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Dueling Cap, Actually Well Justified


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Hey tipit,




This November I quit Rs after playing for more than five years. The last four years of RS time were spent dueling and occasionally pking with my clan the Mayhem Makers.




Dueling seemed great at first. Before it was against the rules, I used twin accounts with different names to win myself about 100 santa hats in value. Later with my original account, gragnowrackl, I hit a peak of about 5.7bil in rares and cash.




Dueling was perfect.




The problem was, it was too good. During summers few days would pass in which I would not stake 4-6 hours a day. The roller coaster of the arena was very addictive and very time consuming.




Because it seems that the majority of Runecape's users are in the 12-17 bracket, allowing this kind of compulsive online gambling is a terrible thing. Many mature adults cannot handle similar situations, can children be expected to? I certainly couldn't.




Additionally, as more and more players got maxed combat, achievement became about money. The most committed and hardest working of Runescape's population had no chance for status against the crafty, and it seems many players found no trouble even in PURCHASING high combat mains. Staking took the focus off of much else in rs.




I don't have time to say more, or to edit this, so that is all for now.




Kudos Jagex.

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Instead of starting a new topic. Considering almost everything you said in this topic matches up with the one I posted in the URL above.

RS Name: Zibl || Click Signature for my RS Life Story!


[ 87 Combat ] [ 1240 Total ] [ Ex-RSC Professional Merchant ]

12.20.01 - 10.5.05 || Status: Retired

Total losses in 5 years = just over 630 million gp (BILLIONS in today's prices)

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That is one weird as hell silver lining. "It makes you play less." [...] You are arguing for the update, right?

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Wow, you bring up a good point. To some people their only goal is to make more money when the point of the game should be entertainment.

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It's good that theres some people that actually think of the good side of this update :P




In retrospect I would have to agree. Since dueling is a form of combat, it will of course have the use of the RNG. However even with skill levels into account, there is always the factor of randomness. Yes this is gambling of sorts, since a stake is just another word for a bet.




Of course Jagex will lose alot of membership, since many pay for their pures, which most of them are stakers. The consequences of their actions not only affects the players, but of course the company. In reflection to that, it was a good sacrifice, weighing out the pros and cons.

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That is one weird as hell silver lining. "It makes you play less." [...] You are arguing for the update, right?




Yeah, it's actually not in Jagex's best interest to have people play a lot. When the game becomes addictive, people tend to quit because it damages life too much.




All Jagex is after is your need to play a little every month. They want consistent members, not hardcore ones.

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That is one weird as hell silver lining. "It makes you play less." [...] You are arguing for the update, right?




i'm pretty sure the point was that the gambling aspect was reduced, not that people play less....




that's a pretty good argument that i hadn't thought of myself, but then again i don't get addicted to things very easily.




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Instead of starting a new topic. Considering almost everything you said in this topic matches up with the one I posted in the URL above.




I hadn't actually looked at that one, but doing it now, it appears that it deals a lot more with the gold farmer and mass profit angle.




I am speaking about the obsessive aspect of staking.

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Same question I ask every time.




If that was the real reason for this -- and it certainly makes much more sense than trying to claim that a 12k/hr staking limit is needed for "RWT" -- then why was Jagex not HONEST about it?




Why not just come out and say "we've decided this is not what we want the game to be like so we're taking it out". Sure there would still be complaints, but they'd also be respected for taking a principled stance. Instead they make thousands of people feel like they were tossed on the dung heap as part of a ham-fisted security move.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

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Well you know, they could just limit the game to one hour per day. Eliminates the addicts.




No. I still disagree with Jagex with this 3K limit, its redicolious.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Well you know, they could just limit the game to one hour per day. Eliminates the addicts.




No. I still disagree with Jagex with this 3K limit, its redicolious.




As is your spelling.




You bring up a very good point, one which has not been brought up by anyone that i can see. Congratulations on quitting the addiction, and good luck in real life :D !

I engineered this thread with precise variables that I know would cause lul-worthy flames.


