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Harsh scool?


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I try my best to be a good kid at school. i think my school is too harsh..




...my story:




today was my 7th day of school. thi incident happend in 2nd out of 7 periods in my Earth Science class.


ive had a cold all week and my teacher knew that. we were all studying in class for a quiz tomarrow and i had to sneeze... but as i sneezed i farted too. :oops:. EVERYONE laughs.. after class my teacher gives me a referal to the principals office. we talk and he said i get ISS for 3 days and i asked why ? since it was only a small fart. he said.. "now yourbeing insuboardinite(sp?)!!" so now im suspended for 2 days plus 3 more days if ISS and less bathroom privilages.




is this fair? im a sophmore by the way.


[software Engineer] -

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Hell no, its the rest of the class that's at fault. You cannot control bodily functions like sneezing, fart or yawning with ease, and you did not do anything intentionally. Sure, you might have been the one who farted/sneezed and made everyone laugh, but they can stop themselves from laughing, you can't stop yourself from farting.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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you just got owned by your body's need to expel gas... unlucky.


yes thats harsh.. but what are u gonna do? Get your parents in to rant at the principal?




my dad said some"pretty" words to the school about it..might call local news station and tell then "boy gets suspended for expelling gas"


[software Engineer] -

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That is stupidly harsh. The only teacher I've ever had who got mad at people for farting was my freshman art teacher, and he just hated to smell it. (Don't we all?) But yeah, they can't really do that to you for a natural body function, you don't get detentions for going to the bathroom do you? Or sneezing.




But, you still got owned.




Yes, I do still sympathize.


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Next they'll be expelling people for breathing :-s .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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For someone who's got over 1000 posts, your writing isnt very good :?




well im still upset and shakey from gettting suspended for farting. plus i suck at language art class




and how does that relate to the topic anyways?




May I ask how long have you been at the school?




Oh, and sorry but it didnt relate to the topic :anxious:

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I'd be absolutley furious if that happened.


I'm pretty good at reasoning, so unless the people really had something against me (which in your case, I'm figuring they do), I'd be able to get out of it. If all else fails, get your parents in.


Out of interest, how much trouble have you gotten into at the school previously (I assume when you say it's your 7th day, you mean your 7th day of the term, not of your time at the school.)? Because that could explain why they're being unreasonably harsh.


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Are you American...


I'd expect no less..






Also.. no bathroom privilages.?!




HOW please tell me.. seriously HOW that would help fix the problem?



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For someone who's got over 1000 posts, your writing isnt very good :?




well im still upset and shakey from gettting suspended for farting. plus i suck at language art class




and how does that relate to the topic anyways?




May I ask how long have you been at the school?




Oh, and sorry but it didnt relate to the topic :anxious:




this is my 7th day this year..my school is full of douchebag teachers..school hacking time :twisted:


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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For someone who's got over 1000 posts, your writing isnt very good :?




well im still upset and shakey from gettting suspended for farting. plus i suck at language art class




and how does that relate to the topic anyways?




May I ask how long have you been at the school?




Oh, and sorry but it didnt relate to the topic :anxious:




this is my 7th day this year..my school is full of douchebag teachers..school hacking time :twisted:




Maybe that's why they don't like you :-w




Um, yeah, that's ridiculous. Clearly ask them why you are in trouble. If they say that you distracted the class, simply say you can't help your bodily functions.




If they still persist, I would call the head of the district.




Or call the local news and have them hate you forever.




Your choice. \'


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Also.. no bathroom privilages.?!




HOW please tell me.. seriously HOW that would help fix the problem?






Exactly what I was thinking. Won't that just make things a lot worse?


The Poison Fairy

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you should expect people to laugh at you, farting in a room with like 30+ kids. come on, even teachers at my school laugh. #-o




why would schools suspend you for farting? or your just hiding the fact that the kids laughed at you and you wanted to pull a fake story to set us up.

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you just got owned by your body's need to expel gas... unlucky.


yes thats harsh.. but what are u gonna do? Get your parents in to rant at the principal?




my dad said some"pretty" words to the school about it..might call local news station and tell then "boy gets suspended for expelling gas"[/quote]




Yes, that'd be a great idea.




But complaining to the superintendent will probably be better.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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well dont be so insobordiante next time




I was just reading this thread and saw that... I'm still laughing. :XD: :XD:




That really sucks man. Sorry to hear it. <.<




You're old enough now though to calmly talk to the administration about it though. The number of times I've escaped trouble just by showing that I could formulate a proper argument... too many to count. =P

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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