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Runescape GF's or BF's


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It just struck me whats the point of gaving a RS BF or GF? Half the time ppl ask out someone they dont know. I mean even if you met someone and hanged wit them and get to know them and ask em out they may not be who they say they. If a girl noob asks you shes prob a gold digger. My point is wats the use for a RS BF or GF?

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Runescape is a rpg.








Stop whining about it.




Yeah, If I want I can roleplay the rol of an evil vamipiric rol that has 100,000 girlfriends!




To the guy with the cool penguin: Yeah, I hate these topics too, can't wait until this get locked, too bad it was reported before me :(



Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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Just a quick tip.it of info incase some of you didnt know (Not that it applies to anyone on here im sure :P and im sure most, if not all already knew, but i didnt until a cpl of days ago :oops: )






Is it okay to ask for a boyfriend or girlfriend in RuneScape?




No, that is solicitation and is not allowed at all. This is to ensure the safety of all our players.




Source: Rule 1




So, taking it from that...you can report the next n00b you see shouting "need gf" :XD:



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Runescape GF's or BF's





And you won't like him when he's angry...
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Actually, if you look at Jagex's rules, having a GF/BF is illegal :shame:


Having isn't. Going around asking people is.




Lol, earlier today some guy was asking every female character he saw to be his gf, then I told him he could be my gf just for lulz. He offered to become a girl... #-o

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I do suppose you're talking about those people who say "need hot gf p10x" (which is funny, all RuneScapian females look the same)? If so, this...


It is pointless. Kinda like this thread.


...is true.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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My point is wats the use for a RS BF or GF?




I don't like to label my friends... Good, Best, what's the difference?




What's so " :-s " about the joke?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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