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Runescape in the news again...


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It's funny there is even a debate about whether it was morally wrong or not. Reverse the genders, then how many would be saying "wow that 13 year old girl is getting lucky"? The law is there for a reason.

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It's funny there is even a debate about whether it was morally wrong or not. Reverse the genders, then how many would be saying "wow that 13 year old girl is getting lucky"? The law is there for a reason.




Ah, and there is the unsaid.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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run scape =( they make it seem like runescape is evil while tons of these happen all the time from myspace and other sites....




and they also used cellfones why not put cellfones like they are evil like for serious..

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It kind of angers me that people are calling that rape.




I understand that it is legally statutory rape...but to call it rape is ridiculous in my eyes.




I guarantee he was more than willing, and a word so strong such as rape, contradicts that very statement.




Yeah it may be odd and weird and disgusting to some of you...but love has no boundaries if that's what they have...at 13 I was fully capable of making decisions like that, just as well as I can 8 years later.




I'm not saying I would ever sleep with a 13 year old, I wouldn't...that is weird to me...but they were both consenting and 13 to me isn't as young as people make it out to be these days.




i agee with you because of personal experience




in my opinion, this generation is growing up very fast.




i am 14 years old, not even in ninth grade, but this past year (8th grade) has made me realize that the generation is growing up fast.




almost every week you would hear of people of people that had sex or performed oral sex on other ppl. these kids are 13 years old, some maybe even 12, and are already involved in sex acts.




liek the person i quoted says, 13 isnt as young as people make it out to be.




and also, like many people have also said, im sure the kid did not have a problem with having relations with the woman. hes 13, his hormones are racing, other than runescape, wat do u think is runnin through his mind.....




if u havent guessed it









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Wow that is creepy, haven't ever seen something like that go on in RuneScape.




Hopefully she was hot




No she was not hot...she was like must whack her with the ugly stick.




A stick? Try the ugly pole. If I saw her get off that airplane, I would either:




1. Call the cops


2. Throw a [insert heavy dangerous object here] at her


3. Tell my parents she was trying to rape me.

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least the kid got laid :XD:




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whoops double post...


lol south park miss teacher bangs a boy




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Guest Toshiba23

Why do people think this is bad?? Think of it from the kids pov, he got a WOMAN. LMAO




Same thing with teachers, hell if my teacher was hott and i had a relationship with her. I'd be proud of it.

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Why do people think this is bad?? Think of it from the kids pov, he got a WOMAN. LMAO




Same thing with teachers, hell if my teacher was hott and i had a relationship with her. I'd be proud of it.






Sex with the underaged is automatically statutory rape under the law, regardless of whether it's under mutual consent (or even parental consent, for that matter). The argument here is kids in the developing age are easily manipulated and persuaded, so their "consent" cannot be assumed to be of good judgment.




(There's other issues here beyond the legal one, but my mind's cloudy atm so I'll add later on)

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For some reason, new reports like this pop up every so often and Im not even sure if they are real anymore.




Its almost always an older woman meeting a younger underaged boy... -.-

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Source : http://jonsabinpi.blogspot.com/2007/07/ ... inary.html




Kathryn Brauch waives preliminary hearing




kbraunchuu5.pngPOTSDAM- Kathryn Brauch, charged in an internet sex case involving a 13 year old boy waived her preliminary hearing Friday morning.


In plain English, that means the woman passed on a chance to hear some of the evidence against her. The case will now go straight to a St. Lawrence County grand jury awaiting indictment.

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Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




13 isn't a "little kid". And I don't know why you're disgusted, I'm sure at 13 that would be a dream come true for you as would be for plenty others.








I'm tired now... those are the best quotes I found.




Why might he be disgusted, becuase that is a child, their body may not have even hit puberty yet, the fact is the majority of 13 year olds arn't mature enough to treat sex as a really serious issue, that's why there is an age of consent.




