have to waste this time watching over my shoulder how other people are going to try to mess up my game time in a dishonest way. Luring is part of this, scamming as well. Nor do I want to have to spend time reading forums to keep me informed about tricks that some will play.








Will the ruling make it stop ? I don't think so, but I hope it will put a stop on its rapid growth.

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Lurers are being nerfed.








I agree with the guy in favor of lureing. If you are dumb enough to ignore the wilderness sign, go to dangerous places to make a trade that is too good to be true, then you're just asking for it. Then you'll get what was coming to you. There WAS nothing illegal about luring, it took advantage of mental inferiority of the victim. If somebody offers to sell coal at 100 ea, I'll buy it! It's not my fault that the sellers is not up-to-date with current prices.








As for the new rule change; It is officially a SCAM now. So the debate is over! According to the rules, luring is a scam, ppl doing it can/will be banned. End of discussion. If you don't agree with the rules, learn to live with it. Rule brakers can/will be punished.








Sadly, this is also the end of a nice discussion whether luring is "morally right" etc etc, because as of march 29th, 2007 luring is a SCAM!











Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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As for the new rule change; It is officially a SCAM now. So the debate is over! According to the rules, luring is a scam, ppl doing it can/will be banned. End of discussion. If you don't agree with the rules, learn to live with it. Rule brakers can/will be punished.




The debate is not over. The discussion is whether or not it should be alloud or not. I'm not trying to get it back, as I said I have absolutely no problem with the new rule. And if you haven't realized 80%+ of the Item Scam reports are bots. Not much will happen. Chances are nothing will happen if you are reported for luring.

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What about party hat luring?








What about it?








Party hat luring is only different to any other type of lure because it involves a party hat.. Im struggling to see what your point is...








This is making me laugh now :) Sly Wizard is probably one of the smartest here, yet all I see is his points being taken out of context and to mean something different.








Also, this isn't going to stop luring. Those who continue to lure will get richer, you know why - Cause theres less people. The great influx of lurers recently will stop, and hardly any new lurers will come to be. Most of the current lurers are either turning to staking or pking, but the ones that remain, more empty lure spots for them.








Im not gonna continue with it if anyone is wondering. I think ill train my pure or get high hunting maybe 99 on my main


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Please don't post stuff like this. Luring is and has always been scamming. If you can't understand that simple fact they you are an idiot. Lieing and deceiving others is what defines a scam and thats exactly what lurers do, they lie and deceive. I knew it was coming and I'm sure with the increase in lurer's they new it was coming also. I'm not sure how it could be a reportable offence since it doesn't happen in the course of 30 seconds (or was it 1 minute?) but I'm glad to see this change, at least it might put off 50% of the lurer's that are currently out there.








Absolute Bull! it is nothing like the everyday leaf bladed spear scam, switching money amounts or anything like that! A player knows they are entering the wild as the warning sign appears. This rule update has been made due to the large number of 11 year olds complaining about their loss of rune... hell these people aren't even supposed to have accounts yet they change the rules to suit them! MONEY GRABBING SCUM! Stop messing around and let the game be played. Normal players who play for entertain not because of addiction are generally smart enough not to trade outside of a bank... the people that aren't need to learn the lesson to not be so bloody gullable!

Some people have never even heard of luring; I hadn't when I was lured. Many people lose much more than their rune to lurers; I lost a total of around 2m. Oh yea, I got a bit of a laugh out of the "Money grabbing scum" part. The only money grabbing scum around here would be you. Lurers are the very definition of money grabbing scum.












Right i'll clear this up for u idiots cos clearly some of you read what you want to read!! Read the bloody thing! Since when did i say i lured! the money grabbing scum are JAGEX for changing rules to suit 11 year olds so they wouldn't cry and carry on paying membership u complete and utter fool. don't criticise me for things which u have interpreted yourself!

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Guys, let's be honest, I think we all knew for awhile this was coming. When a player is saying "Hey, come to Dwarf Mountain, I'm selling x item for x underpriced", they're LYING and DECEIVING, exactly the description of a scam. And like any other scam on Runescape, the victim does have to be pretty stupid to actually fall for it, but that is beyond the point. Just because it takes a stupid person to fall for a money-switch scam doesn't mean it's not a scam.








I can also understand that lurers have tricked themselves into believing what they are doing is legitimate, because up until recently, there was no official outlawing of the practice. To say that the Wilderness warning makes anybody fair game is also ridiculous. That's the same as saying the second trade screen makes all trade scams fair game. The fact is, lurers are hoping players don't realize they're in the Wild, and most of them will admit that.








The bottom line is, however, that Luring, which began as a creative tactic, is now so widespread and practiced that it has saturated the marketplace. People these days are just followers, and the margins of profit as far as executing the scam are much lower now anyways, since 95% of players know what Luring is now. It's time to let this fad go, and move on with your lives.

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This has probably been posted before, but..




The 'Warning! Wilderness ahead!' sign only pops up the first time you go into the wilderness until you log off. Most places where people lure are places some people don't know are in the wild. I'm smart enough to know when something's a lure, but some people aren't smart enough to realise that. It's just mean taking advantage of somebody's lack of intelligence.









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