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Doctors don't know what they're talking about.


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If I don't have a soda for more than 5 hours or so, I get all twitchy and suicidal too. Then I


fall asleep. (Seriously, the very first thing I did when I woke up this morning was chug an


entire Barqs root beer.) Does that mean I have a caffeine addiction? :?:




No, because Sprite is my favorite and it's caffeine free. I just have an addiction to the flavor.


So it's clear that you really can become addicted to anything. :cry:




I think a better word is 'obsessed' though. It's only an addiction if you go through physical


symptoms of withdrawal when you stop doing it. I'm obsessed with online gaming, but not


addicted. :o




BTW, I didn't watch that video or whatever it is, so I hope my post makes sense.






EDIT: Just read it. Even if a kid has a video game 'addiction', brainwashing them is not


the answer. It's ENTIRELY the fault of the parents for allowing it to get this far already.


He didn't play WoW for the first time, and the next day he was playing 12 hours and ignoring his


friends. It's THE PARENT'S FAULT for neglecting their son so much that they


couldn't see the warning signs of something like this.




If my mom tried to take my computer away I'd probably act exactly like this. Even if I'm addicted,


I'm fine with myself how I am, so everyone else can just [bLEEP!] off. :)




If I want to ruin my life, I should be allowed to. We don't do anything to stop people who cheat


on their spouses and ruin their lives in that way. And we don't do anything to stop alcoholics who


kill their children in drunk driving accidents, unless they make the choice to go see someone


about it.










When I reform society in the aftermath of my 'blood solution', people like this will be the first


with their heads on the block. People who support people like this will be sent to the shark tanks. :)

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Oh, you hit the nail on the head with the gambling thing!



Yeah, I did.



Did you know casinos actually release toxic chemicals into the air that cause people to want to gamble more? Case closed.



Did you know that this is an urban legend and is completely false?




Did you know that even if it WERE true -- which it is not -- there are millions of gambling addicts who have never set foot in a casino?



And the reason doctors exist is to save people. Doctors are paid by the hospital; they don't need to be car salesmen.







No, most doctors are not "paid by the hospital". Even if they were, it wouldn't change the fact that they are highly paid for a very good reason.




You have NO idea what you are talking about at ALL. Grow up, get a degree, get through medical school and internship and residency and then tell us all about it.





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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throw an apple at the doctor he'll go away!








And let me throw in my two cents. Yes, I've gone more than 24 hours without a shower because I was too busy playing RS. Yes, I was also suicidal at one point in time. However, RS was NOT the reason I was suicidal. I was having a very hard time with my social life, and I was going through major problems with the opposite sex. I often retreated to RS to escape from reality, and still do. Am I obsessed? Maybe. Does that mean that I need to see a shrink? No. I can draw the line when need be. Once I start college in the fall, I will definitely curb my gameplay time, as I will have to actually study to make A's instead of just coasting.

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If I don't have a soda for more than 5 hours or so, I get all twitchy and suicidal too. Then I


fall asleep. (Seriously, the very first thing I did when I woke up this morning was chug an


entire Barqs root beer.) Does that mean I have a caffeine addiction? :?:




No, because Sprite is my favorite and it's caffeine free. I just have an addiction to the flavor.


So it's clear that you really can become addicted to anything. :cry:




I think a better word is 'obsessed' though. It's only an addiction if you go through physical


symptoms of withdrawal when you stop doing it. I'm obsessed with online gaming, but not


addicted. :o




BTW, I didn't watch that video or whatever it is, so I hope my post makes sense.






EDIT: Just read it. Even if a kid has a video game 'addiction', brainwashing them is not


the answer. It's ENTIRELY the fault of the parents for allowing it to get this far already.


He didn't play WoW for the first time, and the next day he was playing 12 hours and ignoring his


friends. It's THE PARENT'S FAULT for neglecting their son so much that they


couldn't see the warning signs of something like this.




If my mom tried to take my computer away I'd probably act exactly like this. Even if I'm addicted,


I'm fine with myself how I am, so everyone else can just [bLEEP!] off. :)




If I want to ruin my life, I should be allowed to. We don't do anything to stop people who cheat


on their spouses and ruin their lives in that way. And we don't do anything to stop alcoholics who


kill their children in drunk driving accidents, unless they make the choice to go see someone


about it.










