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The chav VS Emo arguement were do you come in


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well this may not be so big in other countrys but in scotland there are 2 popular groups in teenage nculture and they are emo and chav




there are severe diferences between them












side fringe


black hoodie


tight jeans


stripy shirts


converse all stars




black make up








shaved hair


ben sherman clothes


fred perry clothes


lacoste clothes


sports clothes


track suits




as you see they are diferent but the huuuge diference in music






















now to my point






Chavs always complain that emos abuse them but thats a load of bull




chavs start fights and make fun of other people for no reason they play there dance music extremely loud in there car and shout EMO EMO! at anyone wearing a black shirt




chavs have been known to attack emos at random




a friend of mine was attacked by a bunch of chavs for being goth he is a nice guy and he hasnt ever done anything to any chavs so were he stays they attack emos at random








that guys friend got attacked so much he brought a FAKE nife to school incase any chavs attacked him one of the chavs found out he had it he told the principle and he got EXPELED FOR IT!!!!




how unfair




so were do you stand emo or chav




i suport emo chavs are just so racist,sexist and anoying




were do you stand?



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I couldn't care less if I were dead.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Wow. In the words of many Youtube posters, I think you just wasted a minute of my life.




Why the heck do you care about this stuff, let alone enough to make a thread about it?

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I didn't know there was such a thing as the "Emo chav".




I don't really care. But I think I'd find the 'chav' more annoying, considering they bother a lot of other people. While the 'emo' generally locks him-/herself up in his room.


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Emo people just pretend to be depressed and don't really do much. Chavs cause trouble for the rest of the general public. If it were an either/or situation i would exterminate the Chavs first.



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all i basicly wanted to know is what do you prefer?




I don't 'prefer' either or. I don't have chavs where I live and most emos I have known or seen around in the past have been anoying.






but whatever, comparing based on sub-cultures for the lose.

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Wow. In the words of many Youtube posters, I think you just wasted a minute of my life.




Why the heck do you care about this stuff, let alone enough to make a thread about it?




You didn't have to read it, due to the title, you should have seen what was coming, so it seems you really can't complain, you wasted your own time in reading it, and wasted even more time in posting a reply complaining about it, not every topic on this board has to be to your liking, and though it may seem your duty, no thread has to undergo your inspections to see if they are worth posting, my advice to you is to get on topic or just leave because no one likes to hear your whining.




More on topic:




I prefer emos, though somewhat annoying, they usually keep to themselves.




From what I've heard(Since I don't live in the UK though have several friends who do), Chavs cause a lot of trouble and are extremly annoying.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Wow. In the words of many Youtube posters, I think you just wasted a minute of my life.




Why the heck do you care about this stuff, let alone enough to make a thread about it?




You didn't have to read it, due to the title, you should have seen what was coming, so it seems you really can't complain, you wasted your own time in reading it, and wasted even more time in posting a reply complaining about it, not every topic on this board has to be to your liking, and though it may seem your duty, no thread has to undergo your inspections to see if they are worth posting, my advice to you is to get on topic or just leave because no one likes to hear your whining.


Why do you think I referred to Youtube posters? :P

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Any "emo" I've ever known is actually quite happy. Just because they wear their clothes that way doesn't necessarily mean that they cry and cut their wrists guys.




Anyways, chav isn't a popular term here. Although we definitely do have them, they're arrogant jerks.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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chavs are far worse... they cause all the trouble.




emos are abit like goths, but with different music and they generally look gay.


guys in tight trousers = just WRONG

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all i basicly wanted to know is what do you prefer?




Which do you prefer - dog excrement or human excrement?




I see no ratemydogpoo.com ::'




As for this arguement, where I come in is on the sidelines, with some popcorn, sitting back and laughing at the whole situation. It's really quite hilarious.

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Anyone whos a fan of foamy does deserve to be ridiculed :roll:




er..well I guess I have to respond on topic really. In america no one really gets called a chav, its completely an english term, and I've never heard of any of those designer clothes you mentioned.




I've been called Emo for listening to bright eyes and the shins, which is completely ridiculous really. I think the whole term 'Emo' is just dumb. It really started online, and any joke that starts on the internet is extremely stupid.

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Any "emo" I've ever known is actually quite happy. Just because they wear their clothes that way doesn't necessarily mean that they cry and cut their wrists guys.




Anyways, chav isn't a popular term here. Although we definitely do have them, they're arrogant jerks.


Thank you.




Your situation is a lot like the one at my school. We have all kinds of cliques. My group is probably considered the emo/goth group, considering what we wear, but I hate this social crap we have to put up with. We have to put up with insults every day for what we wear. We don't act depressed or anti-social, and we don't hate the other people in the school (minus the people who insult and stereotype us, of course).




Chavs sound just like the jerks (noted above) at my school.

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Chav= Pathetic human being who losses his time in hearing worthless music and wear clothes to look like a criminal.




Emo= A gothic variation sometimes rarely mixed with punk that in some case sis suicidical, tastes de good music like classical and rock.




I'm some sort of emo, death to the chavs!



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I'm not a chav, or a 'chav-lover', but they get a ridiculously hard time. Fair enough to be pissed off at the annoying ones, but I know plenty of nice people who wear track suits.




It's ridiculous that someone can't wear a tracksuit and a cap without being labelled, I [bleep]ing hate the planet sometimes.




(And yes, the you could replace the word chav with emo in this post basically.)




But to add to that, I know more nice 'chavs' than I do emos or goths or whatever you want to call them. They tend to be pretentious.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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<3: I'm none I get on with everyone mostly.. my music type varies from rap to death metal Eminem - As blood runs black FTW :D Depends on the mood I'm in :-w




Umm.. as for person I hung around with both groups. Both have awesome people and both have jerks..




Good things about chavs: Great at sports, hot chicks, funny, will kill anyone for you :), have mopeds that you can ride.. and have the latest gadget.




Good thing about emo's: Some play great music guitar etc, take care of themselves a bit more, always say they arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t emo :P, some have great sense of humour, got funny stuff on their phones , loads of music on their ipods :)

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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Well we don't have Chavs here, but something worse: 'gansters'. Some of them are allright, but most of them are smartasses. Thinking they can get away with everything, they're #1, and life is about Sex, Music, and Money (for 'Jordans' and others hit).




So I would perfer Emos, but both parties just want to join a "group".




Unique FTW.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Umm, I side with none of those 'People'




Straight Edge for life.










But I don't have a problem with 'Chavs' never really heard that term before.




The only terms I hear are Emo, Scene, and Wiggers lol.

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If you lack identity to jump onto a social bandwagon then I feel sorry for you.


I don't know any nice chavs or emos, at all. They all are too self-absorbed in their own little cultures to care about anybody else.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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