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Are you going to Heaven or Hell?

Guest XplsvBam

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Hell isnt christian. It was created by the catholics to scare people into conversion in the medieval ages. The bible says you live with god or away from god. There is no little horned men with pitch forks boiling you alive and deep frying your eyes, or at least not if christianity is right.




If you are of faith, dont base it off of heaven or hell. Religion isnt supposed to be a ticket to heaven. Do good and the rest will follow.




You just went against all which The Bible is about. :roll: Considering it talks about Heaven and Hell way back in the Old Testament and throughout the Gospel Books in the New Testament it wasn't created by the catholics in medieval times. And considering it also talks about Lucifer the "Arch Angel" falling from heaven and taking a third of the angels with him in rebellion and creating hell, your "perception" of Christianity (according to the Bible) which we base our beliefs off is undeniably of course and quite ignorant from a Christians perspective.




And also directed at your last statement "Do good and the rest will follow" has nothing to do with whether or not you'd be accepted into heaven or not considering its all about repenting of your sins and accepting Jesus into your life. Doing good won't ever get you into heaven (which the Bible outlines quite distinctively throughout).




I really haven't ever heard quite warped and manipulated beliefs from a Christian before to suit the way they live their life.




What's wrong with interpreting the religion how he sees it? Not everyone follows the Bible to the letter, you know.




I'm sure when Judgment Day comes around God won't be asking him/her about his/her interpretation on why he/she should be allowed to enter heaven for all of eternity. God outlined it all pretty clear in The Bible and says to live by it. There's no "grey areas", unlike what some people think, just so that they can justify in their own minds, the way that they are living their life. :wink:




If there are no greay areas, as you suggest, then why do we have denominations? Why do people interpret the bible in wildly different ways? Why do people stray from the apparant basic message of love?




According to the Christian religion who says their believing the truth. Who says God is happy with what they've done to manipulate what he wanted in the Bible. And concerning your last question people stray from the apparant basic message of love due to their own sin. :wink:

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Hell isnt christian. It was created by the catholics to scare people into conversion in the medieval ages. The bible says you live with god or away from god. There is no little horned men with pitch forks boiling you alive and deep frying your eyes, or at least not if christianity is right.




If you are of faith, dont base it off of heaven or hell. Religion isnt supposed to be a ticket to heaven. Do good and the rest will follow.




You just went against all which The Bible is about. :roll: Considering it talks about Heaven and Hell way back in the Old Testament and throughout the Gospel Books in the New Testament it wasn't created by the catholics in medieval times. And considering it also talks about Lucifer the "Arch Angel" falling from heaven and taking a third of the angels with him in rebellion and creating hell, your "perception" of Christianity (according to the Bible) which we base our beliefs off is undeniably of course and quite ignorant from a Christians perspective.




And also directed at your last statement "Do good and the rest will follow" has nothing to do with whether or not you'd be accepted into heaven or not considering its all about repenting of your sins and accepting Jesus into your life. Doing good won't ever get you into heaven (which the Bible outlines quite distinctively throughout).




I really haven't ever heard quite warped and manipulated beliefs from a Christian before to suit the way they live their life.




What's wrong with interpreting the religion how he sees it? Not everyone follows the Bible to the letter, you know.




I'm sure when Judgment Day comes around God won't be asking him/her about his/her interpretation on why he/she should be allowed to enter heaven for all of eternity. God outlined it all pretty clear in The Bible and says to live by it. There's no "grey areas", unlike what some people think, just so that they can justify in their own minds, the way that they are living their life. :wink:




If there are no greay areas, as you suggest, then why do we have denominations? Why do people interpret the bible in wildly different ways? Why do people stray from the apparant basic message of love?




Denominations are not grey areas. Its people misunderstanding the bibles meaning or choose not to accept what it says, such as their being a Holy Spirit (Baptists). Grey areas are Maybe's, not missed Truths.








Who says God is happy with what they've done to manipulate what he wanted in the Bible




Who says God isn't? You don't speak for God, so how can you know this? Its only a speculation on your part, so I don't know why you brought it up.. inless you trying to tell others you want them to believe that God is a person really just trying to manipulate you based on your own perspective of what God is like.





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So I suppose you guys go with the argument that the break down in interpretation is with imperfect man, not perfect scripture, correct?




No, we base our lives on scripture! Its Gods word. Missing the meaning of what God is saying in the scripture is mans fault, not God, and when you don't have the truth, because you missed it, you form ideas that are not biblical, and thus spawn the denominations.




I call it Religion. God says 2+2 is 4. Religion says it can be 3,5, or any number you want it to be, as long as you don't claim it to be 4.




Religion is basically what people think you should do, rather than doing what God says to do. Its people who have missed the Truth.




How many times back in the days did Christians think it was bad to wear make up to church? Some of the girls needed make up badly XD




Its missing the truth, like these, that makes churchs into a Religion.




But basing your life on Gods real truth, when you understand know the meaning of his truths, the real meaning of what he says in everything and every word, that is what will set you free.




