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Has RuneScape become a grindfest?


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when i started playing playing runescape, i felt like playing a true mmorpg. questing, gaining money to better my character or trying to tackle the strongest monster could find and kill(sadly this was mostly never the case and always ended up in my untimely death :XD: ). when i was frustrated with one skill, i would always find something else to do like train other skills that would seem fun at the time or just go exploring(in case you ask, i was a newbie with lots of inexperience of the land of Gielinor). but these days, i see no one doing the quests that don't even ressemble one another and actually have a sometimes trivial, but interesting story to it (*cough*what WoW needs*cough* ::' ) and all every one is trying to do these days is to make as much money or to work on skills that they will almost never use unless one such occasion happens.




now this questions is for veteran players (2 year or more of playing). other players may answer, but i won't acknowledge most of their answers.




in your most honest opinions, do you think runescape has been made into such a dreaded grindfest?


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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in your most honest opinions, do you think runescape has been made into such a dreaded grindfest?




Most definitely, if only because of the lack of anything else to do. I've been playing for a little over two years. I've already done most of the easy to intermediate quests worth doing already, and I don't feel like spending a ton of time on the higher level quests just to unlock a few extra things I place little value on anyway.




Currently i'm working on crafting 10k nats for alching. I like to do things myself, so i'm going to be cutting the logs too, which I know will take a very very long time. I'm not even sure why I bother. When I finally get my money I won't know what to do with it anyway.




I haven't trained combat or done much fighting in awhile, because from my perspective trying to raise my combat level any further right now is just pointless (partly because I'm not the type of person that particularly enjoys taking on high level monsters, and partly because of Jagex forcing everyone to use Lootshare).




I've quit for weeks at a time, but for some reason I keep coming back. I think it's because one day i'll hope i'll be rich enough to call myself a "high level". The problem I don't know what "high level" is. When I was level 3 I thought that I had to be level 30 to be considered a high level, and when I got to that level I decided the number was 60. And now, with my combat being only 85, I still don't consider myself even being close to being a high level.

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It has always been about grinding. Most MMOs is just grinding because that's the only way to get 'better' (higher stats). It just makes the requirement to level higher, because the same amount of skill to cut a magic tree is the same as cutting an oak one.




It's not a FPS where, to get better, you gain actual skill and better reflexes. But the difference is, you can carry that skill to different FPS games.




You can't really get 'better' in MMOs. There's probably a small handful of them out there that don't need grinding to get stats. If you know any, please name them.

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This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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It has always been about grinding. Most MMOs is just grinding because that's the only way to get 'better' (higher stats). It just makes the requirement to level higher, because the same amount of skill to cut a magic tree is the same as cutting an oak one.




It's not a FPS where, to get better, you gain actual skill and better reflexes. But the difference is, you can carry that skill to different FPS games.




You can't really get 'better' in MMOs. There's probably a small handful of them out there that don't need grinding to get stats. If you know any, please name them.

Guildwars has no grind, guildwars 2 will however.
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It's because you already know how to do everything. When you were new you didn't have that knowledge. Back then fighting monsters or doing skills was great because you didn't already know how. Now it's just same thing again and again.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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You can't really get 'better' in MMOs. There's probably a small handful of them out there that don't need grinding to get stats. If you know any, please name them.

Guildwars has no grind, guildwars 2 will however.


Eve uses a passive skill system, you plug in the skill and go about your buisness :mrgreen: Only downside is there's no real way to catch up to the people who started before you =\

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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Unbelievably, yes. The fact that RS has become a grindfest is quite true indeed, i remember my mindset as a noob was questing because it was so easy as a f2p. When i became a p2p, i realized there was even more to the world. But the p2p quests are quite, how to put this, tiresome?




Every quest these days is the same, get some items, talk to someone, kill something. In the end it is no longer fun to quest because they are to long and tedious.


Click the sig to visit my RS blog

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Unbelievably, yes. The fact that RS has become a grindfest is quite true indeed, i remember my mindset as a noob was questing because it was so easy as a f2p. When i became a p2p, i realized there was even more to the world. But the p2p quests are quite, how to put this, tiresome?




Every quest these days is the same, get some items, talk to someone, kill something. In the end it is no longer fun to quest because they are to long and tedious.

Runescape has not become a grindfest, it was like that from the beginning, but when you started you'd not done enough to be aware of it. The quests you run as a p2per are no more monotonous then the f2p ones, try running the f2p ones several times over on new characters and you'll get sick of them pretty soon.

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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Unbelievably, yes. The fact that RS has become a grindfest is quite true indeed, i remember my mindset as a noob was questing because it was so easy as a f2p. When i became a p2p, i realized there was even more to the world. But the p2p quests are quite, how to put this, tiresome?




Every quest these days is the same, get some items, talk to someone, kill something. In the end it is no longer fun to quest because they are to long and tedious.

Runescape has not become a grindfest, it was like that from the beginning, but when you started you'd not done enough to be aware of it. The quests you run as a p2per are no more monotonous then the f2p ones, try running the f2p ones several times over on new characters and you'll get sick of them pretty soon.
In the past i broke the monotony by pking or staking, or even giving items to my friends..



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Runescape has always been a grindfest. However, with the introductions of skillcapes came a whole new era of grinding.


I have tried to avoid it, but even I do it from time to time. I try to do things in thousands. I catch 1 k lobsters, then I chop 1k logs, then I burn 1k logs, then I gain 1 strength level, then I do a quest.


Once it feels like I am grinding, I take a break. I do this to relax and enjoy myself not to work.

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Having played RS since classic and STILL being able to play it, I can say I always thought of RS as a grind.




