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Zombie Plans-Revised


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Place A

plane ride to the Arctic


Place B

i'd take a plane and fly to the Sahara desert


Place C

I'd take a boat and just live on it with fishing rod and wait to die of age or storm


TF2 Quotes

"stabbity stabbity stab" - [tcf] Chaotic Flare

"if life gives you an orange, you must be a mexican" - [tcf] PyrooryP

"will! you! stop! sapping! my! sentry! gun! god! [bleep]it!" - [tcf] g0 di3 sp1e

"he's like a bottle of soda with a skittle at the bottom, it doesn't really do anything it just sits there looking interesting and you can't drink it, so you basically just want to throw it out but you don't" - [tcf] sarrix

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You won't be laughing when your covered wagons crash.

You won't be laughing when the buzzards drag your brother's flags into rags.

You won't be laughing when your front lawn is spangled with epitaphs.

You won't be laughing.





Sorry, it was necessary.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Mrmegakirby

Ok. I'm going to attempt to bring this thread back. The reason the thread keeps dying is that we can't settle what sort of zombie it will be, so let's say romero zombies, for the simple reason that the survival guide was written about them, so it should be easy to discuss.


And Hex (This is directed to everyone else, as well) enough with the pointless arguments.


Now, somebody post a god damned survival plan, and I'll love you.

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How well would a pit trap work against romeros ? Also does would it be a good idea to set the zombies on fire?

It would...until the pit was full. Flames aren't great as they might catch on something else and you go up as well.

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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Well, fire is ok, as long as the zombies are trapped. If you caught some zombies in a large metal cage, you could then probably set them on fire without there being too much danger....


So, during the zombie apocalypse, should I ditch my 50 year old parents?

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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Depends how fit are they?



My mom is pretty fit, but my dad isn't quite as much so....


I doubt either could run long though, as my mom is constantly fighting lung infections and my dad is a smoker.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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Well in the end it would depend on how far away the zombie attacks starts from your city. If it was to close and you have no real sense of family bonding then it would be best to run for it alone. However if you have a shred of morals or the outbreak happens far away then it would be best to stick together. The main reason behind this is that you would very likely be tormented by the fact that you essentially fed your parents to the zombies.

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Ditch anyone who isn't useful and/or essential to your survival.

If somebody breaks their leg, leave them with a gun and one bullet.


Numbness is the path to survival during a zombie apocalypse.


So basically your just saying live without compassion.

If someone breaks there leg you don't leave them with a gun and one bullet thats what a selfish [bleep] would do. Even if they are going to hinder your survival slightly would you want someone to leave you behind with one bullet? No you wouldn't.


Whats the point of living if your just living for the sake of living, I don't want to live a life Compasionlessness (??) and Numbness.


Edit: your reading too many books, if someone actully breaks there legs you won't leave them, just feel sad and guility and then probaly die from guilt :twss:




On a seperate note i've been considering metal string as a defensive weapon (y'no the stuff used in harness's?)

With a sort of way to make holes (E.G a manual drill) you could make a couple of holes infront of a door and make an effective barricade extremly quickly and easily. Because zombies aren't clever enough to climb though the holes you would easily be able to exit through it (and not be a sitting duck) and keep zombies out.


I'm thinking the thick version of this.[/hide]

its easy to carry and I also was thinking of tying it around streets as sort of trip wires, you would be careful but zombies would trip over followed by more and more. Slowing them down alot. It is easy to carry.

So in a zombie invasion, i'm carry some metal wire.


Door Trap :)[/hide]

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Hex actually does have a bit of a point. If I had another person I was traveling with (especially someone that I cared about) and they fell and broke their leg, I would carry them. I know I could go for atleast four or five miles carrying someone under 175 pounds at a speed faster than a zombie. Alone in the wilderness without anyone you're bound to die anyway, and in the long run that person would help you much more.


Sure, if a zombie horde was right on top of us, I would probably still try to drag the person until I could pick them up, but if worst came to worst I'd shoot them myself rather than leave them for a horde.



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ZOMBIES?! [bleep] it I'm going on the roof and getting drunk. Then, we they come up, I build a enclosure from the door to the roof, that leads to the edge of the building. Then we they come out I yell "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAA" and kick them off.


I'll set a timer to see how long I survive, and count how many zombies I kick to their (un)death.

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Ditch anyone who isn't useful and/or essential to your survival.

If somebody breaks their leg, leave them with a gun and one bullet.


Numbness is the path to survival during a zombie apocalypse.

If someone breaks there leg you don't leave them with a gun and one bullet thats what a selfish [bleep] would do. Even if they are going to hinder your survival slightly would you want someone to leave you behind with one bullet? No you wouldn't.


You're right of course. That would be a waste of precious ammunition.




And as to Dusty, that sounds like a fun, if pointless way to die, as kicking a zombie off of a roof will only make it less mobile.



Therefore your house would eventually be surrounded by crippled zombies.

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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Hex, only a selfish [bleep] would be morally okay with hindering their own group's progress and potentially getting their friends and family infected, which in turn could cause even more suffering.

"Oates, a member of Scotts team who knew he was dying and slowing down the teams progress, stepped outside their tent during a blizzard and said, I am just going outside and I may be some time. thus relieving the team of the burden of caring for him."