How you know you get the interpretation correct is based on what the other scriptures say.




If tons of scriptures can back up 1 scripture, you got it. However most people claim stuff that isn't even biblical to claim.. such as looking at a woman, then praying she will marry you.




That is not bibical.. what is biblical however is believing God will provide a mate for you because he doesn't want any man to be alone, he didn't see it as a good thing for a man to be alone, which to back it up on scripture, it says so in Genesis. You can definatly believe God for that.





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So I suppose you guys go with the argument that the break down in interpretation is with imperfect man, not perfect scripture, correct?




No, we base our lives on scripture! Its Gods word. Missing the meaning of what God is saying in the scripture is mans fault, not God, and when you don't have the truth, because you missed it, you form ideas that are not biblical, and thus spawn the denominations.




I call it Religion. God says 2+2 is 4. Religion says it can be 3,5, or any number you want it to be, as long as you don't claim it to be 4.




Religion is basically what people think you should do, rather than doing what God says to do. Its people who have missed the Truth.




How many times back in the days did Christians think it was bad to wear make up to church? Some of the girls needed make up badly XD




Its missing the truth, like these, that makes churchs into a Religion.




But basing your life on Gods real truth, when you understand know the meaning of his truths, the real meaning of what he says in everything and every word, that is what will set you free.




How you know you get the interpretation correct is based on what the other scriptures say.




If tons of scriptures can back up 1 scripture, you got it. However most people claim stuff that isn't even biblical to claim.. such as looking at a woman, then praying she will marry you.




That is not bibical.. what is biblical however is believing God will provide a mate for you because he doesn't want any man to be alone, he didn't see it as a good thing for a man to be alone, which to back it up on scripture, it says so in Genesis. You can definatly believe God for that.








The bold is what I was saying. If the fault lies with us, what makes you so sure that your interpretation is correct? How can you tell who has the right message? Does god come in and say 'now hold on there, people, that's not what I was saying at all!' No, not quite. All we have is our subjective analysis of scripture. Sure, to many, it seems clear as day. But what makes you sure that you have it right?




I could never personally be confident in what scripture sais due to an over abundance of interpretation and spin. But that's just me. I don't believe that it's god's word, which makes it difficult, I'm sure you'd agree. Perhaps you just see it simpler than I do. :?

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Heaven or Hell! Round one Fight.
Surely hell has the advantage for more people plus they are likely to be more skilled in combat, what with being full of criminals and killers etc. lol







Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Gonna turn into ashes (I wish to be burnt) and go somewhere below the ground.




Speaking of Denominations, those are men made. It was never Gods intentions for denominations to be, therefor I don't have one. I base my "belief" as you call it, strickly on what is Biblical. If God didn't say it, don't believe it. If God did say it, believe it.




What the... So bible wasn't man made?



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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So I suppose you guys go with the argument that the break down in interpretation is with imperfect man, not perfect scripture, correct?




No, we base our lives on scripture! Its Gods word. Missing the meaning of what God is saying in the scripture is mans fault, not God, and when you don't have the truth, because you missed it, you form ideas that are not biblical, and thus spawn the denominations.




I call it Religion. God says 2+2 is 4. Religion says it can be 3,5, or any number you want it to be, as long as you don't claim it to be 4.




Religion is basically what people think you should do, rather than doing what God says to do. Its people who have missed the Truth.




How many times back in the days did Christians think it was bad to wear make up to church? Some of the girls needed make up badly XD




Its missing the truth, like these, that makes churchs into a Religion.




But basing your life on Gods real truth, when you understand know the meaning of his truths, the real meaning of what he says in everything and every word, that is what will set you free.




How you know you get the interpretation correct is based on what the other scriptures say.




If tons of scriptures can back up 1 scripture, you got it. However most people claim stuff that isn't even biblical to claim.. such as looking at a woman, then praying she will marry you.




That is not bibical.. what is biblical however is believing God will provide a mate for you because he doesn't want any man to be alone, he didn't see it as a good thing for a man to be alone, which to back it up on scripture, it says so in Genesis. You can definatly believe God for that.








The bold is what I was saying. If the fault lies with us, what makes you so sure that your interpretation is correct? How can you tell who has the right message? Does god come in and say 'now hold on there, people, that's not what I was saying at all!' No, not quite. All we have is our subjective analysis of scripture. Sure, to many, it seems clear as day. But what makes you sure that you have it right?




I could never personally be confident in what scripture sais due to an over abundance of interpretation and spin. But that's just me. I don't believe that it's god's word, which makes it difficult, I'm sure you'd agree. Perhaps you just see it simpler than I do. :?




The holy spirit is one way in knowing what the scripture is saying. Though also a lot of the time scripture is black and white it gives no "grey areas" a lot of the times its people wanting to leave out scriptures and not believe certain ones (talking about those in the New Testament as thats the new "covenant" we live under after what Jesus did for us) so that they can personally justify how they live their lives or what they wish to believe, which generally is opposing that of what the Bible tells us.

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Gonna turn into ashes (I wish to be burnt) and go somewhere below the ground.