At the age of 22 that woman should know what's right and wrong, she should know that having sex with a 13 year old (somebody who's less than two thirds of their age) is wrong, who's to say he knows the risk? Do we know if they used protection? For all we know the woman could have an STD, the point is the law is in place to protect our youth until they are at the age where they should be aware of all this and be able to make educated decisions.




The fact is, the woman has broken the law and we don't know all the details, we don't know if the boy had second thoughts or anything, please can we just stick to facts we know, those being:




-The boy is 13 years of age, 3(? (not sure where this has happened) years below the age of consent.




- The woman is 22 years of age and therefore can be held responsible for her actions.




- The woman has broken the law.




Now it doesn't matter if the boy encouraged the woman, believe me I've seen this kind of siuation with a 13 year old who was fully developed and I was 17 and knew it would be (very) wrong.




I'm sorry, but all you seem to be doing in this thread is laughing at everybody who's opinion disagrees with you.




Just because somebody doesn't know the law doesn't mean they have a low IQ, please stop trying to make people feel bad for no reason.




Go read my other post.




I don't need to repeat myself. I don't give a [:!:] how old he was. If he consented, that's fine.




"Who's to say he knows the risks", you say?




WHO'S TO SAY HE DOESN'T KNOW THE RISKS?! Me. I say so because someone has to bring logic into this low-IQ infested world.




Yes, this case was probably consensual. Why should it still be trialed as statutory rape? Because the judicial system works with precedents. We (the society) do NOT want to give future *genuine* sex offenders a stick to beat the judicial system with.


Any defence shark, errr I mean lawyer in future sex offender cases would JUMP at the opportunity to raise this as a case in defence of their client (should this case be deemed 'consensual'). It will shift the burden of proof from the suspect to the actual victim: he/she will have to prove that in fact the relation was NON-consensual. Do you honestly want to subject minors to cross eximination in which the victim has to prove the relation was non-consensual? Do you really want to give future offenders even the slightest chance of escaping justice? There's your logic for you.

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hmmm idk, thats stupied then of the mom still after meeting someone for 1 week to allow her to be alone with the kid without anyone else there. Either way the kid will never see his mom again, there will be a restraining order. And the kid will be made fun of for the rest of his life. This is why kids under 13 years of age need parents permission and yet never get it. Runescape in my oppion should be made into a 16+ years of age game atleast if there is a way to succesfully regulate that.




I got permission from my parents to play RS when I was under 13. (They are really strict), but I never went on. :|




Jeez, I never RS could be this bad. Well, I guess it's not really Jagex's fault, more the parents. :-#



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I do agree that it's pretty stupid to blame it on Runescape. <.<


(Random fact- When questioned, many people believed that Runescape was Run-Escape)

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Sex with the underaged is automatically statutory rape under the law, regardless of whether it's under mutual consent (or even parental consent, for that matter). The argument here is kids in the developing age are easily manipulated and persuaded, so their "consent" cannot be assumed to be of good judgment.




(There's other issues here beyond the legal one, but my mind's cloudy atm so I'll add later on)




I hate repeating myself.




And I am getting $%ing aggravated with the un-intelligent prospect that minors are easily manipulated, or at all. Apparently the lawmakers never met me. I can easily manipulate an adult. Watch.




My father is almost 50. I beat him in mental battles all the time.




Age is not a factor. Being under 18 years of age does not mean you are easily manipulated! THEY (meaning the incompetent lawmakers) think that, and they have no scientific proof whatsoever.




It's almost like racial profiling... what they're doing is generalizing... you can't search only Muslims for terrorist-related activities. You search everyone. This is why you should take a test rather than be judged by the amount of plancks that have been processed since your mom gave birth to you.




If I think, feel or believe something, you're not changing my mind unless you put a gun to my head... in which case I will attempt to disable you by removing the gun from your hand, severing your hand with a sharp object, or disabling your vision with eye-unfriendly substances.