When I reform society in the aftermath of my 'blood solution', people like this will be the first


with their head's on the block. People who support people like this will be sent to the shark tanks. :)




Very good post Kashi, and good point I highlighted in bold.

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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If someone feels driven to suicide or murder by a game then I think they have much more serious problems than the act of just playing games for hours on end, and if people do play games for 12 hours a day without being compeled to break the law, and they want to play like that then who are you to stop them? You wouldnt try to stop someone from biking if that was what they did 12 hours a day everyday would you now?

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this is true i got addicted to runescape for about a month then my best friend start calling me a names because he could lay me out when we played football so i quit

Account created on Weds, December 21st, 2005

99 cooking on December 12th, 2010. 99 Agility on September 30th, 2011. 99 Fletching on August 17th, 2012. 99 Prayer on March 22nd, 2016. 99 Farming on April 4th, 2016.

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Oh, you hit the nail on the head with the gambling thing!



Yeah, I did.



Did you know casinos actually release toxic chemicals into the air that cause people to want to gamble more? Case closed.



Did you know that this is an urban legend and is completely false?




Did you know that even if it WERE true -- which it is not -- there are millions of gambling addicts who have never set foot in a casino?



And the reason doctors exist is to save people. Doctors are paid by the hospital; they don't need to be car salesmen.







No, most doctors are not "paid by the hospital". Even if they were, it wouldn't change the fact that they are highly paid for a very good reason.




You have NO idea what you are talking about at ALL. Grow up, get a degree, get through medical school and internship and residency and then tell us all about it.








It certainly is NOT an urban legend. Apparently you aren't in tune to the amount of corruption of planet Earth.

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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These issues are overblown, and they are mostly just an excuse for stuff. Emo kids who are really crapped up in their mental abilities often play video games (like everyone else Sherlocks) so video games must be bad?


Also, while it might not be an urban legend about gambling addictions, did you know that RS stakers are kinda "addicted" to staking too? Is it because of the toxic gases? Unless you did something bad to your comp, that can't be :-w



You're being watched.

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Great, now my mom is harping about how "I am addicted and I don't need to be playing RS once I go to school." [bleep]ing hacks. :roll: I will play RS once I am in college, just in moderation. Every time an article like this comes out, she goes way overboard with the paranoid parent bullcrap.

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Okay... few points that have apparently been overlooked.




a) Not all drugs are chemically addictive. There's "Chemical Addiction" such as Nicotine, and there's "Emotional Addiction". Most people don't realize this, but Marijuana has NO ADDICTING CHEMICALS IN IT. Yet people are STILL addicted to it. This is an "emotional" addiction. Video games can cause a similar effect.




B) Circumcision DOES serve medical purposes. I once spoke with my Uncle, who is a professional doctor. Circumcision, in addition to serving Religious purposes, CAN be medically beneficial. The part that is removed actually serves few, if any, major functions. I can't remember exactly which race, but my Uncle also informed me that a few ethnicities in particular have larger foreskins, which in turn slightly increases the risk of some diseases. Especially for those races, circumcision becomes important. The more meaningless purpose is just for religion. But you're not going to get people to stop believing in religion. I'm sorry, but if people are willing to kill 8 million people in less than a decade over religion, you're not going to convince them not to undergo a simple surgical operation to remove a useless body part.




c) Kashi had a good point on Obsession and Addiction, how some are OBSESSED with video games, not addicted. But obsession and addiction are very different. Obsession is when thoughts surrounding a specific theme continually permate the mind. For example, Runescape is constantly in your head. You think of weapon stats, you imagine new strategies for PKing, you visualize training plans during class/work, etc. Addiction is the inability to stop DOING something.




So if you're thinking about Runescape 5-6 times a day, even when you're not playing, drawing pictures of characters and monsters, spending hours typing up suggestions, and always talking about it, you're obsessed.




If you're skipping meals and school, not spending time with your family, and missing sleep so you have more time to spend in front of the computer, grinding out levels, that's an addiction.




And finally. Just because an addiction isn't induced by a chemical doesn't mean it's not an addiction.




