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A psychological decision


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I also wouldn't be able to kill anyone :S Then again I would choose option A and just put up with the other life form without killing it for 20 years...




You can change the life form each month without killing it.


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With those answers^ they make it sound like you're a failure as a person for choosing B, but some kind of amazing human for choosing A, where can have your wildest dreams and fantasies come true at no cost to you at all :| . The game is more so about being either an introvert or an extrovert; it's not a "I want to grow" vs. "I'm pathetic" hypothetical. Leave the responses out of it and just let people have fun with it -_-".




Realistically, I wouldn't make my decision before I got in the experiment. I'd sit in the middle room, for at least a few weeks [assuming food is brought out based on the fact that there's a death option outside the room, not inside it], and see how it goes. Once I further understood my ability to cope with, or not cope with, being alone in solitary confinement for extended periods of time, only then would I make my decision. I'd like to say I'd choose A [currently it seems like the extremely obvious answer], but only once I've actually experienced being in that room for an extended period of time would I know whether or not my social needs are strong enough to drive me towards room B.




I'd still eventually try and kill those bastards who trapped me in there no matter what I choose though.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I also wouldn't be able to kill anyone :S Then again I would choose option A and just put up with the other life form without killing it for 20 years...




You can change the life form each month without killing it.




Oh then I would gladly choose A and probably do a 1 month case study on every life form that comes in to keep my mind ticking :lol:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'd go for room A. I would have a lot of time to think a lot of things over...and 20 years with anything I could want? I like the sound of that.




The only thing I would hate is when you were released. You would probably have to catch up on the past 20 years of news..you'd probably have to relearn a lot of things. You might even have to relearn how to properly interact with other humans.




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I'd go for room A. I would have a lot of time to think a lot of things over...and 20 years with anything I could want? I like the sound of that.




The only thing I would hate is when you were released. You would probably have to catch up on the past 20 years of news..you'd probably have to relearn a lot of things. You might even have to relearn how to properly interact with other humans.


Actually, the rules don't say you can't have newspapers brought to you. I don't think news would be too much of a problem. In fact, now that I think about it, the rules don't say you can't use a pen and paper to correspond to people in the outside world. At least, I don't think it says you can't. If you can use pen and paper to talk to people outside of the environment you're in, the 20 years would be a lot easier.

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IMO sucide is for the weak exepct under exectional circumstances (not that your bf dumped you, or w\e) so i would probaly choose Door A, but i can see people choosing Door B depending how they veiw life




20 years but could do w\e you wanted sounds pretty much like fancy prision of home arrest depending how you look at it, the one difference be the social isolation.




in Door A my list of things to do would be just to learn and get in shape, start reading into Einstein theories, and Quatum physics and look at the real problems with how they dont really work together etc




My question about this pyschology part is, what are they really testing here? and why? to see if people choose society or survival really isn't a question that needs to be awnsered

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By pressing both buttons simultaneously, you permanently lock both.




*chooses to press A and B together*




Someone has the right idea here. :D *points to my post on the first page*.

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B- I'd try to open the door whilst keeping my leg in between the gap to stop it from closing, grab the gun and bullet, get out load it up and just wait...

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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If I chose A


- People who know me would know that I go ballistic over a person with the same name as me (Yes, I'm pointing at you Phillip Pullman. You and your wretched series!) so it'd be very interesting if I had a clone, ne?




If I chose B


-I'd shoot myself in the toe or something, not lethal. Bwahahahaha!




If I press both buttons


- They lock, so what now?

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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I know that this is just a game, but just in case - since I'm a psychological researcher, I thought I'd point out that in real psychology experiments, you always have the choice to opt out at any time :)




Saying this, I would choose A. I think that I could ride it out for 20 years. It's not going to be much worse than being in prison, and I'm quite introverted so although the lack of human contact would be difficult, with books I'd be OK.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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It's quite simple actually. Go to door A, get Superman to be your clone and your non-electronic items would be an assault rifle with ammo (non-electronic). Get Superman to break down the doors and escape, using the assault rifle on anyone that tries to stop me. Fly out on Superman's back and hide somewhere after selling Superman to the circus/ government for millions of dollars. That's what any smart person would do.

