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biggest college shooting in history


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People are born as criminals now?




If kids are born with guns in Britain, guess so




Youve made a comment that two people have replied with serious answers, and you have chosen to reply on such a silly remark instead?

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Just goes to show the futility of arguing this issue with him, so I'll cease to.


Shadow, I like you man, and I'd be more than happy to read an arguement of yours if you construct one, but little smart arse one-liners on a thread like this, no thanks.

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No, your logic is just ridiculous.




If you ban guns, the only people who will have guns are criminals.




Do you understand how 'bans' work in the US, How2PK? The same way how marijuana and other drugs are banned and yet it's possible to get a hold of it.




My logic isn't ridiculous. Less guns, less casualties. That's my logic, and I honestly don't see how you can deny that. And of course there's more to it than just say 'guns aren't alowed anymore', there's still some work in trying to prevent people from getting them. I honestly can't understand how you could say "Let's not ban guns, because criminals will get them anyway".


*Gets ready to make really bad analogy*


It's like the autoer problem in RuneScape. If you go look a the suggestion board, you'll see a lot of possible solutions to autoers. Some people don't support those suggestions because they won't work. Yes, they won't work. But they'll slow down autoers for a while.


Same with this.


Shadow says that banning guns won't work because criminals will still get them. But it'll reduce the number of shootings and killings.




Obviously, you can't take computer games as reality. But I'd say it's close enough.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Youve made a comment that two people have replied with serious answers, and you have chosen to reply on such a silly remark instead?




That was a serious comment? Bubsa's comment didn't even make sense as I said,




"If you ban guns, the only people who will have guns are criminals."




How does that relate to "people are born criminals"?




Unless of course, people are born with guns to begin with.

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Just goes to show the futility of arguing this issue with him, so I'll cease to.


Shadow, I like you man, and I'd be more than happy to read an arguement of yours if you construct one, but little smart arse one-liners on a thread like this, no thanks.




Your comment was a one liner as well :lol:




And I already posted a "multiple" liner above, read.




I'll be off for a while, so I'll just post a quote from George Orwell,




That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or laborer's cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there
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Youve made a comment that two people have replied with serious answers, and you have chosen to reply on such a silly remark instead?




That was a serious comment? Bubsa's comment didn't even make sense as I said,




"If you ban guns, the only people who will have guns are criminals."




How does that relate to "people are born criminals"?




Unless of course, people are born with guns to begin with.


In that case, answer me.




Maybe it would be best to keep guns in the gangs, and not let any more bullied teens becoming serial killers though eh?
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Yea, I can't believe this either. It reminds me so much of the Oklahoma bombings.




Plus the gunman, I believe.




Edit: <.<


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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Shads, you're making out that trying to make a difference is pointless. Do you not see the possibility that, if guns were outlawed, it would resist the chance or temptation for some people to 'become' criminals, or use them to solve problems they have? Especially the people who are 'weak' enough to snap like this?




You were making out like people are either criminals or not, in some innate way. People are not born criminals, they become it.

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This is scary, reminds me of Columbine, or however it's spelled. I in Va, and want to go to College there. Hope none of that happens when I get there. :ohnoes:




when are you applying? i'll give you a tour if you decide to come here




and i am eager to know why we wern't on lock down after the first shots

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Shads, you're making out that trying to make a difference is pointless. Do you not see the possibility that, if guns were outlawed, it would resist the chance or temptation for some people to 'become' criminals, or use them to solve problems they have? Especially the people who are 'weak' enough to snap like this?




You were making out like people are either criminals or not, in some innate way. People are not born criminals, they become it.




I agree guns should be regulated, and a test of some sort should be passed to anyone over 18 who wishes to get one. However if you ban guns because some people may use them to murder others then you are still infringing onto the liberty of those who do not go out and shoot people, or keep it for self protection. By the same token if you ban guns the floodgates open to knives, poisons and everything that some people may use to kill others with. The problem is not in allowing these guns to be around the problems with the society at the moment. The person who shot everyone today had problems, and i think it is extremley sad when the only possible solution to those problems he can see within society is to go on a rampage.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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This is what i posted in runescape forums





Today, as some of you may, or may not know, a gunman opened fire in a Virginia Tech dorm and then, two hours later, in a classroom across campus Monday, killing at least 30 people in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. I will not go into specifics because it may upset the younger population here, it also may infringe on the rules. What I am doing is just bringing this to the attention of everyone here.




