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Apparently, combat owns all.

Saru Inc

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Noob1:"he said 2 stfu becuz ur just a dumb lvl 57"




Noob1:"hes muted moron he told me to tel u to stfu"




I wonder how he said to "stfu" if he's muted?




Is it posssible that you got stupider? Theres MSn, Skype and a whole lot more man.




No, the level 102 didn't say it, it was this lvl 63 AKA "Noob1" and yes, there are tons of ways of talking besides RS.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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This is what happens when you put pubescent testosterone-drvien teenages in a place of surpreme "power" with no responsibility or accountability for their actions. I personally have gotten myself in many a scrap with people like this. No more so than at the Duel Arena. In some cases, I even defeated them. What's the response I get though? After all the crap they've poured out of their mouths about how because my total level is high in comparison to most accounts my combat level, I must obviously be inept at combat? "luky hits nub".




When defeaten in battle, unless the other person has been a right (holds self back)... idiot, I always congratulate the other person and say, "GF". It's a mark of honour. I do it when I play on my Nintendo DS online through online communities such as pokemon.marriland. You both have entered an honourable contest with each other, respect should be shown by both sides in a gentlemanly conduct.




Yet RS, and TBH, the whole of the online gaming world, is full of these prats who think it's acceptable to intimidate others into challenging them, and then to have a strop whenever someone defeats them, be it in the game or in an argument. It's absolutely ridiculous, yet it seems, nothing can be done about it. I personally think Jagex should make honour a much more integrated part of the combat system though. Maybe create rewards for merciful behaviour shown in battle, for instance, allowing someone to heal when their HP runs low gives you, say, 5 prayer points. Something like that.




Because you're right Saru. The gaming world has a problem when it comes to these types.

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Get me the saw, airgun and three shells. Time to shoot those three values in that 102 freak.



98% of rs players have attempted a scam. If you're one of the 2% who haven't, copy this into your signature...


30% of those who copied it are lying. If you are one of the latter copy and paste this one TOO into your signature =o =o =o

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Yes, combat does own all. I would like to see you kill a mith dragon with your uber l33t skill total. If you wan to skill thats fine, but understand you will be mocked. I got over it, so can you.


You're missing the point completely. Some RS players don't go on RS to be in a permanant state of competition with the rest of the RS world. Therefore, they don't rate themselves on whether they can defeat a PKer, or in your case, the Mithril Dragon. They simply play this game for contentment.




Those skillers who do want to be in competition only want to be in competition with other skillers. They realise comparing a combater to a skiller is like comparing chalk and cheese - it's just futile.

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You know they were probably just some immature 9 year old who think they are all so important by putting you down, know what it's called?








I'd have listened to them for a bit but probably would have gotten fed up by there immature ways and put them on my ignore list.




Runescape is full of people like that. Never take things personally.

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My combat stats are largely greater than my other stats, but I am thankful to you for finally finding the words to put across the point to all those people who say even to people like myself who prefer combat, yet have half-decent skilling stats "z0mg n33b l1k g3t a *cabbage* d3c3nt acc l1k me n00b cant 3v3n dm zez!" (in exactly those words \' ) that just because people don't want to pk doesn't mean that they are inferior both as a person and as an account to the insulter.

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Triple post ftl? :-X




Yeah, because I deliberately posted three times for no reason. Forum lag and errors




I don't get it, what is so hard with saying "NTY I LIKE WHAT I'M DOING"




Duh? When you talk to these people you have to have a conversation with them because then they start giving reasons and more unsolicted advice. You do realize theiving isn't fishing? I have to click all the time to thieve and I do not have time to chat with annoying people.




Don't use the word "noob" so much.




This is the exact attitude that makes people annoyed. You don't own me. You can't tell me what to do or what to call annoying people. I don't want random "tips" about what I could be doing when I am obviously already doing something else.




Geez. And you know what? When I was doing Pp for 3+ weeks, and I would wear my sceptre, 120+ would be like "Whats that wep?" Or, while I was Pp'ing, very high levels would be like: "Whoa, this minigame is awesome, I wish I found out about it sooner."




So? the sceptre is rare. Just because people can't identify a random rare object doesn't mean they know little about the game. Also, I never had any high levels saying that. Ever.




You'd be surprised how little some 120+ know about the game. (No, I'm not saying you know nothing, just, don't use combat to figure out who is a noob; and who isn't. Some people only do PC from lvl 40-120+.)




If you are running around telling players about PP then you are a noob. It's not news. I never said anything about lower levels my complaint was about people telling others " go do pp its better than what you are doing now."

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That's what the ignore list is for. You should've just said "Noob miniclipper" and then iggied them.






I guess, but I like to give people a chance to say what their arguement is. Then, I debate it. But, I did eventually put them on ignore lol.




You can't debate with morons....


I have nothing else to say because everything already is said.


Just ignore them.


And stats>combat :mrgreen:

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They just keep getting dumber :(

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Agreed. Though I don't think you should be taking conclusions from what stupid kids and unexperienced players have to say about this. It IS indeed true that the general idea is that combat>rest. That's because people basically start playing runescape to train combat. So there's no way around that.


But I'm sure if you look around you and ask for opinions from players with some experience in the game and have the minimum idea of what they're doing, you'll find it easy to reason with them and reach the conclusion that it doesn't really matter since runescape is basically a second life where you choose to do whatever you wish to do.




But I agree dude, it's unfair that people immediately judge players by their combat lvls.


Runescaper since June 2005


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Usually high lvl people wont bother and just keep quiet.


Its those people below 10 years of age ( no offense) that do that.




