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I hate kids...


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Agreed. If I ever starting crying/throwing a fit as a child my parents would take me out of the store/restaurant/whatever until I got quiet. Just keeping your kid crying in the middle of of the store, or worse, a restaurant is just bad.




I heeaard dat. Like just last week, we were in McDonalds, and I started freakin' out because they didn't have the toy I wanted, and my dad took me right outta there.




Then we went to KFC instead, and I got no toy (OR chicken mcnuggets).




It really has

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Amen to that. I hate it when you're trying to enjoy a quality meal at a nice resturant and some little brat is whining how he didn't get the right toy from McDonalds! :x




As a lot of people said before - bad parenting.

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So you hate yourself?




Wait a minute, your an adult on these forums? :uhh:




Reading is fun!






http://forums.somethingawful.com/showth ... genumber=1




^ Pretty much pertains to the topic. I'm reading the thread right now. :lol:




OT: are u a member or do u just browse?




Yeah.. its when parents just wont shut the damn things up that it gets annoying. Like they cant even hear the racket that is stopping me from concentrating! GRRR

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as soon as a child is smart enough to talk back, is when i become enraged and want that thing dead... i'm never going to have kids of my own, Maybe adopted.. least they are thankful and need it, and don't [bleep] at you.




and people DO NOT bring your child to a restaurant... PLEASE for the love of god at least give them some sort of chill-pill even if you think they will behave.


uhh restaurants are the worst, especially with spoilt kids that get there own way, i went to a restaurant for my sisters birthday, it wasnt super posh but it was probabl 100 pounds for 4 meals, so not cheap. andway this family came and sat behind us, 2 kids probably 9 and 7, the parents, instead of doing the thing most parents who dont spoil their kids wouldver done, and choosing their meal for them, decide to let them choose, fair enough, no because the kids dont know what the foods are, even stuff like spghetti, they keep asking, do i like this? the mom and dad meanwhile tell them the child decides, yes i want this, but then the parents decide they dont want the kid to have it...and start choosing what they want them to have...well the kids decide they dont want what the parent wants them to have and chooses something....it goes on for 5 minutes...so annoying...and confusing


Sig by me....

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Maybe this is just a guy thing, maybe this is just because I work at a library, and have constant contact with these hellions, maybe I've lost my mind, nevertheless, I've had it with KIDS!




I suppose you can condense my grievance to the range containing kids aged 1 up until about 5. Once they start school they seem to come around......thank God. As I write this I am listening helplessly as an oblivious mother pushes her toddler around as he yells incessantly for no reason. What really irks me is that the adult just maintains the status quo, obviously hope of controlling or stopping the monstrosity has been given up long ago, they just let 'em scream for no reason until they run out of breath.




Furthermore, whats the point of bringing these infants out into the public? I understand they can't be left alone, but I know, with paramount certainty, that isn't the case all of the time, probably not even most of it. The kid has no idea whats going on, where its at, why its there, or who any of us are. I don't give a darn how cute, or adorable the kid is, or how much it looks like his dad blah blah blah.......It just wants to scream for no reason until they force the parent(s) to leave. Especially living here in yuppie suburbia, I see parents on BIKES with their infants on these little trailers, riding through heavy downtown traffic, making us take precaution because they want to drag their kids on some little sight-seeing trip, that actually turns out to be much more dangerous than its worth (nothing).




As I finish writing this rant, I hear a whole swarm of scamps entering the library upstairs, the deafening clamor is driving me psychotic! Excuse me while I hide under my desk.




I blame rap, and I blame the insecurity of parents these days, alot of them would rather think of themselves before their children.




For example I was at a friends house, and he got in trouble, so his momma slapped him in the face, and he demanded her to say sorry, and she did, parents :roll:

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Its just i thought that fi you was an adult old enough to moan about kids, then i thought that you would have mroe important things to do.




Uh...I think you misunderstood "kids" I'm talking like kids up to 5-6 years old. I could be 14 and complain in a legit manner about it...I just happen to be 20, oh well.




im 13 but i like kids outside of public places where it is ok to yell but when i go to church on sundays and there is a baby screaming i get really mad because we have a room for crying babys that they can play in. you can see the annoyance on my preacher's face when the mother lets it go.


Not true. I lost my virginity to the log out button #-o
You should have knocked him out and thrown him out the window (I actually did that at school).


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So you hate yourself?




Wait a minute, your an adult on these forums? :uhh:




Reading is fun!






http://forums.somethingawful.com/showth ... genumber=1




^ Pretty much pertains to the topic. I'm reading the thread right now. :lol:




OT: are u a member or do u just browse?




Yeah.. its when parents just wont shut the damn things up that it gets annoying. Like they cant even hear the racket that is stopping me from concentrating! GRRR




I lurk right now :lol: . Haven't found a good enough reason yet to fork over 10 bux.

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I agree with Knives. You're just seeing the bad end of the spectrum. But some parents just give up as an alternative to looking abusive. This lady at my church has a horrible temper. Whenever she tries to calm down her two year old, she practically shouts and smacks the kid around to make him shut up, so she just lets him run around screeching. Annoying to us, but keeps her out of our suspicion that she might have some dangerous parenting problems.

