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Oh wow, are the only boards you guys visit and judge 4chan by /b/ and /r9k/?




There's /a/ and subcategories, /o/, /g/, /mu/, /jp/... So much more than those two boards.




I am aware of the 18 or over rule, but it only really applies to certain boards; not all are 'unsiutable for under 18s'... The only 'unsuitable' boards for under 18s are the ones marked so on the homepage.




Again, might help if you visit more than /b/ and /r9k/.




@above: I lol'd.

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Oh wow, are the only boards you guys visit and judge 4chan by /b/ and /r9k/?




There's /a/ and subcategories, /o/, /g/, /mu/, /jp/... So much more than those two boards.




I am aware of the 18 or over rule, but I feel it only really applies to certain boards; not all are 'unsiutable for under 18s'... Personally the only boards I mark as 'unsuitable' for under 18s, besides the obvious (/e/, /h/, /s/ etc) are /b/ and /r9k/.. everywhere else is fine if you don't mind occasional bad language.




Again, might help if you visit more than /b/ and /r9k/.




@above: I lol'd.




Atleast its not what I thought ... :)

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I watch the 4Chan forums once in a while :oops:




At /h/ and /b/






Wait /h/ is .. *grabs sick bag*

Hentai.....its funny to see though,and its phr33 pr0n! \'

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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Oh wow, are the only boards you guys visit and judge 4chan by /b/ and /r9k/?




There's /a/ and subcategories, /o/, /g/, /mu/, /jp/... So much more than those two boards.




I am aware of the 18 or over rule, but I feel it only really applies to certain boards; not all are 'unsiutable for under 18s'... Personally the only boards I mark as 'unsuitable' for under 18s, besides the obvious (/e/, /h/, /s/ etc) are /b/ and /r9k/.. everywhere else is fine if you don't mind occasional bad language.




Again, might help if you visit more than /b/ and /r9k/.




@above: I lol'd.




Atleast its not what I thought ... :)






If you had problems with that avoid /d/ and /y/ :thumbsup:




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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4chan is totally not for anybody under the age of 16. Legally, not under the age of 18, but who the hell really cares, right?


I'm 100% 4chan. I'm always on it, because it's what I'm into...technological pop culture. Maybe not the bestiality and the gore and the /h/ BUT they have some VERY cool pictures on that site.


Not to mention it's a cornerstone of Anonymous. Which is a BA organization.


I dunno, people get a bad impression of 4chan because of what it branched off of, but really, it's pretty sweet IMO.


BTW Happysniff, you are, in fact, [developmentally delayed]ed. 13-17 isn't appropriate age for 4chan. You have to be at least 16 to be able to go in there without your face melting.

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Oh wow, are the only boards you guys visit and judge 4chan by /b/ and /r9k/?




There's /a/ and subcategories, /o/, /g/, /mu/, /jp/... So much more than those two boards.




I am aware of the 18 or over rule, but it only really applies to certain boards; not all are 'unsiutable for under 18s'... The only 'unsuitable' boards for under 18s are the ones marked so on the homepage.




Again, might help if you visit more than /b/ and /r9k/.




@above: I lol'd.




lol, I agree. I hang around /g/ a lot, but that's because I need to release the nerd within :ugeek: I can't stand /mu/ though, just don't like the people tere, adn too much flaming last time I went.




Never actually been to /jp/ mostly because it didn't sound interesting to me, but I'll check it out.




/ac/ and /hr/ usually have really good images, /ac/ having them further between (some [ie a lot] is crudely drawn or 18+, but it's still worth a look). I've gotten a few of my backgrounds from /hr/




I'll admit I do go through /b/ and occasionally /h/, /y/, /e/, /u/ and /d/. There's some good quality work in some of there, and some images are downright funny. Plus, /s/ gets boring after awhile. It's either a request or a repost, and both are annoying.




4chan is really quite interesting because there's something for everyone and every mood that you're in. People just trolling through /b/ and the 18+ boards are really missing out on many things.




Infinte, you deserve it for letting a 7 year old look at 4chan, and probably going to /d/ or /b/.

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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I see no reason why people would start vomiting or something from /b/, every time I go there it's nothing but boobs and random crap. I guess they weren't looking at /b/ then, are there any "horrible" boards?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I see no reason why people would start vomiting or something from /b/, every time I go there it's nothing but boobs and random crap. I guess they weren't looking at /b/ then, are there any "horrible" boards?




Oh shut up, /h/ is not that bad. What about /d/ or /hc/? Those can be, and usually are, much worse than /h/. Have you been to /hc/ recently? Horrid. At least /h/ looks good most of the time. Just because it doesn't suit your interest doesn't make it the worst board on 4chan. Now if you said /y/ I would probably agree to a point, I hate that board. /gif/ can go either way, some days there are good gifs on there, other days it's absolutely horrible.

