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Teens kill 7 year old Girl with Mortal Kombat moves


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From this source:


It is unclear if the suspects specifically cited Mortal Kombat as inspiration for their malicious cruelty or if the prosecution loosely named the game as an accomplice after Roberts admitted to "playing video games" leading up to the incident.


That's the only place where I found anything (affirming or denying) the culprits said that 'they were imitating Mortal Kombat'.




Anyway, this isn't about blaming violent games or not. These teenagers still abused alcohol and simply didn't act with judgement. Don't try to take a game as a scapegoat, blame the teenagers' parents for not educating their children.

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The fact that these "moves" came from mortal combat is only a poke at the gaming industry. The article is obviously biased and should of just said these teens killed a young girl, which they did. Regardless of the games, it was their choice of actions which led them to this situation.




They were using wrestling moves on her, none of which have ever been in mortal kombat. Pulling in the came is just a cheap way to put the blame on something.




Its sick, yeah.




And I agree with Lionheart that the video game spin is just a bias towards the industry. They could have got those moves from watching a wrestling match.




You can manipulate any accident to make it look like it happened because someone played a game or watched a video. Here's a scenario:




A boy tries to learn to fly from jumping off the roof and dies. Media could say "Boy dies trying to re-enact Dragonball Z."




Yeah, that's why in a longer article they quote the female killer as SAYING they were intentionally imitating mortal combat. Because mortal combat had nothing to do with it and video games are never the cause of any negative action. Gosh, you guys are the bias ones, you didn't even do any research before blaming the article as bias. Ridiculous.

u didnt either dont have to be so mad about it

Im so high I belive i can flyrang3_x_2h.png

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Hence the quote "Guns don't kill people, people kill people".




The coiner of that phrase has obviously never studied logic or more specifically the complex cause. It's not like these two were going out to murder a 7 year old girl any way they could. They said that they were practicing mortal kombat moves and she died as a result. Just like it's actually people using guns that kill people, it's these people practicing mortal kombat moves that killed this girl.








Heather Trujillo, 16, and her boyfriend, Lamar Roberts, 17, of Westminster, are being held on $100,000 bond. Zoe died on Dec. 6 from blunt force trauma to her brain and central nervous system. According to the Weld County Coroner her right wrist was broken, her body had more than 20 bruises, her neck muscles were bleeding and skin near her tongue had been torn. According to the arrest affidavits, Trujillo told investigators she and Roberts were babysitting Zoe (Garcia) and her twin, 3-year-old sisters, while their mother worked at the Corral Bar about five blocks away. Trujillo said they were acting out the video game "Mortal Combat" by savagely hitting and kicking Zoe, even dropping her on her side, which broke.
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Yeah, that's why in a longer article they quote the female killer as SAYING they were intentionally imitating mortal combat. Because mortal combat had nothing to do with it and video games are never the cause of any negative action. Gosh, you guys are the bias ones, you didn't even do any research before blaming the article as bias. Ridiculous.




Christ insane, you make it sound like no one has ever lied to hopefully get a shorter sentance.




The fact is is that mortal kombat DOES NOT HAVE WRESTLING MOVES IN IT. It's a lie and it is a bad one, I'm amazed you can't see that.

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The fact is is that mortal kombat DOES NOT HAVE WRESTLING MOVES IN IT. It's a lie and it is a bad one, I'm amazed you can't see that.






Hate to burst your bubble here but if i remember correctly one of Hsu Hao fighting styles in deadly alliance was "wrestling". :P






(no i'm not a huge mk fan/nerd i just remember as i really hated his character)

We can breath in space, they just don't want us to escape

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Hence the quote "Guns don't kill people, people kill people".




The coiner of that phrase has obviously never studied logic or more specifically the complex cause. It's not like these two were going out to murder a 7 year old girl any way they could. They said that they were practicing mortal kombat moves and she died as a result. Just like it's actually people using guns that kill people, it's these people practicing mortal kombat moves that killed this girl.








Heather Trujillo, 16, and her boyfriend, Lamar Roberts, 17, of Westminster, are being held on $100,000 bond. Zoe died on Dec. 6 from blunt force trauma to her brain and central nervous system. According to the Weld County Coroner her right wrist was broken, her body had more than 20 bruises, her neck muscles were bleeding and skin near her tongue had been torn. According to the arrest affidavits, Trujillo told investigators she and Roberts were babysitting Zoe (Garcia) and her twin, 3-year-old sisters, while their mother worked at the Corral Bar about five blocks away. Trujillo said they were acting out the video game "Mortal Combat" by savagely hitting and kicking Zoe, even dropping her on her side, which broke.




Fair enough. It all makes sense.


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Yeah, that's why in a longer article they quote the female killer as SAYING they were intentionally imitating mortal combat. Because mortal combat had nothing to do with it and video games are never the cause of any negative action. Gosh, you guys are the bias ones, you didn't even do any research before blaming the article as bias. Ridiculous.




Christ insane, you make it sound like no one has ever lied to hopefully get a shorter sentance.




The fact is is that mortal kombat DOES NOT HAVE WRESTLING MOVES IN IT. It's a lie and it is a bad one, I'm amazed you can't see that.




