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What is your max hit?


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Well I was just having some fun on a slayer assignment to see how hard I could hit. I was only able to hit 39, which may seem pritty good but I have seen better. I was just curious to see what the rest of the Tip.Iters could do.




Pics would be nice to see what you are using and what you are fighting.






My pics:










I was super poted on task with slayer mask. My strength is 90.








If there is another topic like this posted, ignore this one. Or if this is in the wrong section could a Mod please move it. Thanks






EDIT: Today I broke the 40s








According to the Tip.It Max Hit Calc I can hit 42... I'll keep trying and I'll keep this updated



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I made one of these last week, and it got locked. :cry: Theres one somewhere in General.




Nice hit! Mine is only 24 regular pot, no pray, with whip. :lol:

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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21 naturally with a whip at 72 strength, 23 or 24 naturally with the barrelchest anchor.




I'll have 85 attack/def before a single more strength level. =D

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Yep, we've already got one of these threads in general :) biggest possible max hit!!

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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I've decided to unlock this since I decided that your question is worded better than the other thread I linked you to.

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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47 with whip. Only 86 with dh, could hit more i just didn't try long enough :P and without salve effect.




EDIT: found some pics :)






^was only 97 str when i hit this :\




did you use nitro when you hit that 86?i dont think youd have time to let youre health wear away for the special affect to take place :-k




mine is 17 but im not that into combat at the moment :XD: :uhh:

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I didn't get a screen but I hit 28 with whip and super pot/salve ammy. 75 strength.




I got a pic of this D Hally spec though. I think I was potted(regular) I don't remember lol.





Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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42 if I reaember with 84 str, blk mask, super pots and prayer on a Steel drag. Probally way higher though :)

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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ive hit about 36 during a slayer task, pot, pray everything

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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82 strength, 36 with pots on a gargoyle (slayer), no prayer.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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lets see... I can hit a 26 with prayer... probably a 28 with prayer and pots... Probably a 30 with prayer, pots, and a black mask. And thats with a whip mind you. With a d2h, I could probably hit a 32+ I dont even know what it would be with full dh.






82 strength, 36 with pots on a gargoyle (slayer), no prayer.




I could probably hit a 38+ with prayer and 84 strength. The highest I've ever hit was a 24 with just a whip. (no pots, no prayer, no black mask, nothing.)

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Do Keris' count? I hit a 59 on a kalphite guardian some time ago, but wasn't fast enough to take a screenshot. :(


On a slayer task, wearing a black mask, rune defender, boots and barrows gloves, with super pot + pray and wielding a whip, hit a 37 on a werewolf a few times. 8-)

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