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Tip.It Times Presents: Robot Wars, aka Death of the Robots


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I think it's come too late for me. I have WoW on the way....




But yes, it's quite different now on RS, nice to cut yews and stuff now.




Good job jagex, nice one bringing all the updates months, if not years late.


Main Goal; To have all skills 50+


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I think this article is a little optimistic, as I still see alot of autoers especially in F2P are unchanged. As its been said said its been going on for years and only now Jagex are beginning to act. But I don't disagree entirely with the editor if Jagex can get 20,000 autoers banned a week I'm sure they'll be on top of the problem shortly.




However I hope this isn't Jagex attempting to 'appease' the people of Runescape with churning out a large number in an effort to make us think things are being done. I hope to seem them telling us how many autoers they have banned every week.

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But at least the updates were made. Better late than never, right?




This weeks article was a good read, though it didn't really offer much that the average player didn't know already. I agree that the mass bannings are a good, if long overdue, move. However, there's still a lot of mess to be cleaned. I was quite thoroughly disgusted by the 75+ bots that I had personally reported (all on the same world,at that) just prior to the update, and I'm rather worried that not even those have been banned yet. However, this new update is a sign that they've been hard at work on the problem. The number of banned bots, as well as RWTs, is staggering to say the least. Bravo, Jagex! Bravo.






Unfortunately, like bitrockdude, I find this update to have come too late. I'm also starting up on WoW. How sad that Jagex has lost players to a free 10-day trial. Now if you'll excuse me, there are monsters in the Barrens just waiting to be mauled. Onward, cowbear!

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It's always a positive thing to see Jagex do the right thing and make one more step towards making the game community a better place. But, from what I believe...




I've seen anywhere from 10 to 1,000 bots in a single week. Frequently I've also seen 50 bots in one special fishing place. This is on a members' server, as well; I'd hate to see what it's like on a freeplay server.




I don't know if everything that Jagex could be doing is going to stop autoers dead in their tracks. Perhaps, but only perhaps, a level requirement to upgrade to Members would make the process much less painful, but then again I wouldn't be certain.




As usual, this article is a good read.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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i just walked down lumbridge there were like hundreds of them running to trees and the fishingspots and the mining places




i don't think those autoers and the other got the message too get the hell out of here!




and plasmage1, they came with the idea that everyone had the same outfit, would probably the thing why they got banned, so they made another autoer who makes different peoples...so you won't see just one-of-a-kind men walking around






NinjaChicken wrote: am very happy that jagex is trying 2 clean up these bots, but i bekieve they were a bit 2 harsh on those 2 people, imagine all that time they hav spent playing and lvling up, all for nuttin.




think about all the time they got to mine coal or cut yews or to fish?


don't you think that's unfair to us legimite players who are actually clicking ourselves, and not some stupid program that does that for us?




ps: sorry for the worst english writhing, hope you understand what there i mean

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Hell, finally a sign that all my autoer-reporting might have had some effect. I never really felt that me reporting them would contribute to taking down autoers.




Much love to the Editor for that ignore list-tip, I usually have my calculator and a piece of paper and a pen next to the keyboard, now I can ditch the paper ^^




Thanks! <3:

Past Member of the Order of Cabbage, leading the Cabbage forces to victory during Pie Vs. Cabbage 5. yay!


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Like normal I really enjoyed this article. I also agree with now being a good time to train, right after many macros were elimanated.

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Way to go Jagex. The more RWITers you can ban the less reason for all those bots. i think going after the gold buyers will have more effect in the long run than just booting the bots. they can always train up more bit but sooner or later people will figure out buying RS gold online is just to risky. when that happens the game will make a nice turn around.





I miss you Justice my angel on earth and now in heaven " quem di diligunt, adolescens moritur " for whom the gods love die young. April 6th 2005 - February 17th 2009

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Much love to the Editor for that ignore list-tip, I usually have my calculator and a piece of paper and a pen next to the keyboard, now I can ditch the paper ^^




Thanks! <3:




You can use the Windows calculator to ditch that one to :P




"Start -> programs -> bureau-accessoires -> calculator" OR Ctrl+F3 when you are using swiftswitch.