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You have my deepest sympathy! However, you got come to grips with the fact that we all start from somewhere. Children are naiive and just are very keen to figure out how to make the world revolve around them (not that far from the desires that some adults have). As far as being angered with the parents for not doing anything about certain situations (such as crying histerically), I completely say your anger is called for. But not enough to say that these parents shouldn't bring their tots in public! I think when kids start crying like that is because they are bored and the parents rarily are involving them with the activities going on. They feel like an object and hate it (hence the whole world-revolve-around-me-complex). When I'm babysitting my 5-7 year old cousins and take them somewhere, I try to get them involved with something. Like playing I-Spy and asking them to spy certain things while I continue with whatever I was doing. Its a moment distraction for me (due to being creative in choosing things to spy) but it is nothing compared to having to control an all out nervous breakdown! Anyways, since you are mostly dealing in an environment with kids and not really the actual parent there is less control in your hands. The best advice I could tell you is just to remember that it is not exactly the devil child's fault :twisted: ! Its a lack of effort from the parents to keep them stimulated, thus the child lets all you-know-what break lose...


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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Children are naiive and just are very keen to figure out how to make the world revolve around them




You've hit the nail right on the head there. Anyone wanting to grasp a better understanding of children should read Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Sigmund Freud's theory of the psychosexual stages of child development also makes very interesting reading, but this includes the Oedipus complex which while being interesting to some, proves to be uncomfortable reading for others.


The Poison Fairy

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as soon as a child is smart enough to talk back, is when i become enraged and want that thing dead... i'm never going to have kids of my own, Maybe adopted.. least they are thankful and need it, and don't [bleep] at you.




and people DO NOT bring your child to a restaurant... PLEASE for the love of god at least give them some sort of chill-pill even if you think they will behave.




You are stereotyping like crazy... Not all babies/young kids are like that... When I was 3ish, we didn't have central AC or even a window AC, and when it got really hot I wouldn't eat. I was tired all the time. My parents had to take me to air-conditioned restaurants so I could eat. I never screamed, I never cried, I never annoyed other people.




Please stop stereotyping, the kids who scream at restaurants aren't even the majority. You just don't notice the ones that behave...




Please, stereotyping like this is very bad.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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It just depends on the kid and thier parents, if you get good kid and parents they won't do crap. Now if you get bad kids and bad parents, they you're screwed.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Of course the kid is going to scream if you don't give them another alternative.




The parent can sit there screaming at their little monster or drag them along screeching the hall ways to the exit or slap the childÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s bum.




Next time your kid is being annoying, touching everything on the shelf, give them an alternative object for them to hold.




"insert name" come and hold mummies hand.




"insert name" would you like to be a big girl helper and hold the bread for mummy?




"insert name" would you like to help mummy push the trolley.




It will give you and your kid a better relationship and you don't even have to resort to yelling or smacking.




When your kid is having a fit, they havenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t learnt how to control it. Give them an alternative.




One example:




Now when I count to 3 I want you to take deep breaths and come and give me a cuddle.




Once again, no yelling, no hitting.




You need to praise your kid for good behaviour. How many parents have made the mistake of only going outside to tell the kids off for being too loud?




What does that spell to the child? When I'm naughty.... I get attention....




But if you go outside and say good boys I'm so proud of the way you're both playing together quietly, on the weekend we can go to the video store if you keep it up you encourage good behaviour.




Even when reward is replaced by praise, it will still work.




Try it at home and pm me your results :wink:




However you can't just say good boys or good girls, you need to specifically state the reason why they are good or the action they're doing that makes you happy or proud.




If you want any further understanding of how a childs mind works, I completely agree with Suzi and she has taken the words right out of my mouth.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Speaking of kids I think I'm ready to have children but I'm not married yet ahhhhhh.




Hurry up and marry me partner, I want a baby!



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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If I was ever loud in a public place as a kid, my parents would set me down and walk away. A safe distance, of course, but far enough that I thought they had left me. They'd come back as I quieted down. Sounds traumatic, but not really. I've been a polite person ever since.




Kids need to get beaten more often. Well...okay not beaten. But they need to get punished. Parents try to be friends, not parents. They want their kids to like them, and that lets their kids be more in control. Your children should fear and respect you. When I say jump, my children had very well shout 'How high, SIR?!'




Maybe not that extreme.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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If I was ever loud in a public place as a kid, my parents would set me down and walk away. A safe distance, of course, but far enough that I thought they had left me. They'd come back as I quieted down. Sounds traumatic, but not really. I've been a polite person ever since.




Kids need to get beaten more often. Well...okay not beaten. But they need to get punished. Parents try to be friends, not parents. They want their kids to like them, and that lets their kids be more in control. Your children should fear and respect you. When I say jump, my children had very well shout 'How high, SIR?!'




Maybe not that extreme.






"Having an obedient wife and a child who runs and cowers in the corner when you come home is the Hallmark of a good family."


It really has

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Wait a minute, your an adult on these forums? :uhh:




There's actually quite a few adults on these forums :roll:




I hate it when kids get to that "why?" phase. It so annoying and there's no way I'm explaining to some kid why they should get out of the way of my car. Their parents should have taught them that 3000 lbs of metal and 200 horsepower is going to destroy 60 pounds of little kid. Some kid serious did this when we were leaving to go shopping once. I hate explaining things to people as it is, I don't want to explain something to a kid who isn't going to get it and ask me why something in the explaination happens.


But I'll agree with the OP. Screaming kids are annoying as hell. I can't stand it when parents are shopping and just let their kids scream while they just ignore it and continue with their shopping. Screaming kids give me a headache, and I'll tell you to make your kid stfu if it gives me a headache.

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It so annoying and there's no way I'm explaining to some kid why they should get out of the way of my car. Their parents should have taught them that 3000 lbs of metal and 200 horsepower is going to destroy 60 pounds of little kid.


Are we talking about you still, or the car?

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It so annoying and there's no way I'm explaining to some kid why they should get out of the way of my car. Their parents should have taught them that 3000 lbs of metal and 200 horsepower is going to destroy 60 pounds of little kid.


Are we talking about you still, or the car?




I laughed in real life reading that :lol:

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