Thats crazy that little kid is really lucky it was a girl which i mean is still bad, but if it turned out to be some phys co guy and kill him, but the mother actually approved of this! thats what shocked me the most, i mean this never would of happen if the parents have more control over a kid. My mom even at my age of being 18 would let some stranger that is 22 sleep over at my house and do things like that with someone. This is in no way the fault of runescape it lies in the parents and there horriable parenting skills. Things like this only give runescape a bad name. The news also doesnt help when they mention what game it is. This is very unfortunate and is very bad, it could of been worse like i said if it was some pysco that ending up killing them. The mom of the kid should be in the most trouble in my oppion for letting something like this even start. Im sure a week before the lady showed up he asked his mom if it was ok if a stranger came to visit. Disgusted and its 1:29 am so im going to go to bed.




13 isn't a "little kid". And I don't know why you're disgusted, I'm sure at 13 that would be a dream come true for you as would be for plenty others.








I'm tired now... those are the best quotes I found.




Why might he be disgusted, becuase that is a child, their body may not have even hit puberty yet, the fact is the majority of 13 year olds arn't mature enough to treat sex as a really serious issue, that's why there is an age of consent.




At the age of 22 that woman should know what's right and wrong, she should know that having sex with a 13 year old (somebody who's less than two thirds of their age) is wrong, who's to say he knows the risk? Do we know if they used protection? For all we know the woman could have an STD, the point is the law is in place to protect our youth until they are at the age where they should be aware of all this and be able to make educated decisions.




The fact is, the woman has broken the law and we don't know all the details, we don't know if the boy had second thoughts or anything, please can we just stick to facts we know, those being:




-The boy is 13 years of age, 3(? (not sure where this has happened) years below the age of consent.




- The woman is 22 years of age and therefore can be held responsible for her actions.




- The woman has broken the law.




Now it doesn't matter if the boy encouraged the woman, believe me I've seen this kind of siuation with a 13 year old who was fully developed and I was 17 and knew it would be (very) wrong.




I'm sorry, but all you seem to be doing in this thread is laughing at everybody who's opinion disagrees with you.




Just because somebody doesn't know the law doesn't mean they have a low IQ, please stop trying to make people feel bad for no reason.




Go read my other post.




I don't need to repeat myself. I don't give a [:!:] how old he was. If he consented, that's fine.




"Who's to say he knows the risks", you say?




WHO'S TO SAY HE DOESN'T KNOW THE RISKS?! Me. I say so because someone has to bring logic into this low-IQ infested world.




Yes, this case was probably consensual. Why should it still be trialed as statutory rape? Because the judicial system works with precedents. We (the society) do NOT want to give future *genuine* sex offenders a stick to beat the judicial system with.


Any defence shark, errr I mean lawyer in future sex offender cases would JUMP at the opportunity to raise this as a case in defence of their client (should this case be deemed 'consensual'). It will shift the burden of proof from the suspect to the actual victim: he/she will have to prove that in fact the relation was NON-consensual. Do you honestly want to subject minors to cross eximination in which the victim has to prove the relation was non-consensual? Do you really want to give future offenders even the slightest chance of escaping justice? There's your logic for you.




Yes; yes (logic and fairness is far more important to me than whether a pedophile is convicted or not).




I'd rather set 100 guilty people free than set one innocent in jail.

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Brauch and the victim not only met over the computer, but they also sent inappropriate sexual photos using a cell phone.





My guess is, that the girl is just a nice girl, that mostly gets ignored by guys at her age. Then she meets this Teeny boy on RS, that probably made completely shameless sexual remarks. Considering, that nobody else ever acted that way towards her, this turned her on quite a bit. Then one thing lead to another.




To the mother the girl probably just seemed like a nice girl. Still it's wierd, that she didn't found it strange, that a 22 year old girl traveled trough half the wolrd, to meet her son.




Of couse it's not exactly a good thing to do, to let something like that happen between you and a teen of that age, but the way i see it, now there are only victims.