If you're going the avenue of lying to make a shorter sentence, then it would further support my point. Saying "wrestling moves" is much shorter than <>. The paper wouldn't go through with actually writing out the specific names because it would be a waste of column space and most readers wouldn't understand. Hence "wrestling moves".




Did you not see where I quoted the actual criminal as saying she was practicing mortal kombat moves? Or is the criminal lying for absolutely no reason as well?

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Yeah, that's why in a longer article they quote the female killer as SAYING they were intentionally imitating mortal combat. Because mortal combat had nothing to do with it and video games are never the cause of any negative action. Gosh, you guys are the bias ones, you didn't even do any research before blaming the article as bias. Ridiculous.




Christ insane, you make it sound like no one has ever lied to hopefully get a shorter sentance.




The fact is is that mortal kombat DOES NOT HAVE WRESTLING MOVES IN IT. It's a lie and it is a bad one, I'm amazed you can't see that.




If you're going the avenue of lying to make a shorter sentence, then it would further support my point. Saying "wrestling moves" is much shorter than <>. If the actual criminal said they were practicing mortal kombat, then that proves my point entirely, I'm not going to assume she's randomly lying to cover up her real motive for beating up a seven year old... because a different motive is so obvious, right?




People blame video games all the time, and a large portion of the media already believes them to be "evil". No doubt someone would try and put blame on that instead of something no one really cared about, right?




And anyways like I said before there are really no 'wrestling moves' in mortal kombat, so its tough to believe they were actually trying to act that out.






Honestly insane, you've got a lot to learn if you really think that someone who beat up and murder a 7 year old wouldn't lie to protect their own hides.

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It's obviously a biased article. Besides, it sounds more like WWE. As far as I know, you can't Body Slam in MK. Also, he was DRUNK. Sounds like someone's trying to use gaming as a scapegoat again. Even past tis, it's very tragic still that a few stupid guys killed this girl.




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All of those people who blame every crime in which a teenager was involved on video games are going to have a field day with this incident...

It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err -Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

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Yeah, that's why in a longer article they quote the female killer as SAYING they were intentionally imitating mortal combat. Because mortal combat had nothing to do with it and video games are never the cause of any negative action. Gosh, you guys are the bias ones, you didn't even do any research before blaming the article as bias. Ridiculous.




Christ insane, you make it sound like no one has ever lied to hopefully get a shorter sentance.




The fact is is that mortal kombat DOES NOT HAVE WRESTLING MOVES IN IT. It's a lie and it is a bad one, I'm amazed you can't see that.




If you're going the avenue of lying to make a shorter sentence, then it would further support my point. Saying "wrestling moves" is much shorter than <>. The paper wouldn't go through with actually writing out the specific names because it would be a waste of column space and most readers wouldn't understand. Hence "wrestling moves".




Did you not see where I quoted the actual criminal as saying she was practicing mortal kombat moves? Or is the criminal lying for absolutely no reason as well?




Now a days the mere mention of a video game along with a death or violent act makes everyone look whether they think it true or not, which sounds worse to you, Teens abuse child to death or, Teens kill child imitating a video game?




The news has proven time and time again they will smear anybody's name to get ratings, they would turn against their own god if they could come up with even a semi believable story, they won't hesitate to add fuel to any fire they come across.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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All of those people who blame every crime in which a teenager was involved on video games are going to have a field day with this incident...




Jeez I mean if pacman affected us as kids, teenagers would be running around in darkened rooms, munching on pills, listening to repetitive music :lol:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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This will be another incident where games are blamed for being violent, yes, games are violent, but they are just games. Most people who play Halo3 for example are not going to go out and kill everything that looks like an alien. The games are not to blame, but either these girls were just having some fun and it went to far, and it was a total accident, or the girls are a bit touched in the head. Either way, I don't think any person who copies off a game can blame the game, It is the person doing the actions, the person who doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy.

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This will be another incident where games are blamed for being violent, yes, games are violent, but they are just games. Most people who play Halo3 for example are not going to go out and kill everything that looks like an alien. The games are not to blame, but either these girls were just having some fun and it went to far, and it was a total accident, or the girls are a bit touched in the head. Either way, I don't think any person who copies off a game can blame the game, It is the person doing the actions, the person who doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy.




It really, honestly depends on their age, development and maturity levels. A group of kids in a television violence psychology study were split in to two groups. One group of children watched a child happily playing with his bobo doll and the other group of kids watched a child act violent towards his bobo doll. The group of kids were then given a bobo doll to play with and the group of children who were given the violent tape to watch, acted more violently towards the doll and towards the other children.




Here is another




Research by psychologists L. Rowell Huesmann, Leonard Eron and others found that children who watched many hours of violence on television when they were in elementary school tended to also show a higher level of aggressive behavior when they became teenagers. By observing these youngsters into adulthood, Drs. Huesmann and Eron found that the ones whoÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢d watched a lot of TV violence when they were eight years old were more likely to be arrested and prosecuted for criminal acts as adults. Interestingly, being aggressive as a child did not predict watching more violent TV as a teenager, suggesting that TV watching may more often be a cause rather than a consequence of aggressive behavior.







The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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