After today's cruel bloodshed, I ask all of you, to at least keep in mind, all Virginia Tech Students, teachers & all residents. Not only those who are currently: Dead, injured or missing, but for those who have witnessed the shooting, who have friends, family or anyone they know who were a victim of this horrible shooting. I also ask you to keep in mind all of those who know anyone at Virginia Tech, trying to reach their loved-ones & friends, to insure their safety. And especially those, who have the horrible news, that someone they know is missing,injured or dead.




I want to state, myself am currently trying to reach my brother who goes to College there, and I am very worried.




Please, say what's on your heart, give your well wishes to all, everything & anything you say can make many people feel much better and at ease.




To mods, please leave this open. I do not post this to upset younger people, but this is an extreme emergency which all need to know and hear about. I do this to give everyone a chance to say what's on their heart, to hear others words and feel at ease, and others to be able to make them at ease.




For more information on this horrid event, go to any news website, or any news channel.




Thank you,




-Sir Po 1






~~~Sir po 1~~~

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I don't think guns should be banned, but your are all right in that there needs to be much tighter regulation on them. I would hazard a guess that the main problem with banning guns isn't actually the 2nd amendment like most would believe, but groups like the NRA which have billions of dollars at their disposal, and if anyone tries to get harsher regulations they will just come up with some bogus study saying that guns themselves are not a contributing factor in the violent mindset. I'm not saying we shouldn't try to regulate them, but there will be major roadblocks in any regulations designed to restrict gun sales/use.




On the topic of the shooting itself, this is a terrible tragedy and I hope that we won't see any more like it for a long time. I'm very glad that you are safe mage.

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Shads, you're making out that trying to make a difference is pointless. Do you not see the possibility that, if guns were outlawed, it would resist the chance or temptation for some people to 'become' criminals, or use them to solve problems they have? Especially the people who are 'weak' enough to snap like this?




You were making out like people are either criminals or not, in some innate way. People are not born criminals, they become it.




People will still find ways to kill people.




I could see banning concealed guns and hand guns (doubt it would ever work, in fact I know it would have no effect on killings in the US, making things illegal just make it worse).




I dont think they should ban shotguns or rifles though, because I know tons of people who enjoy hunting up here, they get rid of those pesky deer who end up ruining nice pretty cars.

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This is what i posted in runescape forums





Today, as some of you may, or may not know, a gunman opened fire in a Virginia Tech dorm and then, two hours later, in a classroom across campus Monday, killing at least 30 people in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. I will not go into specifics because it may upset the younger population here, it also may infringe on the rules. What I am doing is just bringing this to the attention of everyone here.




After today's cruel bloodshed, I ask all of you, to at least keep in mind, all Virginia Tech Students, teachers & all residents. Not only those who are currently: Dead, injured or missing, but for those who have witnessed the shooting, who have friends, family or anyone they know who were a victim of this horrible shooting. I also ask you to keep in mind all of those who know anyone at Virginia Tech, trying to reach their loved-ones & friends, to insure their safety. And especially those, who have the horrible news, that someone they know is missing,injured or dead.




I want to state, myself am currently trying to reach my brother who goes to College there, and I am very worried.




Please, say what's on your heart, give your well wishes to all, everything & anything you say can make many people feel much better and at ease.




To mods, please leave this open. I do not post this to upset younger people, but this is an extreme emergency which all need to know and hear about. I do this to give everyone a chance to say what's on their heart, to hear others words and feel at ease, and others to be able to make them at ease.




For more information on this horrid event, go to any news website, or any news channel.




Thank you,




-Sir Po 1









your brother goes here? i really hope he is ok man :uhh:

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Shads, you're making out that trying to make a difference is pointless. Do you not see the possibility that, if guns were outlawed, it would resist the chance or temptation for some people to 'become' criminals, or use them to solve problems they have? Especially the people who are 'weak' enough to snap like this?




You were making out like people are either criminals or not, in some innate way. People are not born criminals, they become it.




I agree guns should be regulated, and a test of some sort should be passed to anyone over 18 who wishes to get one. However if you ban guns because some people may use them to murder others then you are still infringing onto the liberty of those who do not go out and shoot people, or keep it for self protection. By the same token if you ban guns the floodgates open to knives, poisons and everything that some people may use to kill others with. The problem is not in allowing these guns to be around the problems with the society at the moment. The person who shot everyone today had problems, and i think it is extremley sad when the only possible solution to those problems he can see within society is to go on a rampage.




Britain is a living example of how banning the bearing of arms does not lead to all the other things being banned, as you've mentioned. There was a similar tragedy, not as many were killed (thankfully), in Scotland which led to the ban. Here's an archive BBC article BBC article That was only 11 years ago. America may have bigger diversity in culture, granted, but that is some support as to the practicality of it, or least some stricter laws.




Yes, guns are still prominent here, they always will be. And while I know America is far larger than Britain, in proportion, gun crimes are far lower here. When you consider that guns will more often than not lead to death, I only see that as a good thing. If it's an infringement on a person's liberty to take away their right, I'd say it's one to take away their life. In America, correct me if I'm wrong, it's permittable to shoot someone who was breaking into your home and attempting to steal from you. While that cannot be condoned, do you think it's proportionate to take their life in doing so?

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This is what i posted in runescape forums





Today, as some of you may, or may not know, a gunman opened fire in a Virginia Tech dorm and then, two hours later, in a classroom across campus Monday, killing at least 30 people in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. I will not go into specifics because it may upset the younger population here, it also may infringe on the rules. What I am doing is just bringing this to the attention of everyone here.




After today's cruel bloodshed, I ask all of you, to at least keep in mind, all Virginia Tech Students, teachers & all residents. Not only those who are currently: Dead, injured or missing, but for those who have witnessed the shooting, who have friends, family or anyone they know who were a victim of this horrible shooting. I also ask you to keep in mind all of those who know anyone at Virginia Tech, trying to reach their loved-ones & friends, to insure their safety. And especially those, who have the horrible news, that someone they know is missing,injured or dead.




I want to state, myself am currently trying to reach my brother who goes to College there, and I am very worried.




Please, say what's on your heart, give your well wishes to all, everything & anything you say can make many people feel much better and at ease.




To mods, please leave this open. I do not post this to upset younger people, but this is an extreme emergency which all need to know and hear about. I do this to give everyone a chance to say what's on their heart, to hear others words and feel at ease, and others to be able to make them at ease.




For more information on this horrid event, go to any news website, or any news channel.




Thank you,




-Sir Po 1









your brother goes here? i really hope he is ok man :uhh:




Thanks mage, i'm glad that you are alright too :)