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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I see no reason why people would start vomiting or something from /b/, every time I go there it's nothing but boobs and random crap. I guess they weren't looking at /b/ then, are there any "horrible" boards?




Oh shut up, /h/ is not that bad. What about /d/ or /hc/? Those can be, and usually are, much worse than /h/. Have you been to /hc/ recently? Horrid. At least /h/ looks good most of the time. Just because it doesn't suit your interest doesn't make it the worst board on 4chan. Now if you said /y/ I would probably agree to a point, I hate that board. /gif/ can go either way, some days there are good gifs on there, other days it's absolutely horrible.










*grabs sick bag*

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I see no reason why people would start vomiting or something from /b/, every time I go there it's nothing but boobs and random crap. I guess they weren't looking at /b/ then, are there any "horrible" boards?




It used to be horrible and repugnant, now it's just.. How to put it.. "R­etarded". The sole user group remaining seems to be 13-15 year olds who have just been introduced to the internet (or specifically, message boards) and think their 10-year old memes and unfunny pictures are still interesting.

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Oh shut up, /h/ is not that bad. What about /d/ or /hc/? Those can be, and usually are, much worse than /h/. Have you been to /hc/ recently? Horrid. At least /h/ looks good most of the time. Just because it doesn't suit your interest doesn't make it the worst board on 4chan. Now if you said /y/ I would probably agree to a point, I hate that board. /gif/ can go either way, some days there are good gifs on there, other days it's absolutely horrible.










*grabs sick bag*

[/hide]I agree with urbest... /d/ and /hc/ are disgusting, /y/ is vile, /gif/ is vile. /u/ can be a bit, 'errm', but not as much as the other boards.




And tentacle is far from the worst thing you'll see on 4chan. Far.

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Oh shut up, /h/ is not that bad. What about /d/ or /hc/? Those can be, and usually are, much worse than /h/. Have you been to /hc/ recently? Horrid. At least /h/ looks good most of the time. Just because it doesn't suit your interest doesn't make it the worst board on 4chan. Now if you said /y/ I would probably agree to a point, I hate that board. /gif/ can go either way, some days there are good gifs on there, other days it's absolutely horrible.










*grabs sick bag*

[/hide]I agree with urbest... /d/ and /hc/ are disgusting, /y/ is vile, /gif/ is vile. /u/ can be a bit, 'errm', but not as much as the other boards.




And tentacle is far from the worst thing you'll see on 4chan. Far.




The worst thing I have ever seen on 4chan is a gore thread on /b/, and I consider myself one of those people who are generally unaffected by pictures like those. About halfway through the thread I realized I should get away while I still had my dinner in my stomach. No matter what you say, /b/ is by far the worst board, simply because ANYTHING can appear on it. Atleast in the other boards you get what you are expecting, save for the odd idiot looking for a ban. What's worse, going to a funeral home and seeing a corpse, or walking down the street and seeing an identical corpse on the sidewalk? If you go into whatever themed board and see the theme, you should be fine with it. After all, you went into it knowing what the theme is. With /b/ however, there is no theme. Sure, you can try and prepare yourself for everything, but it's a hell of a lot easier to prepare yourself for one thing than it is to do the same for everything. /gif/ is the exception to this, because I have never seen anything on it that I consider disgusting, save for shock-GIF's or whatever you want to call them.




I'm not saying you can't have your opinions of the different boards on 4chan, just don't come complaining to me when a picture on 4chan makes you puke when you're expecting that picture.




/know-it-all, because I really don't think I spend enough time on 4chan to tell you what is disgusting and what isn't. I haven't even visted half the boards.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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I find this entire debate about horrible things hilarious. Really after a while you become, i'll give you a chart to show you how far i am along in the stages >:D




[hide=]Wrong colored board on the last stage for me, but oh well.



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On that quiz I got 77% and I've been on 4chan maybe 5 times... I personally choose not to melt my mind with such drivel to be honest. I have friends that frequent it often and they simply cannot stop parroting 4chan memes. I don't want to be that way.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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On that quiz I got 77% and I've been on 4chan maybe 5 times... I personally choose not to melt my mind with such drivel to be honest. I have friends that frequent it often and they simply cannot stop parroting 4chan memes. I don't want to be that way.




And it annoys me when people start talking all that 4chan crap and memes outside of 4chan - eg, Tipit, thanks to a few who think it's pretty cool. It's not. /b/ is a sad place, and you don't want to be associated with it.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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