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So uh... no more law running?


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I don't see how we can run laws anymore with the new rules...




Unless the whole bit where it can be extended up to 30k works out But still...







Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

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Verac's Helm

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JAGeX isn't going to kill a part of the game that they have devoted an entire "official" server to. They will find a loophole for it. Possibly they will make all Law Runes and Essence worth 1gp on Entrana on that server only. Such a limited effect would solve the problem quite easily. However, I'm sure there are tons of other great solutions.

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Yes, and also double nat running.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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Personally, I think it will just slow, right down to the assist maximum. Since only people that have completed the quest can come. After that, I think you can last through a few trades if law prices and essence prices come together further than they have come.

Into the wilderness, where all can see, no skiller bots to bleed my eyes, and danger at every turn!


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JAGeX isn't going to kill a part of the game that they have devoted an entire "official" server to. They will find a loophole for it. Possibly they will make all Law Runes and Essence worth 1gp on Entrana on that server only. Such a limited effect would solve the problem quite easily. However, I'm sure there are tons of other great solutions.


Then people would trade 3,000 Law Runes at a time on those servers.


Perhaps allow trades of say, 27 Law Runes to be accepted on those servers only? :P


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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Personally, I think it will just slow, right down to the assist maximum. Since only people that have completed the quest can come. After that, I think you can last through a few trades if law prices and essence prices come together further than they have come.




It wouldnt be worth it, you can do more regular runs by yourself in 15 minutes than the limit would allow by trading.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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JAGeX isn't going to kill a part of the game that they have devoted an entire "official" server to. They will find a loophole for it. Possibly they will make all Law Runes and Essence worth 1gp on Entrana on that server only. Such a limited effect would solve the problem quite easily. However, I'm sure there are tons of other great solutions.




/sarcasm - and there goes a pig flying past my window /sarcasm




Do you really beleive this? :wall: - they DESTROYED pking and duel arena (which also had dedicated worlds) and yet you think they will save your minor law running :wall:




Face it - Law running looks like its dead.

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Assist system.




Assist system.
















They need to raise the 30k xp limit per day, though. A crafter can only make laws for about a hundred players now.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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But you lose your ess with the assist system, which takes away a major benefit of running laws. I guess it would make all law running like world 99 is now, which isn't bad for the crafters, but most of the people who come to run laws don't even have a law talisman, which would put a pretty big damper on the ability to run a law running world using the assist system.

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JAGeX isn't going to kill a part of the game that they have devoted an entire "official" server to. They will find a loophole for it. Possibly they will make all Law Runes and Essence worth 1gp on Entrana on that server only. Such a limited effect would solve the problem quite easily. However, I'm sure there are tons of other great solutions.




+ 1,


I would have to agree on that one.


Crazy Old Man.

R.I.P The Old Nite. My Mentor and Brother.

He taught me how to play the game.

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But you lose your ess with the assist system, which takes away a major benefit of running laws. I guess it would make all law running like world 99 is now, which isn't bad for the crafters, but most of the people who come to run laws don't even have a law talisman, which would put a pretty big damper on the ability to run a law running world using the assist system.




Do you know how running works?




In the old days, players traded essence to crafters, the crafters turned the ess to runes, and traded the runes back to the players.




Now, crafters assist players who make the runes themselves, but the crafter gets the XP.




Runners already have talismans, because you need one to get into the altar. -.-

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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It's only one part of the game, plenty of other stuff to do.





'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Bc of this new update (QP*10=how much u can trade) they are coming out with it will be possible






some people are like...only 30k???? thats dumb...but think about it MORE QUEST WILL CONSTANTLY BE COMING OUT!!!! in a year, maybe about 50-100 more qp? thats adding 5-10k to the limit its good

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Heck, I never did it anyway! :P


Why reply?




They probably won't change it though. They made the assist system for this reason. Their current stance is that nobody should have to trade another person raw materials for a finished product.

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That's an easy problem to fix. Simply make worlds for 'law running' into worlds for 'rune running', covering every rune available. Along with that, they'd probably develop different principles and rules for different types of worlds; those that involve trading being the main priority. It would change the balance of trade so that for every pure ess you have, you would need a noted version of that ess, and a crafted rune. It would work for any amount and any rune, thus fixing the problem.

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That's an easy problem to fix. Simply make worlds for 'law running' into worlds for 'rune running', covering every rune available. Along with that, they'd probably develop different principles and rules for different types of worlds; those that involve trading being the main priority. It would change the balance of trade so that for every pure ess you have, you would need a noted version of that ess, and a crafted rune. It would work for any amount and any rune, thus fixing the problem.




You honestly think they would do that?




"OH NO! He is RWTing law runes to that account! AH MEH GAWD!

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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That's an easy problem to fix. Simply make worlds for 'law running' into worlds for 'rune running', covering every rune available. Along with that, they'd probably develop different principles and rules for different types of worlds; those that involve trading being the main priority. It would change the balance of trade so that for every pure ess you have, you would need a noted version of that ess, and a crafted rune. It would work for any amount and any rune, thus fixing the problem.




You honestly think they would do that?




"OH NO! He is RWTing law runes to that account! AH MEH GAWD!




The goat lives!! Glad to see ya!




Anyway, that idea might work if JaGEx made running into something official, so that you could only trade the normal ess amounts during a trade at the alter locations. Otherwise RWT's would just go to the alter, and trade 500k laws for 20 essence and call it a fair trade.

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JAGeX isn't going to kill a part of the game that they have devoted an entire "official" server to. They will find a loophole for it. Possibly they will make all Law Runes and Essence worth 1gp on Entrana on that server only. Such a limited effect would solve the problem quite easily. However, I'm sure there are tons of other great solutions.




Yes, I agree with you. Probalby Jagex will find some kind of way to keep nat running running :P.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Heck, I never did it anyway! :P




Your F2P...




Oh boy... 2nd "flame" at each other today. Please don't turn Gen P2P into a Fook vs. Latino battle, though it would be entertaining...

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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