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Wish Me Luck! *gulp*


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Me, I'd reccommend a sport that involves a decent amount of running, like soccer, or joining the cross country team this fall. Ya, that's probably the best idea, in my opinion :P . Forced exercise, and something to do during the school year :P .




Me, I'm definitely not motivated enough to lose weight (and I definitely ain't giving up my Oreos), so I have my trainers find the motivation for me :lol: :anxious: :ohnoes: .




140 at 5'7", thank you teenage metabolism \' .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Good for you! I think it's fantastic and takes a lot of courage (just to admit you need to). Stick with it! It'll require patience and time. I think you're going about it correctly...sounds like you're doing it for yourself (not others) and you're doing it with plans of exercising (the best and only way you'll lose it and keep it off...dieting is only temporary). Again, stick with it, because you can do it!

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Work out in the morning before you eat buns 2x more fat. You start burning calories only after 15 minutes of continuous excercise so it pays off to do a few, longer periods of excercise. Wait 1 hour atleast after a meal to exercise or your body will burn the calories in your intestines and not fat. Monitor your heart rate, if it goes too quickly you will burn carbohydrates instead of fat, go at 60 to 80% of your maximum heart rate. Start at 60 then slowly go to 80 as your body adapts. Don't eat so called "healthy" processed products, it's lies 99% of the time. Instead, cook by yourself, use biological if you can(more vitamins and minerals). Eat millet or buckwheat instead of plain wheat. Never eat enriched flour products, stay away from "fake sugar", it's better than sugar, but still bad for health. Drink green tea in the morning, it has numerous healthy benifits. Eat almonds and brazilian nuts, they help to lose weight in small quatities however. Don't cut too many calories from your diet or your body will go in "panic mode" and cause you to gain weight after you stop dieting; "yoyo" diets. You must make a whole lifestyle change, there's no "diets", this is a permanant change, and you must eat healthy your whole life from now on, or you will gain the weight back. Don't eat any sugar exept sugar from fruits. If you stop eating sugar altogether, after a month, the "sugar craves" will disappear. Try to gain lean muscle, it will speed up your metabolism. Move a lot during your day, that will speed up your metabolism aswell. Olive oil is your friend, excellent for health, but very fat, so use in small quantities. And that's all I can think of right now. Good luck, and do what highlander says :)

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Goodluck with losing the weight!




I also have a goal during the summer. I am pretty skinny (muscle wise) so I am going to be going to the gym everyday with my mom at 9 in the morning! My main goal is pretty much to work on my abs and most importantly biceps, because I got the wrong side of the gene pool :(




Good luck to you, and, wish me luck.



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Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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1 mile run per day, eat good. You'll lose about 30 pounds by September no matter who you are. :P My mom has a thyroid disorder that makes it hard for her to lose weight and easy to gain it, and she WALKED a mile per day and ate better and lsot 20 pounds in a month.




Most important part: It takes about 2 weeks to get "into" a routine. If you can do it for 2 weeks, then it just becomes habit, which is good.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Get a schedule and stick to it mate. If you cut 500 calories out of your diet every day and exercise when you can, you'll be losing weight like noones business.

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Em's Blog Day 2




You know if you're going to an Italian festival, there's really not much to eat that's deep fried and smothered in cheese. I followed through with my plan by eating a ceaser salad sandwich thingy, and a water. Then my dad comes back with an order of mozzerella sticks and parmasean chips. Usually, I'd be all over that, but thank goodness for will power. (I had a handul of chips and one stick. Not good, but not bad.) So today, I had my usual healthy brekfast (A cup of juice, a little bran muffin, and some apple sauce) which took my up until my Dad's company picnic. This was held at this little county fair a few miles away, so of course, more deep fried crap on a stick was to be expected. I stuck to 3 cups of soda (It was REALLY hot, and the lunch the company provided didn't have water. I know, shame on me. I'm now OFFICIALLY cutting soda out of my diet, even though I never drank much anyways.), a hot dog, a bit of garden potato salad, the top part of a cream puff, and a few spoonfuls of ice cream. Tonight I'm babysitting a two year old, so that should burn off a little. Tomorrow, I'm back on track. Thankfully, we have no fairs or festivals planned until August. I'm also eating light for dinner, just because I feel so guilty about eating all this crap this weekend. Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement!






Weight: Same as yesterday, I think...


Attitude: Guilty, but still focused


Height: This is pretty useless, I havn't grown an inch overnight...

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Oh! Good luck! ^_^ I'd like you to know though... that everyone is different and the BMI thing shouldn't be taken too seriously. :P I know a girl who weighs barely over a hundred pounds and they told her she was overweight. :S




Anyway, I admire your motivation. Just make sure you stay that way. ^_^

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lol, you try to loose weight then the worst things come up.




well, they are the hurdles you must jump over in order to succeed, imagine if you would of ate all of that crap.




you did well and gl


Thanks SkyFleet for the awsome siggy!

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I love you~








Just thought you should know~





My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Im doing kinda the same thing except i'm cycling , not jogging and i'm doing it not cos i want to lose weight but cos i've felt unfit ever since the holidays have started. The first exercise is always the worst but when you are in the middle of it, you know you are doing yourself a favour by getting fit/losing weight.