In any case just say "Good for You"


or treat it like an Anger Management Class








Break the Walls down!

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This is because combat levels are the only thing that 'directly' shows your skills. For example: A level 110 would be more reconized because his


combat, which is pretty high, is shown. A level 3 with many 99 skills would not be recognized as much as the level 110 because their skills are not shown. Although the skill capes help defeat this discrimination, it still exists. As a result, many high levels tend to be very arrogant, cocky, and egotistic, as opposed to a level 3 skiller, who is automatically taking the position of an honest, modest character. Another reason for this is that combat is basically the only skill that can be competitive; so in the minds of high levels, they must be the best, even if they're apparently not. This feeling of superiority, unfortunately, is taken out on the lower levels. In my opinion, regardless of how much higher their combat level is, as long as you have higher total level, and/or exp, then you're ultimately better. Modesty and honesty is MUCH more important than superiority, remember that.




By the way, I currently have a combat level of 115, and I do not level discriminate whatsoever. Hope this helps :P


99/99 Defence 92/99 strength 80/99 slayer

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i got a good friend and he's level 87. i'd kill if i had his account. his skills beat mine in all the ones i hate training.




i honestly couldn't care less what level you are. if your level 8 and your coming up to me and calling me a noob or as such im going to be getting a little mad. but if your a decent level *decent as in 50ish* then you know what monsters there are and you obviously dont like to train. i usually respect people i see in rs because i go and do high level requiring tasks (chopping down mages doing hard quests mining in the guild seeing some one with 60 herblore in the flesh crawlers dungeon etc.) usually people with lower levels have an odd sense of humor so it's fun to talk to em ::' as long as you dont ask me for stuff, we're friends =P


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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This infuriated me, and always will infuriate me. People who think, that if you stink at combat, then you stink at everything. I was minding my own business, filling those poor old Varrock guards with holes from my Adamant poision darts. Don't worry, they died fast. Then, I notice a lvl 102, thieving from guards. I said (Lvl 102 was muted FYI.)




Me: "Hey, you do know the minigame 'Pyramid Plunder'? it offers really great xp."


Noob1:"he said 2 stfu becuz ur just a dumb lvl 57"




Noob1:"hes muted moron he told me to tel u to stfu"


Me: "What's his problem? I just offered advice."


Noob1:"yea wel u cant pk crud u wana fight him? lolol hed own u"


Me: "Hmm, no thanks, I prefer skilling over combat."


Noob1:"dats cuz u cant fight nooob so u stink lolol"


Me:"Hmmm, how is not wanting to fight make me stink?"


Noob1:"u just scared dats wat lolol his (102) stats own urz"


Me:"Actually, lol, my old acc has lvl 88 mage, and 78 range, I think I'd beat him"


Noob1: "lier lolool"


Then, I went on Saruman44, and came to the spot.


Me: "Ta-da! It's me, the lvl 57."


*Lvl 102 does laugh emote, then beckon emote*


Noob1:"he says hes gonna beat u cuz u cant pk lolol"


Me: "Actually, I hate staking or Pk'ing, sorry. No fight."


*I then get back on Noes, and Pm Brainiac to come, and try to debate thier "infallible" logic.*


All the sudden, a level 84 comes on the scene, from hereon out, AKA: "Noob2"


Noob1:"hey, ______ (Noob2) is _______ (102)'s Gf...dats 1 thing u dont have lolol"


Noob2:"so is this the noob u were talking about?"


Me: "I'm sorry, how am I a noob?"


Noob1:"ur stats stink so u cant pk so u stink"


*Brainiac comes on the scene*


*Me and Brainiac start to argue about how, combat isn't the only thing in the game."




People need to stop using PvP as a way to determine who is good and who is not. And of course, when Pkers kill someone, usually when they are teaming on someone, they say "nice life" "nerd" or, when the other person is nice (or it may just be a habit) and they say "gf" the victor says "ty" What the hell is that about? You most likely had superior weapons, stats or TEAMATES. Don't be such a callous truculent individual please. Show some RESPECT for your fellow 'Scapers.






And that, is my rant. Thanks for reading.








Well, I couldn't agree with you more, except I am more particular to a certain combat stat when I think of rants of this nature. We all know which it is, Strength. It is the stat that leads to names such as "noob" or "def noob" (Which I hear often) Why does a higher str level make people feel as though they are better than everyone else lower than they? It annoys me to a point that I refuse to get my str above 80 at the moment and in fact, it will be the last combat stat (or stat period for that matter) that I would consider getting to 99.




Here is where my and your opinions differ, maybe I am just giving my opinion here.




I agree a higher combat level doesn't make you any less of a noob than someone who has a combat of 3. However, I do feel as though those level 3 "skillers" are just seeking attention by trying to be different. Everyone at one point or another had a main. Whenever we all first started playing, NONE of us said, I hate combat I will get all my non-combat stats up instead (at least not without trying out combat first or having an outside influence on our decision when we first started) Therefore, I believe skillers are in it for "fame" and attention.




However, to make combat the only portion of this game would be like going through your whole life without leaving the house. You never experiment with new things and you never gain other knowledge than that of what you hear and see. I saw a level 121 with 10 ranked stats. 4 of them were non-combat stats... total level of 1038. Does their high combat level make them more knowledgeable about runescape than a level 3 with maxed non-combats? Of course not, so I see what your saying when you say combat isn't everything and I agree it isn't.

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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Whenever that kind of thing happens to me i only ever argue if they are worth argueing against.


I hate it when you get a dumb, pathetically immature kid who can't even spell out a sentence correctly, because you just can't get anything across to them.


People who think that combat level = knowledge are fools.

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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