Oh... and about the money gouging. This might be slightly off topic, but Tobacco vs Marijuana is a perfect example. Tobacco is FAR more dangerous than Marijuana.






-Physically Addictive


-No medical benefits


-Scientifically proven to lead to multiple forms of cancer and other diseases.






-NOT physically addictive


-Limited. People can only use so many joints a day. They can use 5-10 times as many Cigarettes when addicted to nicotine.


-DOES have medical benefits




So why is Marijuana banned and Tobacco not? Simple. Anyone who has watched the movie "Thank you for Smoking" has a general idea already. Tobacco companies can afford better lobbyists, and can back their lobbyists better. They can also give GREAT financial support to candidates in congressional elections. Because Marijuana, when legal, was not nearly as profitable (again, you can only smoke so many joints, and use so much marijuana), the companies could not afford to support their business as fully as the tobacco companies could.

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...I'm obsessed with online gaming, but not




XD Whatever makes you sleep at night.




Since you can pretty much get addicted to anything, I think doctors should just diagnose 'Chemical Addiction' and 'Other Addictions', rather that making an individual disorder out of every possible addiction.




Oh yeah, and that gambling thing's false: http://www.snopes.com/luck/casino.htm

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Is it me, or is it getting hot in here? Must be the flame war :twisted: . Just kidding. On a note to contribute to this topic, it has been shown that a certain scents do have an effect on what you buy. I read about an experiment where shop owners placed the same shoe models in two areas, one with a pleasant scent, and the other without the scent. This experiment was done in differen stores, to reduce anomalies. The areas with a scent sold more shoes. It is possible that casinos release a scent into the air to make people gamble. How many casinos, or if they do it at all is a different question.


Oh, and this should probably be in "off-topic".

Kiss my axe.

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my mum always says junk like "you'd be on that dang roomscape 24 hours a day if i let you." It's such an unthinkable statement. C'mon! Being my mother, she should know me as a person by now and know that i'm not that kind of low-life who could go without a shower for one day. It's just crazy. I've had my account for over 2 years now and my total is only around 940-ish (f2p). what does that tell you? Imagining that is freaking me out. Could you imagine playing RS for even 10 hours straight? you'd go insane!


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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my mum always says junk like "you'd be on that dang roomscape 24 hours a day if i let you." It's such an unthinkable statement. C'mon! Being my mother, she should know me as a person by now and know that i'm not that kind of low-life who could go without a shower for one day. It's just crazy. I've had my account for over 2 years now and my total is only around 940-ish (f2p). what does that tell you? Imagining that is freaking me out. Could you imagine playing RS for even 10 hours straight? you'd go insane!




I play over 10 hours straight regularly...

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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Video games are NOT addicting because they're not chemically/physically addicting. If your computer is destroyed and you never see a game again, your body will be just as healthy as it was before the incident and you can continue your life without interruption.




And yes, doctors are idiots.



Uh huh. Doctors are "idiots", yet you think something can't be addicting unless it involves a chemical.




What are your credentials, exactly? You speak like a complete ignoramus on this subject.




Ever hear of gambling addictions? There are no chemicals involved there. Are you saying those aren't addictions?




How about sex addictions? Not real?




Free clue for ya: your brain makes its own chemicals in response to certain stimuli. That's what's involved in addictions that don't involve the ingestion of chemicals.




And yes, video game addiction is VERY real. I discuss it extensively on my site, and this is far from the first article on it in the media.








=D> Was going to post the same, I just hate people who don't know what they are talking about....




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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Video game addiction, is when the game grinds you!




It's all too easy to say someone is addicted to games, internet, shopping or anything else they may do excessively, but there is a big step between "liking something more than is good for you" and actually being addicted, the main point being the reactions when NOT doing it.

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my mum always says junk like "you'd be on that dang roomscape 24 hours a day if i let you." It's such an unthinkable statement. C'mon! Being my mother, she should know me as a person by now and know that i'm not that kind of low-life who could go without a shower for one day. It's just crazy. I've had my account for over 2 years now and my total is only around 940-ish (f2p). what does that tell you? Imagining that is freaking me out. Could you imagine playing RS for even 10 hours straight? you'd go insane!




I play over 10 hours straight regularly...


one question: Have you ever kissed a girl besides your mum?


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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