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People fail to realize that there is more then one logical explanation for this change. Whether it be due to Real World Trading, the Gambling aspects, or to even make tournaments the standard... They're all decent, and legitimate reasons to make the change.




Anyone against this update is either too narrow minded to see the logical reasoning behind it or was too big of a benefactor of the system before the change (in other words you have a bias opinion). The change just flat out made sense.


R.I.P Shiva

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I think its to prevent it from becoming the new alch, as from what I understand, it gives you cash now instead of items, and its based on GE prices, so you could use some cheap item thats worth a lot more in the GE and turn it into cash basically. So the cap is to prevent it.



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Instead of starting a new topic. Considering almost everything you said in this topic matches up with the one I posted in the URL above.




I hadn't actually looked at that one, but doing it now, it appears that it deals a lot more with the gold farmer and mass profit angle.




I am speaking about the obsessive aspect of staking.




My mistake. To be 100% honest, I didn't in-depth read your topic. I noticed a lot of the same stuff was being said, that's why I assumed it was generally the same topic.




But we all know what they say about assuming #-o .

RS Name: Zibl || Click Signature for my RS Life Story!


[ 87 Combat ] [ 1240 Total ] [ Ex-RSC Professional Merchant ]

12.20.01 - 10.5.05 || Status: Retired

Total losses in 5 years = just over 630 million gp (BILLIONS in today's prices)

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That's a nice theory. Because some people waste too much time on it, they take it away from everyone to protect people? Ever heard of self accountability? People are 13+ to sign up, they should be responsible for themselves. I doubt your theory's right at all.

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That's a nice theory. Because some people waste too much time on it, they take it away from everyone to protect people? Ever heard of self accountability? People are 13+ to sign up, they should be responsible for themselves. I doubt your theory's right at all.




Well they are not looking at it from a moral angle, they are looking at it as a profit minded company.




Sure it's people's free choice as to whether or not they play, but when they play too much and quit the game because of it (as I did) it becomes Jagex's problem.




And of morals? It is generally accepted that we don't offer gambling to kids. The time required to get rs items is a huge investment, you are actually gambling hours of your life. Let's give unlimited access to a user base under the age of 20 and see what happens eh? Not our fault if there is abuse... :thumbsup:




It is true that users should be accountable, but setting a system up which you know will probably screw them over is definitely not ethical or financially sound.

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You cannot eliminate something solely on the basis that it can be addictive. Runescape in itself can be addictive, does it mean we should eliminate it? No.




Very, very true. That does not mean we should not change things to be less harmful however. In Jagex's case their action was certainly extreme, a less radical line could easily have been drawn.




At some point though, controls need to be placed on certain activities. It seems that Jagex considered staking to be out of hand and in need of control. I personally agree with that decision, but that aspect of it is a matter of opinion.




The fact that power staking effected other parts of game balance in negative ways is one less open to discussion. It is likely that tbd felt this way and refrained from mentioning to the user base on the basis that it would be unpopular.

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I guess it's similar to cigarette companies. They want people to smoke, but not enough to die of lung cancer anytime soon. Consistent smokers are good for business, but dead smokers aren't.


{yes, I just compared staking to lung cancer}




I've had no problems with the dueling update (mainly because I'm f2p), but Jagex doesn't make these decisions lightly. Whether they explain them truthfully or not, they do make sense.




Many (well not many, but some) major stakers have sold gp for real life cash, at least 3 that I know of made over $20,000 USD. Some exchange the money to the companies through purposely losing stakes.




Staking was a popular aspect of Runescape, but it, like Pest Control, was being abused, so Jagex was forced to change it.

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it isn't gambling.


Gambling is where you have no control of the outcome, whilst staking gives you 80% control of the outcome (because of the luck based combat system 20% is knocked off).




Its simply a risk, like going to the KBD; its risking, but would you say it was gambling?




Staking-addictive, yes- gambling, no. :-w


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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You cannot eliminate something solely on the basis that it can be addictive. Runescape in itself can be addictive, does it mean we should eliminate it? No.








Does that mean Pking should be eliminated? Some people spend hours on pking.

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