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Sudden Changes, Rs Becoming More Childish, More Simple?..


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Well For the past few months, I'd say Jagex has been bringing some neat updates into rs. But most of them are making the game "easier" I'd say, For one The "Assistance System", Also "Lootshare" Which imo would be for the lower levels who have complained about never getting a drop and such. Also You guys may not think this, but I think that Jagex has gone all round' Purposing to the Children now. I mean the chat box, the rules, the community? Also the past few quest updates have "Noodled" they're just to easy, I believe rs is in a downfall right now. I'm not to pleased with it




I don't know this is just speculation, I don't mean to make anyone angry if that is going to happen. But it's just the way I feel.




Thanks, Sincerely Greenboy1134/Jordan ::'




One thing I forgot to add, The GE this will definitely make rs "Simpler".




It WILL make people lazy and I'm sure prices will either sky rocket or plummet only time may tell.

Iv Green vI.png


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I disagree about lootshare as you can exclude people from getting drops meaning you can exclude the low levels, also if they are low then they aern't going to be killing things which need a team. The assist system is an antiscam system, why shouldn't the naive have this simple protection?


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The LS system was a failed* attempt to incorporate clan support. That's it. It wasn't aimed to help noobs; it's not as if a level 50 can go into the Bandos chamber and get a hilt.




As for Assistance, it was meant to be a relatively small update for friends and the occasional noob asking for help. It got totally blown out of proportion, in a miscalculation on Jagex's part.




RS is not going to the noobs. We high levels just like to complain a lot. The game is much fun as it is.




*Failed because it is easily manipulated by people who understand how it works, failed because it is not a fair distribution system.


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Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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I have a completely different opinion on it, I think they are trying to make players have more interaction on a technical level rather than just speaking to eachother which is really good for the game, this is also reinforced by clan chats. I welcome these changes and anything else Jagex can think of coming up with, having party-groups like in some other games I know would be excellent too.




If they are helping new players in the process then good, it's not a bad thing.




One thing you touched on that I can't understand and have noticed a few other people on these forums coming off as rather elitist is that children/noobs/new players etc. are ruining RS. Firstly not all people are bad and i'm betting a very small % of people in rs go out of their way to annoy you, an even smaller % of them going out of their way to annoy you AND falling under said category. And to top it all off you're only going to see a few weird messages in chat you can easilly ignore anyway, what is the big deal?

Back after 3 years.


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One thing you touched on that I can't understand and have noticed a few other people on these forums coming off as rather elitist is that children/noobs/new players etc. are ruining RS. Firstly not all people are bad and i'm betting a very small % of people in rs go out of their way to annoy you, an even smaller % of them going out of their way to annoy you AND falling under said category. And to top it all off you're only going to see a few weird messages in chat you can easilly ignore anyway, what is the big deal?




I never said anything about noobs ruining rs, I said Jagex is purposing to Newer people younger children. And it's making us older more expericened players annoyed and sick of it.

Iv Green vI.png


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The LS system was a failed* attempt to incorporate clan support. That's it. It wasn't aimed to help noobs; it's not as if a level 50 can go into the Bandos chamber and get a hilt.




As for Assistance, it was meant to be a relatively small update for friends and the occasional noob asking for help. It got totally blown out of proportion, in a miscalculation on Jagex's part.




RS is not going to the noobs. We high levels just like to complain a lot. The game is much fun as it is.




*Failed because it is easily manipulated by people who understand how it works, failed because it is not a fair distribution system.






failed seems a bit harsh, however true. i dont really like the way the assist system was done either. but its not the ruining of runescape.

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Okay everyone, did you even read my opening post? I never said anything of ruining rs.. The only thing close to it, was downfall. But you know that in a downfall there's always an uprise.




That's just confusing :-w




It's okay, we all say quirky things eventually :wall:


Ever wanted to find street prices of RS items? Check out the SPOLI Index


Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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I never said anything about noobs ruining rs, I said Jagex is purposing to Newer people younger children. And it's making us older more expericened players annoyed and sick of it.




Why would you be sick of them making the game better for new players? :? Correct me if i'm wrong but I think they add the bulk of new content for higher levels and more experienced players, when's the last time there was a new skill or proper content added to f2p...




Better exp rates for old skills are good because their are so many skills now, you have to think out of the box, only 28 players are even at max skill level and how many hundreds of thousands of people play RS a day.

Back after 3 years.


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No idea on where to start with that one.




1. F2p doesn't deserve updates, only for the fact why? they don't pay for anything.




2. I agree with the exp rates thing, but I think you're totally missing my point




But sure everyone has their opinions.

Iv Green vI.png


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The "Assistance" and "Lootshare" upgrades are not making the game easier.




As has been said many time "Assistance" does NOT give anything that was not there previously it just makes things safer. On this subject has anyone else noticed the disappearcnce of the "free gem cutting" scam?




"Lootshare" is designed for clans/teams to ensure that everyone gets a fair crack at the drops. This stops people joing clans/teams and arranging so that they always get the drop.




As for the Grand Exchange. Although we don't know exactly how it will work yet I think we can safely say one thing - we will no longer have to stand in banks for hours continuously typing "Selling xxx" or try finding a seller in a crowded bank. I very rarely trade for these reasons. Actually it will probably not make trading simpler - whats simpler than player A meets player B and trades? - in fact I think it will become a bit more complex.




The only thing I can think of that is making the game easier is the make X option on things.

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I dont believe it will make the game simpler, infact make it more cpmplicated with a new system new players have to be introduced to. The Assist update is making things easier, ys, but its ina positive way and reduces trust scams in jobs.




The Grand exchange update may make prices fluctuate but so do alot of major updates, jagex release. ITs not like putting a cheat into a game to make it easier its ergonimics; Making the game more user friendly.

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I despise the word "easier" when used to describe a MMORPG.




Request Assistance is only a tool to reduce the amount of trust trade scams going on. It's not actually any different from the old system, apart from the fact you had to trade away items in the old one. It's not made the game "easier".




Global Exchange is a long-needed tool. As the RS population increases, so too will the demand for products, and so too will RuneScape's various markets. World 2 has got to the point where it simply cannot accomodate everyone's needs. Global Exchange will stop people gaining advantage simply because they have an auto-typer. I can't really see how that would make the game "easier" either.




I can't really understand what you mean by the chat box, the rules and the community, BTW. :|

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None of the updates you people lsit as making things easier actually do.




Lumbridge guides etc merely quote things in the knowledge base. GE is an in-game version of forum trading. Both of thoose therefore are merely keeping you in-game instead of browsing away.




As for loot share etc they all do NOTHING to make it easier what they do do is provide a SAFE and FAIR way of doing things that used to produce alot of scams. Eg gem cutting, help me kill kq we share drops!! then stealing them all etc.


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Guest Armagedon46disabled

simpler lmao, u never use to play in rsc when the game all u had was rune armour ATT DEF STR mode to fight with every weapon and it was the most simple game... now there sos much stuff its hard to keep up

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Yeah, lootshare is totally childish. :roll: You'd have to be such a child to use lootshare




You'd just have to be untrusting to use it ;).




Isn't there a debate on something similar to this in debate club?


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