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What skill could YOU live without?


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Firemaking, for sure.




Why did I get 99 in the skill I could live without, you ask?




Being a fairly goal driven person, even if I were thinking about quitting next week, I'd still have a goal. As the most long term goal you can have in this game, I *eventually* want all 99, as do anyone, right?




Well I decided to get 99 firemaking because now, I NEVER have to even think about it again. I personally consider it to be the most wasteful (a lot of other skills cost more, but you get NOTHING back for firemaking) and useless skill in the game. I haven't thought about it once since I got the cape. I don't even wear the cape, I wear WC :P



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Firemaking, for sure.




Why did I get 99 in the skill I could live without, you ask?




Being a fairly goal driven person, even if I were thinking about quitting next week, I'd still have a goal. As the most long term goal you can have in this game, I *eventually* want all 99, as do anyone, right?




Well I decided to get 99 firemaking because now, I NEVER have to even think about it again. I personally consider it to be the most wasteful (a lot of other skills cost more, but you get NOTHING back for firemaking) and useless skill in the game. I haven't thought about it once since I got the cape. I don't even wear the cape, I wear WC :P




LOL someone with 99 fm says its useless :D nice


lulz wut?

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Hunter was totally uninspiring when it came out and for me is still only trained if required for a quest.




So I would say hunter except for the chins maybe that will tempt me into training it




At least with firemaking you can look forward to burning better shades on the pyre logs :)

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You, I like.




Everyone who said firemaking, your days are numbered.




Every skill has a place in the eyes of a Skiller.




Although, since this topic is choosing the *most* useless skill, I'll have to say Summoning. I have too many beefs with it. I hardly use it at all for the large investments made.

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I think the only skill everyone could live without is firemaking, i knw people are like well you NEED it, well if it never existed we would never need light sources in the first place, everywhere would be li already/not exist lol so hmm.. <3:




(First post on new forums :mrgreen: )



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