~~~Sir po 1~~~

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And Americans tell me that the right to bear arms is fine? You make cannabis and cocaine illegal to 'protect society', but you sell guns in Walmart.




It's sick, it makes me sick. And now 21 people have paid the price for your hypocrosy in democracy. Twenty smegging one people dead. The future gone, by something you sell next to donuts and hardware.




God [bleep] dammit it makes me sick! I'm so sick I can't even concentrate on sympathy for family and friends, just anger, which I sincerely don't want to do. I'd want my thoughts to be with them, but it just can't lie while this fatal hypocrosy still exists.




Didn't read beyond this now.




Just exactly what I feel.





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I thought of you when I heard this on the news. Were you near any of the violence? School shootings like this tick me off so much. These cowards that shoot everyone are absolute scum. I just wish he would have lived so he could get a worse punishment than a shot to the head.




It's kind of ironic, today my friend who decided to go to VTech was actually wearing a Hokies shirt today of all days.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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Britain is a living example of how banning the bearing of arms does not lead to all the other things being banned, as you've mentioned. There was a similar tragedy, not as many were killed (thankfully), in Scotland which led to the ban. Here's an archive BBC article BBC article That was only 11 years ago. America may have bigger diversity in culture, granted, but that is some support as to the practicality of it, or least some stricter laws.




Yes, guns are still prominent here, they always will be. And while I know America is far larger than Britain, in proportion, gun crimes are far lower here. When you consider that guns will more often than not lead to death, I only see that as a good thing. If it's an infringement on a person's liberty to take away their right, I'd say it's one to take away their life. In America, correct me if I'm wrong, it's permittable to shoot someone who was breaking into your home and attempting to steal from you. While that cannot be condoned, do you think it's proportionate to take their life in doing so?




I am familliar with the school shooting on Dumbane i think. Britain however also does have a ban on carrying knives, Britain is becoming ridiculously authoritarian in the choices it makes on liberties take fast food for instance, people have even been talking of banning that because it is too unhealthy. I think the answer to the problem for you would only make things even worse; driving all gun buying and selling into the illegal underworld would halt the readiness of it, but it would prevent the police from being able to identify who had and who bought what gun potentially leaving murderers on the street.




I still don't think that your answer to gun crime rests within it's avaliability to people, but in other matters that influence society. America is a screwed up country in many areas. Your answer would only drive gun buying/selling into the underworld and take away the liberty to those who wish to have them. Perhaps if guns were not so readily avaliable then this person would not have shot all these others. I think it's easy to lay the blame onto obvious things which are not actually so obvious when you look deeper into the effects that such bans would have. The fact is that it's this persons fault, but a ban would not allow the same freedom to Americas citizens as they were promised.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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