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No more RANDOM EVENTS/PURE ESS needed anymore now?!


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This topic got me to thinking...




I have been in heavy woodcut mode all week, and I haven't seen an ent since the update.




I can't decide whether Jagex has already turned them off or rather that real players just don't set off the trigger...




i acctually got 3 ents in 30 mins this morning.... #-o

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remove the 'get a gem or 500 coin' randoms and keep the xp randoms! getting free 1k runecraft xp is always nice 8-)

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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People who keep saying that autoers will still be here. You got to know that RWT used alot of bots which is why Jagex couldn't handle to attack all of them. This is why we're getting these updates.




@ Jessy87 - Lessen yes. But not keep all the randoms. I mean is dwarf needed? Is rock golem needed?




Randoms like the dwarf are almost useless nowadays. Dwarfs might kill 1 autoer but 15 others are doing just fine, or the autoer can move a little and survive. Jagex just needs to keep working on the detection aspect more rather than on new randoms.




Or maybe low levels can get the "autoer killers." Since these RWT trading sites said they will auto for you. But won't matter since when they see the ip changes. They will just automatic ban the account.




People will still auto for experience and personal (in game) wealth




They will be banned. Jagex says they got the techonolgy.




Edit: I'll add Pure Ess to the title as well.

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I randoms are still required, but to a lesser extent. Some players may still choose to cheat by using a macro on an already established character.




I'd say leave them in, but reduce how often they occur.




+1 <3: You always seem to be the voice of reason.

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there will still be a few bots in existance as greedy players use them only for personal gain. The randoms are still useful in that regard.




And if they do release them than they can wait untill I get 1 more mime and teh glass box emote which is the only emote I dont have (other than skill cape).

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I say keep the randoms, just reduce the frequency.




As for Pure Essence. The markets and players have now got used to the this. I am sure that if Jagex reverted back to a single essence you would getpeople moaning for exactly the same reason they moaned when pure essence was created.

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randoms, no matter how annoying they may be, are not the biggest issue.


the price of pure ess has increased, and will continue to climb. who better to do manual labor for stable money then nonmembers? (no offense)


this would give f2p more money and increase the amount of ess that is in circulation, bringing life to a half-dead skill



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If pure ess and normal ess is turned into one ess, 1 day later that essence is like 75ea or something like that but 1 problem.... f2p rc will die, ess is too expensive but runes can't go up to match the prices(excluding air and minds) of the ess cause, What? the shop update, rune can only be 16 ea or under. And course w16 dies if this happens before the trading update.

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Since when was F2P Runecrafting actually alive? I mean if you are a great runecrafter you can get over 6 airs per ess. Thats maybe 90 gp?




F2p runecrafting was never really alive like the in P2P. Im soooo for first making all ess pure essence, and then just rename it. So the price wont plummet as hard as it would be if it was all named essence first.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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Personally I think they need to cut off a lot of the unnecissary random events. I've only just started playing again for a month, and the amount of new random events is ridiculous, most of them are completely worthless.




In particular, the Pinball, Prison Pete, Molly, Security Guard and Evil Bob events should go. Especially the Molly one, I spent 5 mins trying to catch the evil twin, because everytime I got the crane over her, she moved. All for a couple of Uncut Sapphires.




It'd also be nice to ditch the Drunken Dwarf, Strange Plant and Swarm, they are getting far too repetitive now, especially since they are the most common ones.

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If random events and pure ess are useless now, then why not get rid of the "Unlimited Runes for 17 Ea and the Feather update" and make them how they were before that update, this way, if F2p and P2p uses the same ess to runecraft, that ess will probably rise in price and so will the Runes F2p runecraft. Now F2p Runecrafting won't die.




If Jagex gets rid of one anti-macro update why not get rid of them all?

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You know, I think you're absolutely right. Bots have no means of drop trading now (or rather they won't have it in 2008). Some randoms that give good exp rewards like the Mr. Murdaut thingy. others give good armor sets. Things like the sandwich lady, evil chicken, and other things that dont reward you as much should go. randoms should be reduced, because theres still the issue of afk training. Pure ess definitely wouldn't have a point, we can revert it to normal ess and restore that part of te f2p-p2p economy.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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Randoms are for stoping bots, not just RWT'ers. There will still be lots of bots playing the game. In stead of selling money, the RWT'ers will start selling thier best bots to players so we wouldnt have to go mining. We still need to be aware of bots. But now instead of selling gold for profit. They are usuing the bots to get in game money and also to get xp.

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My soultion: Keep the ones that gives out clothes but the rest they can throw out.






Keep the genie and exam random please? they're great ::'


That'd encourage too much non skilling exp distrubutions

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Not having to deal with randoms, or at least as many of them, would be awesome. I would especially like to have the swarm random removed. The only ones I like are the Genie and the one with the dragon where you get the Book of Knowledge (I don't remember the exact name of the random).

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