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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Much love to the Editor for that ignore list-tip, I usually have my calculator and a piece of paper and a pen next to the keyboard, now I can ditch the paper ^^




Thanks! <3:




You can use the Windows calculator to ditch that one to :P




"Start -> programs -> bureau-accessoires -> calculator" OR Ctrl+F3 when you are using swiftswitch.




OffTopic:And if ur using win XP, then u can copy/drag the calculator shortcut to the top of the first start menu.




I was pretty impressed whit the numbers mentioned in the news and then my smile boarded, knowing that RS is a better place now (for some time =P~ )

Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...
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Hooray for Jagex! Death to the autoers! Let us hope that this is the beginning of something big. As for now it is just a start. I'm at the yews south of Fally on a f2p server right now and there are six autoers there. Not as bad as usual, but still f2p needs a good cleaning. Thanks so much to the editor for the tip on using the ignore list for a notepad. I love it!

Cieco mondo...cieco mondo

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As a Player Moderator, I know that Jagex has recently stated that their focus for the next few months is bot-busting. Without revealing any confidential information, rest assured that they are on all burners attempting to rid this game of Macroers. \' :thumbsup: =D> =D> =D>

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im very glad this cleaning is going on, yet if i recall correctly jagex does do a mass banning like this once a year, it will be interesting to see their next steps. in the mean time im going back to the fishing guild for a change seince on the world i like to fish on theres like 1/4th the amount of people there b4 the banning

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Nice read but I have 2 words that could probably end some of this macroing:


Aggressive Monsters




If you put them only in spots that are out of the way (like behind Varrock castle), where most yews are, you won't have much of a problem with mass graveyards. Unfortunately, this possibility would not work for the Port Sarim yews and willows.

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Excellent article, I look forward to seeing Jagex's next step against the huge issue of real world trading (eliminate it and macroers and golddiggers pack up and leave town). Although this may be a bit hopeful, Jagex has shown that they have the ability and the will to do it, and have done an excellent job so far.




Hopefully one day no one will have to put up with sights like this





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well we all hate autoers. but rele, some ppl depend on them. merchants could be unknowling buying from them, fueling their gold farming. mages, buy the runes they get from the stores, fletchers get the yew logs they cut, smithers get the ore they mine, rune makers get the ess they mine, construction workers ( :P ) get the planks they make, the list goes on and on and on........... even tho they ruin the game for the true players who follow the rules, we are all, still, connected to a macroer one way or another. weather it be the honest fletcher that buys from a merchant, that bought from a botter, a starting mage that buys some runes to start him/her off on the journey that is maging, could of been buying from a person that, again, bought form a botter.




now that all of those macros are out of the game, they will just get more, unless they put an I.P. address ban on them, they will just keep coming back. on the other hand, some of the ones left could think that them getting banned is more real now, and stop botting.




the all-over good thing about tis update is this: JAGeX is working on it. yes macroing has been part of the game for years, having the lonesom few banned from the honest players, reporting them. i could only guess that not all of them are completely banned (as in an I.P. address ban) is that not everyone completely understands what botting is. i my self had to go back a few times :oops: to re-read the rules to fully understand it. JAGeX has been working on their bot dettecting program, and i guess has been put into effect =D>




now maby prices of sharks, yews, runes, ore, etc. etc. etc. will go up, and make the honest players happy again :D




but the 1 rle good ting about them, ez reporting! become a mod even that much faster :lol: even tho it might take you reporting a couple hunderd for them to notice you :|


^Click for my Newgrounds page!


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You know, I hadn't ever really paid attention to the part about banning members. It is a good thing that they are banning bot members at their expense. Thanks Jagex!


^^ Spreadin' da wurd ^^

I'm old skool baby ;) *looks at join date*

Current amount of years playing Runescape: 5.5 On TIF: 5

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This is a very good article; I felt a connection with the writer when he said how surprized he was. Hell, i was surprized too; Jagex usually lets these kinds of problems go unoticed; but not this time. :thumbsup:




EDIT: BTW, the little piece of advice you gave at the bottom really helped. I cleared out my ignore list in put in the entire list of fairy rings and where they go. =D>


We tried using an abyssal whip to 'suggest' they work faster
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