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Ok i'm tired of people in varock (forgot how to spell it) complaining about how the dogs in varock are a example of "animal abuse".It's a game!It's not like I'm shooing your pet senior fluffles away from me!It's pixels!




Screw the animal lovers.I'll go up and kill the pixel dog if I want to.Then I'll go make cat hide shoes!And if your so worried about animal abuse, look at what we do to the cows!We slaughter the poor mofo's without warning using fire, earth,ice,water,wind,arrows,spears,and swords etc.Then we sell their hide for cheap profit...




So is cow slaughtering abuse?Possibly.Oh and when you turn your cat into a "Demon cat" isn't that kinda cruel?Did it WANT to be turned into a evil creature?Maybe it didn't....Oh and remember that easter holiday where you were a rabbit and the guy beat you on the head?THAT'S ALSO ANIMAL ABUSE.




So animal lovers, lay down your weapons and axes and stop beating up on the the helpless cow,turning your cat into a demonic entity, and letting yourself be beat upon by a farmer.And maybe, just maybe, Shut up about Varock! (may be to late for this topic but....meh).

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Ok i'm tired of people in varock (forgot how to spell it) complaining about how the dogs in varock are a example of "animal abuse".It's a game!It's not like I'm shooing your pet senior fluffles away from me!It's pixels!




Screw the animal lovers.I'll go up and kill the pixel dog if I want to.Then I'll go make cat hide shoes!And if your so worried about animal abuse, look at what we do to the cows!We slaughter the poor mofo's without warning using fire, earth,ice,water,wind,arrows,spears,and swords etc.Then we sell their hide for cheap profit...




So is cow slaughtering abuse?Possibly.Oh and when you turn your cat into a "Demon cat" isn't that kinda cruel?Did it WANT to be turned into a evil creature?Maybe it didn't....Oh and remember that easter holiday where you were a rabbit and the guy beat you on the head?THAT'S ALSO ANIMAL ABUSE.




So animal lovers, lay down your weapons and axes and stop beating up on the the helpless cow,turning your cat into a demonic entity, and letting yourself be beat upon by a farmer.And maybe, just maybe, Shut up about Varock! (may be to late for this topic but....meh).




You sir are Legend



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Thats nothing, try trapping a stray dog in a corner and constantly shoo it. :-w


Powerful fun :thumbsup:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Everyone knows they are pixels. The complainers' point is probably that they don't want little kids to pick up the habit to be violent to animals from Rs.

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Well if they are so worried about their kids becoming violent to animals from this game, look at what we do to wolves.They are relatives of dogs and we kill them without thought about it.Oh, and I'm sure shooing away a dog is "violent" to animals(sarcasm).If a sick harborer of disease walks up to you, do you let it follow you?No, you shoo the animal away so you don't catch whatever it's sick with.




And of course they're pixels.What I said was a reminder of that.I just don't understand how you become violent to animals from shooing them away!There's not even a physical contact in the entire time your doing it!Plus, that's meant to make the towns more diverse, kinda like how Falador is all nice and pristine,edgeville is overgrown a bit, and now Varock is a town that was attacked several times in warfare.




If these people are so worried that their kids will become violent to animals from this, just tell the kids to stop playing.Problem solved.Of course, if you do the kids may cry from being seperated from their favorite game but hey.Let them play "Super Mario Bros." until you believe they're old enough to tell a pixel from real life.And in my oppinion,if your kid actually does become violent to animals from this,he may just be plain stupid.F.Y.I this game is 13 and older.So your "kid* shouldn't even be playing. -.-

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Everyone knows they are pixels. The complainers' point is probably that they don't want little kids to pick up the habit to be violent to animals from Rs.




How is shooing a dog considered violent?

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I agree 100%. I am sick and tired of people ranting about animal abuse in RS. The game revolves around killing, how is shooing a dog as violent as killing monkeys, level 2 men and women, stealing from NPCs, killing monks, hunting, the list goes on. There are far more violent things found in the game, shooing a dog should be the least of someone's worries.



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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Everyone knows they are pixels. The complainers' point is probably that they don't want little kids to pick up the habit to be violent to animals from Rs.




How is shooing a dog considered violent?


Don't ask me, ask the people who made a thread about it. Probably because the dogs look starved, worn out, or whatnot.

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Of course the dogs look starved,worn out, and sad etc.It reflects the nature of Varock.Varock is a place that was atacked several times in war...and i'm pretty dam sure there's gonna be a few sick dogs after that.Go let your kids play a kid's game!We need less of em anyway's.Oh, and I fricken agree with the "there's more violence on than hurt dogs" from tuttle.

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Ok i'm tired of people in varock (forgot how to spell it) complaining about how the dogs in varock are a example of "animal abuse".It's a game!It's not like I'm shooing your pet senior fluffles away from me!It's pixels!




Screw the animal lovers.I'll go up and kill the pixel dog if I want to.Then I'll go make cat hide shoes!And if your so worried about animal abuse, look at what we do to the cows!We slaughter the poor mofo's without warning using fire, earth,ice,water,wind,arrows,spears,and swords etc.Then we sell their hide for cheap profit...




So is cow slaughtering abuse?Possibly.Oh and when you turn your cat into a "Demon cat" isn't that kinda cruel?Did it WANT to be turned into a evil creature?Maybe it didn't....Oh and remember that easter holiday where you were a rabbit and the guy beat you on the head?THAT'S ALSO ANIMAL ABUSE.




So animal lovers, lay down your weapons and axes and stop beating up on the the helpless cow,turning your cat into a demonic entity, and letting yourself be beat upon by a farmer.And maybe, just maybe, Shut up about Varock! (may be to late for this topic but....meh).


Man, you sure rant alot, but I agree with your rant. We don't abuse it, we don't even touch it or anything.


m4tty: Now I agree with you.

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Both this thread's arguments and the animal lover arguments are flawed.




This thread is based on the very obvious fact that this game is made out of pixels. Of course there is no real animal abuse, gah. -.-




The animal lover arguments are based on the fact that this game displays acts of violence to animals. Dogs in Varrock, killing of cows/chickens, etc. Acts which could have a bad influence to the kids playing Runescape. But that is highly flawed, because Runescape also displays acts of violence to human beings: guards, knights, men, farmers, etc.




Furthermore, such acts of violence, are present in an enourmous amount of games, tv shows, and movies. Violence is something that is simply present in our society. While very hardcore and bloody games have a noticeable bad influence, Runescape has extremely mild violence. Talk about missing the big picture.



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