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Survival is paramount to all else.

There will always be a source of joy, whether or not it stems from human contact. I'm basically an introvert anyway, and I can live with guilt as well. I'm surprisingly numb in real life already, so yeah.


As long as somebody is useful, they can be my friend.

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Survival is paramount to all else.

There will always be a source of joy, whether or not it stems from human contact. I'm basically an introvert anyway, and I can live with guilt as well. I'm surprisingly numb in real life already, so yeah.


As long as somebody is useful, they can be my friend.

I'm an extrovert. Survival doesn't matter in the long run if there's nothing to live for.



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Ok, here's my current plan:


First, I live in a semi rural area. There are maybe 100 people within 5 miles of me. And I live on a mountain, with about 20 people living on it, but the closest house is a half mile away.

I have a solar powered water pump in my house and a well, so I don't need to worry about water running out. Solar also powers some lights, which is nice. So to secure my house, I do the following:

Close my garage. The front door opens in, and there is a wall a few feet inside, so I stack some heavy furniture tight in between the door and the wall, and that place isn't opening. Then, I take a saw of some sort, and destroy the stairs to the back door (which is high off the ground, it's on a deck with no other way up than the stairs. My lawn is fenced off, so that helps too, though it's only a 6 foot high chainlink fence or something. Ok, house is secure. All windows are too high off the ground for a zombie to get to.

Soo, I take my car down to the nearest town, and go to the supermarket, unless there were zombies everywhere. The weapons I would have would be a machete, a pocket knife, and a crowbar. I take as much canned food as I can, or non perishables. I take this home, and put it in the second floor. I also move all the nonperishables in the house (incl like 100 pounds of dog food) upstairs. Next, I go to my neighbors house. If they are zombified, I kill them, and take their two guns, and any supplies.

Finally, I call my boyfriend, and drive to his house ( 10 miles away, also rural area) and pick him up, along with as many supplies as possible. Over the next few weeks we'll plant food (we have seeds in my house, we plant veggies occasionally), and raid nearby houses for weapons and food. If the house gets over run, we cut through the woods to an abandoned cabin a few miles away on the mountain I live on.



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Hey. I'm back. I'm not even going to pretend I've been keeping up, so you can lecture me whenever you want.


Anyways. Doomsavenger: have you accounted for the fact that people will likely be fleeing all nearby major cities, potentially clogging roads? I'd instead recommend a ATV, or something similar, keeping away from the roads, but close enough to use it as a point of reference if you don't know the area well. Keeping away from the road so the zombies don't attack you (they'll be following the road-clogging cars). Also; you'll have to move out of your house at some point. Where will you go? Are we still looking at that power plant in your area as a option? Do you know your neighbors with the guns well? Are you sure they will be willing to give them to you? Will you have to offer them a part in your survival space (don't know how else to put it).


I like the idea of trip wires, as they might buy you a couple seconds, but only if you've already seen the zombie. What if you're checking the tripwires every 15 minutes, and the people get bored (as people do) and don't adequately search it, allowing the zombie to stand back up and get into the camp (I think that's what you're suggesting).


That's as far as I can see down the page, so I'm off for the night. Maybe.


*edits* I re-read your post, noticing the wooded cabin part. Do you already have supplies there? What if it's overrun? Can you defend it? Seeds don't grow right away, are you sure you can hold out until then? What about other food? Bandits, other survivors, whether you're going to accept others, how to get rid of them if you're not, how to screen for infected. These are all questions that need to be addressed.


I'm actually going to bed now, having read the last couple pages.


Sig by me, in MS paint, but I'm still working on it.

Suggestions appreciated


This guide is as concise as a gourmet's handbook with the guidelines of "Pick up fork, stab food, insert into your mouth, then chew".

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Guest Mrmegakirby

How many of you would seriously ditch a friend because they broke their ankle? Seriously? What's more important, surviving, or having something to survive for? If your friend brakes their ankle or leg, you either carry them or bring them somewhere safe. Sit them up against a tree with a rifle, and help them shoot down any zombie. anyone who would ditch their team because of an injury is someone I don't want to be in a team with. You carrying an injured friend will be better then you by yourself. Even with a broken leg/ankle, if you have time to properly bandage it, and get a makeshift crutch, you two can out-walk any zombie. Nevermind that if your're actually close to this person, even if they slow you down, keeping them alive could be a priority... I'd be willing to die for alot of my friends under normal curcumstances, and this would be no different.

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Well, I live in a mostly rural area as I said, and the major road that goes through isn't an interstate, and I doubt it would be clogged. It also helps that I live in a state with a tiny population, and that my car is decent at off-roading. The power station is still a viable option, but it would be harder to gain access to, and would be under constant attack since its near a city. The wooden cabin is just a backup place. I suppose if I was already set up in my house, I could run supplies over and fortify it. As for food, I have enough dog food to keep me alive for a while, as disgusting tasting as it may be it won't go bad, and it is a viable food source.

Come to think of it, two of my close friends have guns, I wouldn't mind having them with me either. If I could get to them atleast.


Kirby, I agree with you.


Even with the sentimental value of a friend put aside, in the long run two people will survive way easier than someone alone. Alone you have no one to watch your back.



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I would be too weak to carry my friend, so I would have to leave em. :thumbsup:

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


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The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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