That's really why I play it. Ever since RS2 I've thought that the grind has been getting much easier. And welcome the idea that Jagex is returning to the old "grind".




It seems to many players recently believe that getting a skill to 99 shouldn't take to long. Months at most.




I often wonder what brings these types of players here?




This obviously isn't a first person shooter. And it certainly isn't another "max out in 6 months game". Why do players come here, then immediately complain that it's a grind?




Of course it is! There ARE those of us that LIKE grinds. We like the idea that the time required to get a toon to a respectable level is measured in YEARS.




I WELCOME the removal of all the do-x, and make-x options, though I know that will never happen.

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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This is a tough question.




(I've been playing since Spring of '05, just for the record.)




(Wow, it's been a long time...)




At times I feel like to do anything I have to grind, grind, grind, which I never seem to have time for, what with real life and everything. But at others, when I'm doing a fun quest or just hanging out with other players, I remember why I started playing Runescape in the first place, which was primarily to have fun.




I think that there's a bit too much of a focus on skills and raising them; I (almost) wish that there were no level requirements or xp rewards for quests, so that people could just do them and have fun with them...




Sometimes I just walk back into Lumbridge, and walk from there to Draynor, and seeing the trees there bring back so many memories. Maybe it's only a grindfest if we make it into one, and that's the whole point...

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It's always been a grindfest. The only reason you don't notice until you're fairly experienced is that until yo hit 90-100 cb, you still have plenty to do besides level skills. Skills also become more difficult to level as you go on; 90 att is much harder to get from 89 than 60 attack is from 59.






It's much easier for me to get dragged into powerleveling on for 4 hours now than it was when I was a newbie back in '03, I don't have much else to do.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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I am a "veteran" player... :? and i think that although lots of people do grind, it is just for a short amount of time. I "grind" if i want wear or use something or just because i want to have higher stats, but i don't do it every time i log on, and i dont think anyone play runescape just to "grind" it would become incredibly boring thats why no one can "grind" forever. People "grind" everyone grinds but runescape has not become a grind fest

I don't like fun, it upsets me.-- Marilyn Manson

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Even though it was a grindfest in the beginning, it wasnt as noticeable at low levels. And it seems every new skill they bring out, such as construction or summoning, require so much money too. This just adds to the tiresome hours of farming stuff to sell or make into stuff to sell for more money to feed our sick addictions.


Click the sig to visit my RS blog

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yes it have


and yes i played for more then 2 years also


the only reason its a grindfest is because people pure making pking and stakeing pures making it a grindfest


then people will grind to 99 in a skill


then grind to 200mill exp


the only reason i even still play is becuase i always like new quests that is made and want a few 99s b4 i even think of quiting forever




lots of games are grindfest


WoW is a grindfest kill kill kill


maplestory is a grindfest kill kill kill then look for scrolls


gunz grindfest kill kill kill


counter strike its all about killing others lmao :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:


rarely ever check forums.

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  • 7 months later...

I have been playing just over 2 years.


When I ask most players "quest points?" high levels need to be asked about 3 times (embarrsed) and finnaly answer with a basic 83 (thats the average high leveled players quest points). I have 189. Most players are only intrested in making in-game money.

My username is jamesrules90 NOT jimmyjames227.


Click here to feed me!

A nice undieable one!!!

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Playing since feb of 01 and having tons of players banned, and doing all quests more then once, id venture to say yes. The quests are boreing with no great reward. Everything is repeative. The minigames are not that fun, back when castel wars came out I was around level 106~ and back then it was fun for me cause I could kill everyone, hold the flag defenceless whatever. But yes, its a grindfest, but if you try to do other things you waste time. Its more time conserving if you go directly from 70-80 craft then it is to, get 5 craft lvl, than get 2 str levels etc. because you have to re prepare for the other skill.

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LOL, I hate to say it, but yes, rs is a total grindfest now, U just dont notice it in the early lvls because its so easy 2 lvl back then...




Ive been playing since 0'4 and count myself as very experienced, but when I see how much more I have to go, i cower...


I fondly remember the good old days in which goblins were hard and doing cooks assistant was a big achievement... But now everything takes sooo much longer...


i often just wish jagx would release a skill that wasnt hard 2 train, expensive to train and that was fast.... but that will never happen, so I should just get on with life.





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Maybe RS really turned into a grind fest.


So be it. I really don't care.


I call myself an experienced player (almost 6 years now on this account).


If you look at my stats; they aren't that great.


I don't got much questpoints.


I do what ever I want.


A few posts before me a guy stated that it was better to get x amount of lvls one after each other then x amount in this skill and then an x amount in a other skill.


I know you are right but I don't care on how long it takes to get an x amount of lvls in a skill.


I just play for fun and that is what you should do. Not for the 99's, not for the most money, just for the fun of the game.







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I always seem to find a new thing to try as long as I look for it, and I have been playing since 2004. I don't mind the element of repeatedly doing something to earn a level or so, it just ensures that I can continue playing and still have something left to do.




As long as you play for the social interaction as much as for the game's many challenges and don't lose focus on having fun with friends, Runescape doesn't have to become a total "grindfest" even though almost everything in the game is without a doubt based on grinding.




It has a lot to do with your mindset, but if you are bored while playing it doesn't hurt turning it off and doing something else for a while.

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i bin playin a while on and off and im happy with my levels and i 'grinded' 11k monkfish to get enough money for great combat gear. i enjoy runescape though, no 99s because 99 is long and boring. also once you get a 99 it just means you cant level that skill anymore. i think if i grinded my fishing to 99 i would never want to fish again and i would be sorely disappointed that there was no difference after i got over the fact i spent months to get a number in a game.

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