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I hate how people automatically accuse a game of what happens. It's the kids fault, as well as the parents fault for not noticing it at all. I say that they were lucky it wasn't some murderous male child molester. And Statutory Rape is just a way of convicting someone in a bad manner. Now if the teen is under 15 I for sure would support it, but if they're 16+ I think they have enough sense to know what's going on. Anyhow, blaming a game for a teen getting raped by some 22 year old woman is pathetic. Considering even now a days 13 year olds probably know about sex and as everything gets younger, they know more about sex at 13 probably.




It's only against the law because of a large age difference for the most part. I bet the kid was the one who led her on anyhow, but no matter what, the girl breaks the law, not the kid. Oh well, the law is flawed in lots of cases, but yes the lady did break the law (being a tad hypocritical) because it's gross, 9 year difference of age between anyone at any time is ew! And I forgot what else I was going to say -.-

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I hate how people automatically accuse a game of what happens. It's the kids fault, as well as the parents fault for not noticing it at all. I say that they were lucky it wasn't some murderous male child molester. And Statutory Rape is just a way of convicting someone in a bad manner. Now if the teen is under 15 I for sure would support it, but if they're 16+ I think they have enough sense to know what's going on. Anyhow, blaming a game for a teen getting raped by some 22 year old woman is pathetic. Considering even now a days 13 year olds probably know about sex and as everything gets younger, they know more about sex at 13 probably.




It's only against the law because of a large age difference for the most part. I bet the kid was the one who led her on anyhow, but no matter what, the girl breaks the law, not the kid. Oh well, the law is flawed in lots of cases, but yes the lady did break the law (being a tad hypocritical) because it's gross, 9 year difference of age between anyone at any time is ew! And I forgot what else I was going to say -.-




1. Good job; intelligence.




2. My parents are 8 years apart.

  • Never trust anyone. You are always alone, and betrayal is inevitable.
  • Nothing is safe from the jaws of the decompiler.

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btw.. is it even possible for a woman to rape a guy??






umm its possible, but its so unlikely. you can end up with a broken pelvis afaik.




Broken pelvis? What are you talking about?


Yes, it is possible.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I hate how people automatically accuse a game of what happens. It's the kids fault, as well as the parents fault for not noticing it at all. I say that they were lucky it wasn't some murderous male child molester. And Statutory Rape is just a way of convicting someone in a bad manner. Now if the teen is under 15 I for sure would support it, but if they're 16+ I think they have enough sense to know what's going on. Anyhow, blaming a game for a teen getting raped by some 22 year old woman is pathetic. Considering even now a days 13 year olds probably know about sex and as everything gets younger, they know more about sex at 13 probably.




It's only against the law because of a large age difference for the most part. I bet the kid was the one who led her on anyhow, but no matter what, the girl breaks the law, not the kid. Oh well, the law is flawed in lots of cases, but yes the lady did break the law (being a tad hypocritical) because it's gross, 9 year difference of age between anyone at any time is ew! And I forgot what else I was going to say -.-




1. Good job; intelligence.




2. My parents are 8 years apart.




9 Years isn't 'ew' ... I know many women around the age of 30 that date men in their 50's, it may seem gross to you, because you look at it in a perspective of simply 'past.' In reality as I said before, love has no boundaries, age is definitely, and shouldn't be, an issue.




Also, to the one before that said it was there to stop pedophiles etc etc. Though you're mindset is in the right place, also consider a few things.




First off, as it is right now the girl would have to prove he had sex with her in some way, therefor she already has to prove what had happened...happened.




In a real rape case, the woman has to prove she was raped. If somebody is raped, there are deep emotions embedded into them due to the trauma of the case, that it's not even a burden of proof.




In Michigan, the age of consent is 16 years old.




Also, yes I would STILL feel the same way if it was a 22 year old male and a 13 year old female. If they both consented and wanted it, though it's weird to me a little to think of a 13 year old in the manner, they obviously felt something. It is their lives, they both want it, age shouldn't limit that, 13 is the new 17.


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