Speaking of Denominations, those are men made. It was never Gods intentions for denominations to be, therefor I don't have one. I base my "belief" as you call it, strickly on what is Biblical. If God didn't say it, don't believe it. If God did say it, believe it.




What the... So bible wasn't man made?




Christians believe that it was written by men but they were told through the Holy Spirit what to write in the certain books which make up the Bible.

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My only answer is:




I honestly don't know. I am not even going to give an answer related to that because you don't automatically know you are going to Heaven or Hell.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Guest XplsvBam
My only answer is:




I honestly don't know. I am not even going to give an answer related to that because you don't automatically know you are going to Heaven or Hell.

Which one are you trying to get into? Like a job, you don't know if you are going to get it or not but if you apply and feel like you are good for the job you probably have a good chance of getting the job.
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Here we go again... not a week passes quietly or the Bible gets torn apart at Tip.It :D




When I'm dead, grass will grow on my bones, as it should.




Life is nothing but a short span of time that we have. I'm not going to waste it thinking about the afterlife. And should I be mistaken, which is a possibility, I'll have plenty of time for contemplation while the grass is growing and I'm getting toasted in the fires :wink:

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Mark 13:30-33 "This generation shall not pass away, until all these things be accomplished....But of that day or that hour knoweth no one, not even the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."




That was the conclusion of Jesus talking about the end days. A generation was considered as 40 years. Jesus lied.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Neither. The idea of Heaven and Hell makes me believe that God does not exist. As the idea of the two influences human behavior, thus, lack of free will. Unless, of course, God is this controlling being...


This post is somewhat confusing to me... I don't believe God is a controlling being. But, also, I think that he judges actions we make. Without Heaven or Hell, wrong things we do would go unpunished. Heck, a major reason Jesus came to Earth was to rescue us from Hell.




And, Satenza... are you quoting Scripture just to be annoying? Just looking online at that verse, a footnote said that "generation" could also mean "race".

- Np Tyler

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Heaven and hell is just a christian invention. The church used it to control people to do what they wanted them to do or "they would to h3ll".




Pretty much, they don't exist, so I can't say :mrgreen:

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Hell isnt christian. It was created by the catholics to scare people into conversion in the medieval ages. The bible says you live with god or away from god. There is no little horned men with pitch forks boiling you alive and deep frying your eyes, or at least not if christianity is right.




If you are of faith, dont base it off of heaven or hell. Religion isnt supposed to be a ticket to heaven. Do good and the rest will follow.




Re-read the Bible.




Mark 13:30-33 "This generation shall not pass away, until all these things be accomplished....But of that day or that hour knoweth no one, not even the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."




That was the conclusion of Jesus talking about the end days. A generation was considered as 40 years. Jesus lied.






Knows no one.. You think God would say no one when it's 40 years? Thought you was more intelligent than that. + Jesus can't lie he doesn't have a sin.


EDIT:These things Jesus is talking about are probably him dying on the cross and rising again from the death in their generation and the second coming of Jesus, no one knows about that but God.




Mark ch13 v 30:33




30. I tell you the truth, the generation will certainly not pass away until these things will have happened. 31.Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.




Ch32-33 talks about a new topic.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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Hell isnt christian. It was created by the catholics to scare people into conversion in the medieval ages. The bible says you live with god or away from god. There is no little horned men with pitch forks boiling you alive and deep frying your eyes, or at least not if christianity is right.




If you are of faith, dont base it off of heaven or hell. Religion isnt supposed to be a ticket to heaven. Do good and the rest will follow.




Re-read the Bible.




I admit i haven't finished it, but i know what im talking about. What most people think of as hell is dantes inferno, which is obviously not part of the bible. Again, there is the lake of fire in which satan was tossed into, but to punish him not for him to rule over as a place of torture.




It is widely accepted by many theologians and even the old pope, that the bibles hell is a metephor for not being in the presence of god. This is held up by the fact that thats the way it was used in the book and the fact hell meant "grave", or something like that, in greek.




The will known vision of hell is from a bit of creative righting done by an old time theologian, dante. He wrote the book that came up with what hell was and added things like purgetory, and his book was accepted and later


exploited by the catholics of that day as fact.



Some people are like slinkies, normally they are dull, but they always give you a smile

when you push them down a flight of stairs.

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Mark 13:30-33 "This generation shall not pass away, until all these things be accomplished....But of that day or that hour knoweth no one, not even the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."




That was the conclusion of Jesus talking about the end days. A generation was considered as 40 years. Jesus lied.




It depends on what "Generation" means here. It more and likely was used in the text of and age. For instance, the time between adam and the flood can be considered an age, then the time from that until moses, then until jesus, you get the picture. Its not judged in years, but in events. It could be wider and consider humanity as an entire generation, because we dont know what could have happened before "in the begining" or after we go.




You also need to read what you quoted, jesus is the son and he said the son doesnt know, therefore jesus didnt know.



Some people are like slinkies, normally they are dull, but they always give you a smile

when you push them down a flight of stairs.

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