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Your thoughts on the new Tif.


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A few things I don't understand. Why not stick with phpBB2? It worked fine and everyone liked it. Does it have to have the huge phpbb logo in the top left? Can it go back to the old runetips logo? And do posts have to show whether people are online or not? it's just annoying. Also I miss my sig :wall: oh yeah and skinny smileys FTL.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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That is nice but it's still a bit 'large'. I'd like to know why we can't just go back to the old forums unless they got totally messed up.




We cannot just go back to the old forums. The old forums simply do not exist anymore. The entire database was deleted. And pretty soon phpBB2 will no longer be supported. That means that it will not be as secure as phpBB3 and will be far more vulnerable to hackers, etc.




A few things I don't understand. Why not stick with phpBB2? It worked fine and everyone liked it. Does it have to have the huge phpbb logo in the top left? Can it go back to the old runetips logo? And do posts have to show whether people are online or not? it's just annoying. Also I miss my sig :wall: oh yeah and skinny smileys FTL.




To answer your first question, please read above. Our old forums were completely deleted. The database is gone. We will eventually be putting our Rune Tips logo back in the top left hand corner. You'll just have to be patient :) And I'm sorry but there is no way we can retrieve your signature. As I stated above, our entire forum database was deleted so your signature is no longer there. Let this serve as a reminder for everyone to save a copy of your signatures, blogs, guides, etc. on your computer.

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Too big and need a darker skin........


Aww my post count!!!!!!! I was a skeleton shield :evil: :evil: :evil:




My avvy wont show....... :|

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Is there a way to get the old look? Does one of our wonderful members of the community have the skills to create one?




How does this look to you: http://demo.phpbb3styles.net/subsilver2 ? It's pretty similar to the old forum.




Hopefully we will have that particular skin installed soon and then we will get a few more colours eventually. If any of you want to have a say in the process, please check out the following thread: Suggest a Style: PHPBB3.




that one is unbelievably better

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The new look is modern, pretty easy to navigate and overall quite nice.




However!! I cant stand the huge bit for your name and avatar and posts etc. I reckon that is too large and the posts writing shouldt go to the very edge of the screen just my opinion :(

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I love the new boards. Everything is so high tech compared to what it used to be. Plus we now have like hardly any limits on out signatures. The only thing i don't like about this is the ugly PhpBB and the top of the page. That needs to get out of here.

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The new look is modern, pretty easy to navigate and overall quite nice.




However!! I cant stand the huge bit for your name and avatar and posts etc. I reckon that is too large and the posts writing shouldt go to the very edge of the screen just my opinion :(




Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing. Is there any way to make the left hand square with the names and avatar smaller? The posts need to be more centered so it's easier to read, because right now it's quite an eye sore. It's tolerable, just not very convenient for readers.

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Well, I do find loading times to be a bit better, what really gets me is that there's been no '20 page creation' times at all, whether that's from lack of users posting, or lack of images, or content, or less script to load, I don't know, but I'll enjoy it now.




Though same thing as others have posted, forum skins are needed for visual appeal.

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I have always hated the look of phpbb3, the profile page is messign and hard to controll.. the general look is too cluttered.




+ none of the buttons work, so i have to quote someone to post a reply.






i just overall hate it... yeh.


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I love the new boards. Everything is so high tech compared to what it used to be. Plus we now have like hardly any limits on out signatures. The only thing i don't like about this is the ugly PhpBB and the top of the page. That needs to get out of here.


Limits still exist, as far as I have heard, they are just not set currently. The limits will still be strictly enforced, so stay by the rules. :)




As for the PhpBB, it will be changed in the near future to the Tip.It one, there is just a lot on the hands of the Admins, plus they need their sleep. :)

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There are some things I don't like about the new tif.


1. I miss the loggo.


2. The pictures in the "post your pic" thread gets all cut off on the right side, so you can't see the items on the right side of the inventory etc.


3. I liked the all round smilies, not the ones that looks like balloons.




That's all.

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There are some things I don't like about the new tif.


1. I miss the loggo.


2. The pictures in the "post your pic" thread gets all cut off on the right side, so you can't see the items on the right side of the inventory etc.


3. I liked the all round smilies, not the ones that looks like balloons.




That's all.




1. Hopefully we'll get that back up and running soon :)




2. I have informed our techies of this issue and hopefully it will be dealt with.




3. Maybe we can get some more/different smilies in the future :)

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Only thing that's missing for me is the Tip.it symbol in the top left corner...Mostly because i think it's a convenient link to Tip.it




I'm already getting used to the new tif, and it looks alright to me.







RIP my main Xprozaccx.

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Id prefer if the default setting for the subject line was blank, or making the font size for it and the line under it for every post a bit smaller. I find it hard to find the text of peoples posts with these 2 overbearing and unhelpful lines.


Used to be a line before peoples sigs, I'd like to see that return, again to help read posts.


I also have a problem whereby once i finish reading a topic I usually press backspace to get me back to the forum, this no longer works if someone has posted a reply anywhere in that forum and I have to refresh the page. The old forums automatically refreshed.


But good work you guys, I'm well impressed!

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