Good luck




Also, dont try the Atkins diet, he was clinicly obese! :XD:

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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Em's Blog Day 3


(The reason today's is so short is because I had finished writing a longer, better post this morning when my computer crashed, and I lost it. I'm tired of typing now.)




Today, I found out that cooking healthy is easy, and kinda fun. I'm no Emril, but I did whip up a healthy little dish for lunch that was simple to make. And it didn't A. get burned, B. taste like poop, or C. get covered in salt or cheese because it tasted so nasty. I was so proud of myself, I volunteered to make a Tortilla Casserole for dinner that I saw in a magazine. So, I thought I'd share with you the little dish that started my whole little cooking craze (I even came up with the name myself, while I was taking my dog for a walk! The Chicky stands for chicken.)




Quicky Chicky And Salsa Quesadillas






1 oz. of deli sliced chicken


1 handful of the cheese of your choosing (I used an Italian blend)


1 Flour tortilla


1 half cup of salsa (I used Pace)




Rip the tortilla in half, and lay chicken on one side. Sprinkle the cheese on top. Microwave or toast (toaster oven) both sides until warm. Add salsa on chicken side, and cover with the other half of tortilla. Serve with fresh fruit. And don't ask for the exact calorie count, although it is under 250.




So there you go. I'm disgruntled at the loss of my first post, so today I'm keeping it short and sweet. Oh, and Kashi, I love you too! <3:

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I'm kinda the opposite. Not that i am too skinny, just to scrawny. yet i have no motive as of right now to bulk up. but just some advice, even if you are completly out of shape join a track or cross country team. running is (i believe) the best way to lose weight and its easier to keep doing it everyday if you are on a team. i personally hate it with every fiber of my body but im still on the team.






edit: and if you wanna stay motivated, make sure you write in this every single day. it will help being able to see it all

Look its rob!

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Cutting soda out of your diet is always good. I lost 20 pounds in like 2 months just by not drinking soda. I haven't had a drop in 4 years. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I'm doing it. :ohnoes: I've known now for a few years that I need to look some weight. Not like "OMG Its the BLOB!" weight, but a little junk in the trunk. :^o Ok, I'm hauling a good amount of cargo here. If you'd look at me, you'd say "Oh, she's not THAT fat. Fat, but not that bad..." But on the BMI index, I'm borderline obese. So tomorrow, I'm going to start loosing weight. My plan is to loose 15 pounds by the time school starts, in early September. I feel uncomfortable shopping with my friends, since clothes don't always fit in their favorite stores. I'm going to really try to get motivated this time. And that's where you guys come in. I can't do this on my own. Well, I'm doing most of it... but whatever. I need a little support. My mom supports me, and I'm sure my friends do, but its uncomfortable to talk to them about it, since they're all toothpicks. So I figured, if I got my Tip.It Forum buddies to give me a little kick in the butt, it might be easier. (Believe it or not, people are easier to talk to when you don't have to look at them. Who knew?) I'm going to stop blabbering, and go to sleep. I'm getting up for a jog tomorrow! (I'll keep you updated with a day-to-day blog sort of deal...) Thanks! :thumbsup:












personally, im glad your losing weight, nothing worse then a fat lass, :-X

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I, actually, started to work out because I am always made fun of for being weak and shrimpy. So, I started doing crunchies and push ups every night and I needed a job too. So, I got one at a grocery store because you have to haul around stuff all day. Build up your biceps and triceps.








Helped me. Good goal too. I hope it works out! Remember it doesn't happen over night. Took me 8 months to get where I am at. I was about to give up at the beginning, not seeing anything, but it soon worked! Good luck!!!


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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Just remember, If you haven't lost that weight by september you'll be attacked by bears, bears with scissors :shock:


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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I always try to get a motivation for excersize. of course, my daily routine lasts for about a week before I decide "ahh never mind this."








Good luck tho :D


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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well, i lost about 21kg in about 6 months, so i might have some good advise for you.




1. Don't drink any soft drink. I haven't drank a drop for a whole year.




2. Do lots of excercise. Jogging is by far the best way to lose weight, even though i mostly swim alot and play rugby.




3. This one is the most important : Have good determination!!!




4.Do not skip meals and hope you might lose some weight, Eat 3 meals a day. Healthy meals too!








Hope you success! And always remember advise No. 3!!!!! :D

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Jogging is by far the best way to lose weight








I beg to differ.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Man I am proud you, I am glad you are taking this into your hands. I just hope you won't get discouraged like most kids do. Keep writing here everyday, even if the post dies, it will keep you motivated.








Make sure you don't skip days, even if there are obstacles. Drink a lot of water (keeps you hydrated and differs your hunger till later), and bring it everywhere so you won't have to drink anymore coke/pepsi. Plus isn't kinda hip for girls to carry around water bottles now? I feel like every girl has a water bottle. I can see your family is big on food, and that makes it extra hard on you, but you get stay with it, eat b4 you go to the next food even so you want to eat as much. Order things like chicken salad and try to skip the dressings. I don't know why I am giving you all this advice, I am no expert, but I took a nutrition class b4 lol. EAT FRUITS FOR SNACKS, watermelon and grapes are delicious. lol








Oh yea don't be afraid to tell your friends, I am sure most of them will support you because they want you to be fit and look good.








GOOd LUCK. Don't falter we will all be checking. Keep up with your daily exercise.








Best of luck


Visit my DeviantArt Page at http://vladmoney.deviantart.com

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