It is impossible to exaggerate the unimportance of almost everything.

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I'd press A+B and just stand outside looking like a fool until my capture's gave up and let me go. :lol:


I think that by doing that, it would be the same as room A, but without any equiptment or the clone = sure insanety.




For me it would be the room A definetely, my life would be gone as I know it but atleast i'd still be living. And if it would get impossible to remain living, you could still kill yourself, they couldn't stop it, unless they have some equipment to sense suicide thoughts and could stop you before you attempt it.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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..you could still kill yourself,


How, exactly? they won't give you anything you could kill yourself with, and they'll force feed you if you refuse to eat.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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..you could still kill yourself,


How, exactly? they won't give you anything you could kill yourself with, and they'll force feed you if you refuse to eat.




Because you can kill yourself with anything. They can't not give you something off the slight chance that you could kill yourself with it, because that would leave nothing that they are allowed to give you.


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..you could still kill yourself,


How, exactly? they won't give you anything you could kill yourself with, and they'll force feed you if you refuse to eat.




Because you can kill yourself with anything. They can't not give you something off the slight chance that you could kill yourself with it, because that would leave nothing that they are allowed to give you.


Yeah, and how about jumping on your head and breaking your neck or running to a wall maybe cracking your skull?




Press A and B and go outside.


It said it has only 2 doors, A and B. No door to outside.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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Orly? Sweet. C-4 for me then :twisted:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Choice A.








I'd request a backpack filled with a month of supplies, 2 AK-47s with plenty of ammo, 2 silenced 9mms with plenty of ammo, 2 stealth suits, a seldgehammer, pliers, electrical tape, a book on the electronics of the door, plans for the facility, electronics on the enterence of the first room, body armour, a map, and a compass.




We are allowed to try escape, so first I bust the wall to show the electronics for the door, and use said book to find the right way to rewire it so it opens. Using the clone to distract the scientists.




When I am out of room A, I'd search for how they got me in the damn room in the first place.




Out of the starting room, I sneak through the facility with the clone, resorting to disabling all who get in mine, and the clone's way, if needed that is. If all else fails I have the AKs to fall back on. I will, of course, destroy all records of my being there. Which also means I will have to kill everyone there.




Outside the facility, I find my way back to society, living off the land until I reach a city, where I destroy the guns, can't have the evidence, and order the clone to destroy itself, completely destroying all proof I was ever there.




Well, you have to find a way around the rules, and it works.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Choice A.








I'd request a backpack filled with a month of supplies, 2 AK-47s with plenty of ammo, 2 silenced 9mms with plenty of ammo, 2 stealth suits, a seldgehammer, pliers, electrical tape, a book on the electronics of the door, plans for the facility, electronics on the enterence of the first room, body armour, a map, and a compass.




We are allowed to try escape, so first I bust the wall to show the electronics for the door, and use said book to find the right way to rewire it so it opens. Using the clone to distract the scientists.




When I am out of room A, I'd search for how they got me in the damn room in the first place.




Out of the starting room, I sneak through the facility with the clone, resorting to disabling all who get in mine, and the clone's way, if needed that is. If all else fails I have the AKs to fall back on. I will, of course, destroy all records of my being there. Which also means I will have to kill everyone there.




Outside the facility, I find my way back to society, living off the land until I reach a city, where I destroy the guns, can't have the evidence, and order the clone to destroy itself, completely destroying all proof I was ever there.




Well, you have to find a way around the rules, and it works.




You can also request as many inanimate, NON-ELECTRONIC objects to be brought to you as you want, as long as there is judged to be no way that you could use the item to kill yourself or escape. If you do attempt to kill yourself, you will be sedated and returned to your room, with the items you used permanently removed. (Remember that you can ask to have all the essentials brought to you whenever you want; a bed, meals, drink etc). You will be force-fed if you choose to starve yourself.




You arent allowed to try to escape.

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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